

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2018
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Hello everyone.

Has anyone had their child circumcised? My son was circumcised when he was 2 weeks old, he is now 15 months. Can anyone tell me what it should look like by now, when I take his nappy off his "helmet" is covered with skin and I'm wondering if this is normal. When his penis isn't all squished up in his nappy it's not covered, I don't know any males to campare it to other than my partner and he has absolutely no foreskin but I assume that is because he is an adult. So is it normal for my son to still have skin at point or not. My partner obviously doesn't remember what his looked like at that age. Please help
This is probably something you need to speak to your GP about
Sorry I only just saw your message, I actually called the clinic where he had it done and when I explained everything, they certainly sounded panicked. I will get an appointment within the next 4 weeks and they are now saying it sounds like it did not go properly and he may need to have another circumcision. I was distraught the 1st time, so was my son, not sure how either of us will cope if he has to have a 2nd.
Sorry I only just saw your message, I actually called the clinic where he had it done and when I explained everything, they certainly sounded panicked. I will get an appointment within the next 4 weeks and they are now saying it sounds like it did not go properly and he may need to have another circumcision. I was distraught the 1st time, so was my son, not sure how either of us will cope if he has to have a 2nd.
Plus can't see a Dr due to this covid-19, they refused to see him
My son had to have his redone at 10 months old. I was terrified, but he did great. Of course I got sarcasm from the foreign Dr because they "don't do that where he's from". Hopefully they can see him soon and all goes well!
I'm glad that at least they confirmed it needs to be re-done. We wanted to have our son done but they said they wouldn't allow it. How did you manage to have it sorted for your little one?

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