Chinese a no no

Ive had IBS 9 years and pizza dough sets me off bad but thankfully chinese is ok
I've eaten chinese too! I didn't realise there was a problem with it :/ x We get our from our friends (was in school with him and he and OH go to uni together) chinese, and know for def the food is done from scratch, no MSG. But then, it doesn't taste like other chinese food I've had so I don't know if they just do it diffrent x When we went for tea they cook the food the same for themselves (obviously not all the time lol) as thedo for the take out, and at the time his sister was eating and she was heavily pregnant x She must have been eating it all the time and I'm sure it was fine x
That's good you can have Chinese, I'd def miss pizza if I couldn't have that! Have to watch how much dairy I eat and a few other bits and pieces. Wonder if IBS gets worse in pregnancy as your system slows down, might have to be more aware to watch what we eat.
My ibs flared up quite badly in this pregnant. Touch wood have been ok in tri 3.

hugs smess. Mine seems to be better since getting pg and Im only 5 weeks. Ive noticed no pain and no constipation.
i've not heard anything about that hun. plus.... if it were true, what would the chinese women eat? ;-) x
i had chinese last night. never heard of not being able to have it. i have had it in all 3 trimesters. xxx
Ah i wouldnt listen to that, they would have us all starving if we avoided everything ppl mentioned! You can eat prawns if they are cooked, which obviously they would be in a chinese, i would go for it! I totally deprived myself of everything when i had Ethan and this time ive just had whatever i wanted with the exception of unpasturised cheese and pate! x
Thanks all. well, I ate a vegetable thai red curry and its blown my head off but has cleared my head and cold a bit although my mouth is on fire majorly lol. Bloody lovely though !
i had a chinese last night too have one every fri and did through my last pregnancy and was fine :) i was eating carrot sticks from asda and on the back it said for pregnant women to avoid lol whatever next x
Cherrybinky, some places allow you to ask for food minus the msg.

If you're worried about it, might be worthwhile asking for the dishes that don't contain it!
thanks Emma Im not too worried to be honest but if it had been a definite no no I wouldnt have had a chinese. I dont think the one we use is too bad x
have been eating it weekly all the way through. So long as you trust the way they cook the food, can't really see any problem with it! my big thing at the moment is anything with curry, hmmmm perhaps a takeaway for us tonight.
What about Chinese women? :lol:
I love Chinese food, Indian food too, but I just LOVE spring rolls and rice and curry and Mmmmmm!
Yeah how can a million chinese people be wrong ;)

I think its because their method of cooking and the ingredients they use over there are adapted to our pallet and things are added for flavour etc. Gotta love it though ;)
I've been having Chinese food regularly, at times special fried rice and chicken noodle soup were the only things I could eat in any quantity! I think some of the food warnings are a bit overdone. My midwife said no sushi but when I went onto the Food Standards Agency's website they said sushi was perfectly fine so, in the absence of any concrete evidence on the harm of eating sushi in pregnancy, I decided to trust an organisation whose job it is to make sure that food we eat is safe rather than the word of one midwife (the sushi we had on Thursday night was great by the way :D).
I've been eating all takeaways!!! Won't eat fish from a takeaway tho unless its anchovies on pizza x
im still trying to follow my slimming world diet too !!! have never stopped eating take aways with my other 2 also eat my eggs running cant eat them hard !!! very rarely eat pate altough i love it !!! and have the occasional drink u have to give up so much u cant stop having everything nice !!!!! xxx
I have had chinese once a week all through this pregnancy, didn't know you couldn't eat it !!

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