Chinese a no no


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Ive just been informed pregnant women cant eat chinese food. We have a take out once a week and as long as I dont eat prawns or egg I should be ok right? Anyone else avoid take outs when they were expecting ?

Why?? I've eatten Chinese this pregnancy it didn't agree in first tri but now I can eat it xx

Its on another forum, theyre all saying you shouldnt eat take aways esp Chinese during pregnancy because of the MSG affecting the placenta. Im in first tri and I love my curries and chinese :( The kids and OH want chinese for tea tonight but Im reluctant now :(
I don't eat seafood or anything, I just ate as normal? xx
Im just eating as normal to be fair. Ive had my normal healthy day and now its Sat Take Away and Im wary now grrrr.
Just steer clear of prawns etc, my MW never said anything about it and I'm sure if it was a big no no she would have mentioned it x
That's mostly all I could eat!! Don't like Indian anyway but I can't live without Chinese!! I don't see what's wrong as long as it's cooked properly!!
YAY good to hear :)

I love indian but that was last weeks choice as we had OH parents here and they wanted it. I shall stick to simple and nice with no prawns :)
The only thing my doc said to me about the msg, was to avoid ready meals that you just shove in the microwave.
I could NEVER not have takeaways!! Then again, I have broken every food rule in the book - brie (before I realised I couldnt have it!), runny eggs (cant eat them any other way!), pate and sea food in moderation.....My doctor was very laid-back about it, and said most things are fine in moderation - he said that incuded alcohol as well!
Well Lea, I love your Dr lol. My Dr didnt tell me to avoid anything either she was brilliant and even said my Weight Watchers diet would have been ok to follow and she couldnt understand why people were so against it as its healthy, filling and you eat plenty. Ive still stopped it till after I have the baby but I cant give up my weekly take out ;p
sorry what is msg?...

I never heard that you can't have Chinese while pregnant! As long as there are no prawns or uncooked eggs obviously.

The only thing I would not go for would be cheap and dodgy chinese (wouldn't do it anyway, not only just while pregnant), but if it's a nice respectable place - why not!
Yeah, I was expecting the neverending list of 'no-no's, but he was amazingly chilled out!

I was doing weightwatchers as well before - and im not sure either why they say you cant do it when you are pregnant - the baby will take all it needs first anyway. I have given it up for the time being, and enjoying just eating what I like, lol! Have put on 2 and a half stone though, so a strange part of me is actually looking forward to getting back to it after baby is here!

Enjoy your taekaway - im going to have one tonight too, but what to have, hmmmm...
Mono Sodium Glutonate. Its what they thicken and flavour food with. Our chinese is excellent and they cook everything from scratch with a B rating on the window. Its clean, average prices and is yummy. Their salt and pepper spare ribs are amazing.
oooh the choices Lea lol. Im dreading putting weight on but if I keep eating like this I will balloon!
I cant wait to get back on WW so I know where I am and things are in check. :p

Ive ordered Red Thai Vegetable Curry with boiled rice and OH will share salt and pepper spare ribs with me, theyre all crispy and soft and OMG my mouths watering at the thought!
Mono Sodium Glutonate. Its what they thicken and flavour food with. Our chinese is excellent and they cook everything from scratch with a B rating on the window. Its clean, average prices and is yummy. Their salt and pepper spare ribs are amazing.

sounds perfect! :) I'd say don't worry.

sorry no idea about msg - neve heard of it before.
I've had chinese and my MW never said it wasn't ok to eat it. She did say that prawns and egg can be a problem if its not cooked so as long as its cooked and you don't have it loads it's ok I think. xx
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never heard of it before in me life a eat chinese all through me last pregnancy and have this 1 2 x
I have reactions to msg's so tend to avoid it, I've got a bit of IBS so it's one of the things that sets it off but if you eat it regularly I can't see why you shouldn't carry on eating it, never heard you couldn't before!

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