Christmas has been hard


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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I really thought I was doing ok but I have found Christmas so hard this year. All I could think was, I should be 33 weeks pregnant now or thinking of the other babies I should of had here, enjoying Christmas and opening pressies etc. I didn't let on to OH that I was feeling like this as didn't want to ruin Christmas for anyone so have been bottling it all up and I feel so low about it all. Its been years of ttc, 3 miscarriages and no baby. I really thought I was dealing with it all so well but I guess after losing 3 babies, you're never fully ok :(
Sorry for the depressing thread, just had to get it out of my head xx
So sorry to hear it's not been a good time, I've struggled too. Luckily we're just about to put an offer on a house so will have something good to focus on in the new year! Hugs to you xx
Thanks ladies. Hopefully these feelings will pass in a few days xx
I feel like that. I should either be 37 or 24 weeks now, from my two miscarriages. I don't generally keep count, but I know I'm only a couple of weeks off my first due date and I remember that I was going to be 24 weeks (viability day) around New Year with my second, so it's hard not to dwell on it.

I had a lot to focus on before Christmas, work was busy and I had to run around getting ready for Christmas too, but now I have time off work with not enough distractions. Got to be the only time I'm looking forward to going back to work, to keep my mind busy.

I don't have any helpful suggestions for you, just know that you're not the only one. Do you have any plans for the new year with regard to ttc?
Hey hun,
I was the same but it was more in the days before christmas, i was a monster! I think it's the whole cliche of everyone playing happy families etc :( hope you're feeling better now/soon xxx
I feel like that. I should either be 37 or 24 weeks now, from my two miscarriages. I don't generally keep count, but I know I'm only a couple of weeks off my first due date and I remember that I was going to be 24 weeks (viability day) around New Year with my second, so it's hard not to dwell on it.

I had a lot to focus on before Christmas, work was busy and I had to run around getting ready for Christmas too, but now I have time off work with not enough distractions. Got to be the only time I'm looking forward to going back to work, to keep my mind busy.

I don't have any helpful suggestions for you, just know that you're not the only one. Do you have any plans for the new year with regard to ttc?

I am sorry you are feeling like this too :( Its so hard not to think about it or imagine where you would be in the pregnancy.
Christmas kept me busy too and then when the day came, it all hit me. I am looking forward to getting back to work too, even though I don't like my job.

We will be ttc from middle of Feb as that's when we will get the results from the recurrent miscarriage clinic. I want to try now as I feel I am wasting months that could have been the months for our forever baby but my OH wants the results first.
How about you?
I truly hope 2014 is the year for all of us xx

Hey hun,
I was the same but it was more in the days before christmas, i was a monster! I think it's the whole cliche of everyone playing happy families etc :( hope you're feeling better now/soon xxx

Thanks hun, I am a bit of a monster now. Don't really want to speak to anyone. Feel utterly miserable :( x
I'm in a similar boat to you lisey, I'm being seen by the recurrent miscarriage clinic. I've had blood tests done but haven't been able to get the results. I've got a hysteroscopy booked at the end of January so can't try before then but I'm due to ovulate about 3 days after it so I'm going for it then. I'll be insisting on my blood test results on the day of the hysteroscopy too. I had the blood taken in November and when I call for the results I can't seem to speak to anyone who is authorised to give them to me.

I'd try now, if it was just for the blood tests, but I can't have a hysteroscopy when pregnant and my OH thinks it would be silly to get pregnant the month before it and risk another miscarriage when the hysteroscopy might show up something important. I don't think the hysteroscopy will show anything, which is why I feel I'm wasting time. But I suppose it's good to rule things out.

I don't always like my job either, but I stayed late a lot before Christmas doing extra and I'm planning to do so again in the New Year, keep my mind busy. I actually like it more when I make the effort, I just begrudge doing the unpaid overtime.

I think the next few weeks waiting until the clinic appointment will be hard, but I'm looking forward to it nearly being time to try again. I've been waiting since September.

