

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Just wondered where everyone was spending Christmas this year - also what would you RATHER be doing (if something different) and whether you're looking forward to Christmas this year?

We're spending it at home and having my mum and dad and DH's parents over. Will be a bit hectic but I'm glad we're having it at home this year.

I'll be at home with my hubby, Aaron and my mum and brother. I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else! Bit gutted as we usually have my other brother and my sister with us but they have moved away and it's not easy for them to come to see us. My brother is coming for new year that so that'll be good! I love a good family christmas!
We are having christmas at home on our own with the kids. It will be Josephs first christmas and our last in this house which was our first home together.

Next year though we wont have an exuse for not having people for christmas dinner as we will have a bigger home.
gonna have christmas at home with our friends and their little boy and i can't wait :cheer: xx
We are going to oh's parents this year as his half sister and neice is coming over from new zealand. It will be the first time i have met them.

Should be interesting as we are also taking one of out cats with us, its going to drive us mad in the car for 2 hours.
think we're stayin at home with the kids. my parents n MIL will probs pop round at some point

glad im staying at home xmas day but wish i wasnt the one cooking xmas dinner i wanna relax n just play with the toys like hubby n the kids :shakehead:
We go to my moms every year, my brother brings his son and my nan and everyone will be there. I'd much rather be there than stay at home...I love having lots of people around me over Christmas.
At home :cheer:

i hate gping out xmas day which i have had to do since being with kris.

his mother thinks she is coming round at 9am christmas morning... no way! she has a partner now last yr we spent it with her because she was alone. so this yr i have envited her round for the day xmas eve or boxing day. do you think thats fair?
I would say that's fair hun! You've got your own little family now and if you wanna spend Christmas together then they should respect that. I hope you have a lovely day!
I will be in ireland at my future inlaws.
for 2 weeks dont know how iwill come. His Dad is bossy his sister is a crank who doesnt really appreciate that xmas is for kids and is miserable. His mum is great but obsessed with getting her own way with the wedding so much so she has given me her veil (which was nice of her it is lovely) but has now orgonised a blessing for when we get back of honeymoon. The blessing is in ireland in a little church, so that is up for discusion at xmas (i must admit am not religious but the church is so pretty and in the middle of farm lands its like ye olde days.) ANd we have to go to his grannys farm and help look after the herds which am just getting use to doing. the cows use to chase me.
My xmas is going to be great except for his obnoxious sister and his grumpy dad lol (I cant spell)
Pam xxx
We're just gonna stay at home, as i don;t see the point in making any plans when i could be in labour!
were going to my dads for crimbo i love being there for christmas cause thats where i was brought up :D

we also have a pink christmas tree lol
pammie said:
I will be in ireland at my future inlaws.
The blessing is in ireland in a little church, so that is up for discusion at xmas (i must admit am not religious but the church is so pretty and in the middle of farm lands its like ye olde days.) ANd we have to go to his grannys farm and help look after the herds which am just getting use to doing. the cows use to chase me.
My xmas is going to be great except for his obnoxious sister and his grumpy dad lol (I cant spell)
Pam xxx

I think a blessing when you come home sounds lovely, in a pretty wee church. Best of both worlds and Ireland is such a lovely place. Where abouts in Ireland if you dont mind me asking?
Its going to be our first christmas together with baby here so were spending it together. OHs parents and my family will probably pop over during the day. :D
Hi Lauramumof2

Its in northern ireland. Were having it in a little place called kilinchy just out side comber. (if you look at the map of northern ireland where the little finger sticks its stuck away in the corner.) Its a completley different world so beautiful. His mum is sorting everything out for us which is a great help and am having some pictures at the farm which has the back drop of cave hill and mountains. The farmers and there wives have been talking to his mum and have offered home made cakes and buscuits for the reception which i gladly accepted as I have tasted the biscuits and cakes that they make and they just melt away in your mouth. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I gained several pounds whilst over there last.
am really looking forward o it now.
Pam xx
Home in the morn, at nans from 11am, then mums from 1pm thru dinner, then in laws after dinner lol

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