

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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I am adicted to choccy at the moment, its a bit worring!

I seem to be liking the mint and orange flavored ones, and melted choccy is my fave! i cant get enough o fit, i dont seem to be putting on any weight from it tho, which i find strange!

whats everyones cravings at the mo??
Hey Layla,

I am the same, but I find that it makes my heartburn a lot worse. PLUS I think that if I decide to be good my serotonin takes a dive and I'm miserable. I read somewhere once that women in particular eat sweet and starchy foods for a mood lift, and that we are really "self medicating" for mild depression. Feeling how I feel today, after a fruity day yesterday, I'm inclined to believe them. I'm anxious, irritable and weepy.

Of course, that may be the high blood pressure, but I don't think so. I think it's because I stopped my startling choccie intake.

So if you decide to go off it, be careful and come down gradually!

Oh btw, mothers who eat chocolate make the amniotic fluid sweet and so baby is very appreciative and will kick a lot. Also, studies have shown that chocolate eaters have babies who are more contented and happier in the first few months of it isn't all bad, just be moderate!

I never touched chocolate until I fell pregnant, now I cant get enough of the stuff. I find i crave it more first thing in the morning!
I went off chocolate for the first 20 weeks :-(

But I love it again now, so making up for it!

Happy to report no cravings yet! yippppeeeeee! Thats one preggy symptom I didn't want!
Mmmm, mint chocolate. Ate a whole box of mint match makers (is that what they are called) yesterday and don't feel guilty. Have ben thinking about after eight mints also. Its wierd as I'm not a big chocolate fan but just lately I love mint. I have a thing about "clean tasting" foods, have no way to explain this but raw veg and fruit taste clean so I eat them a lot whereas other foods don't taste clean (its so wierd). I guess because tooth paste is minty I am craving the clean taste of mint even though in chocolate it has tons of suger. Have even started to brush teeth lot as I love the flavour of the toothpaste.
Tiny Sue said:
Hey Layla,

Oh btw, mothers who eat chocolate make the amniotic fluid sweet and so baby is very appreciative and will kick a lot. Also, studies have shown that chocolate eaters have babies who are more contented and happier in the first few months of it isn't all bad, just be moderate!


thats sooo true! my little man doesnt stop moving, and its getting to the point wehre im getting annoyed coz i have no relife!

i read this morning that at this stage of pregnancy your baby will sleep 90% of the time...........well in my case thats crap lol, he sleeps for prob a couple of hours a day, the rest of the time he is very active, unless he is asleep and just wiggles alot.
I've never really been a choccy fan till now and coming up to my due date I have gone choccy mad. Well, sweet mad as well. I have had 3 boxes of French Fancies in 3 days with a chocolate bar or 2 with it!!!! That's like one all in one go each day! My bum and thighs are getting bigger - wonder why :eek:)

I have never been big on chocolate but have been eating rather alot of it recently!! :?

Especially chocolate digestives!! Or cadbury's fingers!!

Yummy - off to the cupboard now!!
Try caramel digestives or caramel fingers...

Or we have new biccies over here now...called PiMS...Please Indulge My jaffa cakes with different flavours...the lemon ones are YUM.

Have been known to eat a WHOLE packet of Jaffa cakes at once...before I was preggie! But not now, though I did almost go through a whole box of after eights on my own!

Rolo yogerts!

OH MY GOD! they are stunning, i had one last night and its soooooooooooo good for choccy cravings lol
MMMM rolo ice cream too!! It's sooo nice.

I never used to eat chocolate much either but in the last few weeks I can't get enough of the stuff!! :lol:
I went through a bad stage of craving for chocolate, it was my longest craving, lasted about a month, then recently my craving was cheese spread on toast, i was eating it at least twice a day, but now i dont seem to be bothered about it, so no cravings at the mo, wonder what's next.

Ben and Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew Ice Cream...

*falls over into a pool of her own drool....*

i think i best lay off the choccy for a while.

just had a rolo yogurt, felt fine before i had it, but now im yawning like mad and my body feels like its under water or something, really need to sleep.

i prob overdosed on sugar lol
i must be abnormal. gone off chocolate this time. Cant say that i really crave anything at the moment. i did crave different fruits at one point but i havent got any cravings at the moment.

it would be interesting to find out who had the worst craving.
I've had cravings for chocolate and sweet stuff and it's really starting to show now!

9lb on in a fortnight! :shock: And I don't think I've been eating that much of it, it just seems like everything I am eating is being stored! (plus carrying lots of fluid round my lower legs/ankles/feet).
I can't get the zips up on my new boots :(
Im doing a little test today,

over the past few days i have had alot of choccy, but havent been feeling to good, yesterday i felt so bad that i went to bed and watched tv at 8.30 just so i could lay down. my dad is a diabeatic and he said that eating to much choccy makes you really tired, drianed and your body go heavy and achey, which is what i have been getting.

so today, im not going to eat one bit of chocolate, which will be hard! lol but i want to see if i feel any better for it.

will keep you posted
Last night I tried to get one of those rolo yoghurts from the supermarket but they were out of stock :roll: so I bought a Cadburys Caramel mousse instead. OMG! Divine!

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