Hope 2014 is a good year for you too, it sounds like we'll be seeing each other around and about with timings being similar! I hope we both see each other in tri 1 very soon. :)
Have you had 2 sets of bloods taken? I have only had one lot taken so far, got to repeat them in jan and then results in feb. I will be missing 2 fertile periods in that time as I would have 2 opportunities in Jan. That's all we are waiting for, I have had a HSG and a laparoscopy so we know whats going on in there but OH says he doesn't want to risk another MC before we get results. We have already had karyotype bloods done so we know chromosomes are ok but again, he wants to wait. I feel like he is just waiting for something to be wrong with me :( (I know I am over analysing cos of the way I'm feeling).
Hopefully this will pass quickly for us both and we will be ttc again very soon, followed by sticky beans. It would be great to move through the trimesters at the same time after such a long hard journey that we have both had xx
Sorry you have had such a low time. I too had 3 losses, but as the last one was 'only' a chemical it was not counted as my 3rd loss so no rmc referral etc. I wasn't prepared to loose another just to get tested - so I took matters into my own hands and researched a few things that can help with mc.....I started taking extra folic acid on top of what was in my pre-natel, also extra vit D which can effect fertility if low, and also started taking low dose aspirin - all these things can help if that is the issue, but won't hurt you if it isn't. not sure if it's coincidence, but I am now 27 weeks pregnant.

I still remembered my lost beans, who would have been 6 months old, 3 months old or 1 week old at Christmas.

I hope you are able to ttc again soon and will be blessed with your much deserved sticky bean.
Sorry you have had such a low time. I too had 3 losses, but as the last one was 'only' a chemical it was not counted as my 3rd loss so no rmc referral etc. I wasn't prepared to loose another just to get tested - so I took matters into my own hands and researched a few things that can help with mc.....I started taking extra folic acid on top of what was in my pre-natel, also extra vit D which can effect fertility if low, and also started taking low dose aspirin - all these things can help if that is the issue, but won't hurt you if it isn't. not sure if it's coincidence, but I am now 27 weeks pregnant.

I still remembered my lost beans, who would have been 6 months old, 3 months old or 1 week old at Christmas.

I hope you are able to ttc again soon and will be blessed with your much deserved sticky bean.

Thanks for this, I have looked into the low dose aspirin and I did buy some just incase. If we were to fall pregnant before the results then they still see us and I imagine they will suggest the aspirin. What dose of folic acid and vit d did you take? I take conception vits but I know they are not huge doses, wouldn't want to take too much of something though.

Congrats on your pregnancy too :) xx
They've only taken bloods from me once though I have read it should be twice for clotting factors. There was no mention of repeats. I'm an egg donor so I've passed those karyotype tests apparently. Your oh sounds the same as mine, I was all for trying before the hysteroscopy but she said it would be foolish not too wait. I do agree but it's very hard to wait.

Iwant3, I've started taking extra folic acid, I take 800mg or 1200mg on top of the one in my conception vitamins. Do you think this is enough? I've heard of aspirin and will be going on it after my hysteroscopy but don't know about the vitamin d. It already takes a pint of water each morning to get my tablets down, one more can't hurt! Congrats on your pregnancy, lovely to see a success after heartache.
Yes I completely get where my OH is coming from but its very hard to put it on hold. There are some places that only do the bloods once so I don't think its that unusual. I wish I only had one lot as that would mean I would get the results sooner. I am literally wishing away the days to get to Feb x
Sorry you have had such a low time. I too had 3 losses, but as the last one was 'only' a chemical it was not counted as my 3rd loss so no rmc referral etc. I wasn't prepared to loose another just to get tested - so I took matters into my own hands and researched a few things that can help with mc.....I started taking extra folic acid on top of what was in my pre-natel, also extra vit D which can effect fertility if low, and also started taking low dose aspirin - all these things can help if that is the issue, but won't hurt you if it isn't. not sure if it's coincidence, but I am now 27 weeks pregnant.

I still remembered my lost beans, who would have been 6 months old, 3 months old or 1 week old at Christmas.

I hope you are able to ttc again soon and will be blessed with your much deserved sticky bean.

Thanks for this, I have looked into the low dose aspirin and I did buy some just incase. If we were to fall pregnant before the results then they still see us and I imagine they will suggest the aspirin. What dose of folic acid and vit d did you take? I take conception vits but I know they are not huge doses, wouldn't want to take too much of something though.

Congrats on your pregnancy too :) xx

I take the tesco's own pregnancy vits (haven't got a box in the house to know the contents/doses they have in them) and I also take the TEsco own vit D and folic acid which are 12.5ug - which is 250% rda (not sure how to do the sign looks like a 'u' with a tail) and the folic acid is 400.0ug which is 200% of your rda

I was taking all this for 5 cycles between my last mc and conception, so it was all well and truly in my system.
Thanks for that. I am going to buy some vit d and top up my folic acid x

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