Chest infection


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Eventually after being poorly all week I have finally been to the walk in centre. It was just what I feared the dreaded chest infection. Been put on antibiotics which I don't really want to take even though they have said it won't hurt the little one but after a bout of pneumonia early in the year I don't have much choice. Sorry for the pointless post xxxx
Don't worry about taking the antibiotics hun....I had some at the beginning of my pregnancy for impetigo (which I'm prone to when run down). The pnemonia would be far more dangerous for you and little one - antibiotics will not hurt at all. Look after yourself.
Thanks bonfire bride. I know. I was in a bad way when I had the pneumonia. They has given me the less strong ones as they don't like giving you 400mg when you are pregnant. Hopefully this will get rid of it. xxxx
Hope you get well soon. Bloody nasty chest infection xx
Thanks iWitch. They are horrible. Unfortunately due to the pneumonia I am more prone to them now. Not looking forward to work tomorrowxxx
I have a bad cough and ts driving me insane!!!!! X
Aww, stupid chest infection is really not what you need! Like people are saying though, illness will be much worse for the baby than antibiotics so don't feel bad about taking them - also if you feel poo tomorrow don't go to work! You and baby are much more important xxx
Wish I could just not go into work but I only started my new job last week so I daren't ring in sick. I haven't even told them that I am pregnant yet. Thank you for your kind words xxxx
Aw I see that's not good - well if your feeling crap make it very obvious when you get to work - look all infectious and they'll probably send you home and you won't have to feel bad about it :) xx
According to my husband I look like death. I can't talk above a very quiet whisper so it won't take them long to figure it out. They were worried about me last week as I had a cold. Just see what happens. Thanks for the advice xxx
Know how you feel hun! I've got a chest/throat infection and a cold on top of that. Feel like death and just don't know what to do with myself, especially in this heat.

Hope you feel better very quickly. Horrible xx
Aw bless you countrygirl. I hope you are feeling better soon. It is driving me mad. xxxxx
Thanks iWitch. They are horrible. Unfortunately due to the pneumonia I am more prone to them now. Not looking forward to work tomorrowxxx

I suffered my first in the new year and it was horrible too. I got it when on antibiotics so it was viral and simply had to put up with it. You have my every sympathy! Hope you're feeling better xx

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