chemical pregnancy


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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i never understood what this actually meant until this morning and it got me thinking - i was on holiday in july and towards the end of the holiday my partner and i decided we'd do a test and it came back postive, so we did another 2 - all positive!!!

BUT... AF arrived which made me think oh well, dont know what that was about! i know its not relevant now but could it have been a chemical pregnancy or 3 dud tests? here are some pics of them )cos i was excited at the time and took pictures) :oops:




so chemical pregnancy or not? and is this a good sign of anything i.e. you are producing eggs or anything??
forgot to say lines came up within 3 mnutes on all of them
i dont know if im going to help u here but a couple of months ago i had the same thing happen i think it was a chemical pregancy but the consultant at EPU told me i was probly never even pregnant :shock:

i had 8 HPT that i got very faint positives that all came up in 3 mins but they never got any darker - i started getting AF cramps 4 days after AF was due then i started bleeding fearing misscarriage i went to E~PU but test there was negative :shock:

so doc said i was never pregnat ???

sorry if im not much help but this is what happend to me just thought id mention it cuz i was woundering if it was a chemical pregnacy or duff tests which i doubt considering i did so many of different brands

im glad i saw this post in away as im hoping we can find some help as to what exactly chemical prgncys are and why they happened ??

anybody able to help ?

again im sorry to hear u have also had this dissapointment its awful isnt it and i know how u feel - PM me if ud like to chat hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww thanks hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

to be honest, i only started really thinking about it today! i was looking through our holiday photos and saw these again and just kept thinking how much we want to see these lines for real!!

i would love to understand why they appeared or what is really meant by chemical pregnancy as well!

after the disappointment i contacted 2 psychic people on the net who gave me readings as to when i would conceive - one said last month (never happened) and the other said this month (OH is away when i ovulate) so god knows what they meant :?

if you ever wanna chat as well chick you can PM me, iv got a doc app next week about my AF's as they have been light and short since july so will ask about this too :hug:
hey hun,

its nice to have somebody in the same boat that has had a similar experience i will post a few pics of my test if i still have them on comp just so u can see how mine looked

ohh just found them:



here is a few see how faint they were they never got any darker :cry: :cry:
awww hun :hug: :hug:

i can totally understand how you felt when AF came on then, i was gutted but pushed it aside!

i cant believe your tests were all different brands too, so that rules out them being a bad batch! i have heard that a chemical pregnancy is when the egg is fertilised but doesnt implant properly (correct me if im wrong) or is it that it implants but doesnt meet the sperm :? :doh:

either way it is still a big disappoitment at the end of it! i would say the lines on your tests are not that faint though, thats what i would expect and straight away assume (as i did) that i was pregnanct!

:hug: :hug:
Hi there :wave:
Just thought I would let you know that the same thing happened to me - I did lots of pregnancy tests, faint lines and five clearblue digitals which all came up pregnant. I went to docs - had blood test etc. 3 days after period due and all of the positives I got AF. Doc says I was very newly preg but ended in very early miscarriage. :? :?

Hope you are well and that you get your BFP very soon :D

I know im not ttc anymore but the same thin also happened to me back in may it was a total shock to begin with and when i got use to the idea it was gone agaon but it was one of things that happened and i cou;dnt have done anything about it but dont let it get you down and never give up hope :hug:
i was fairly shocked when we tested and got a faint line as my LO was only about 8months whenit happend but OH was so happy - bless him. i knew instantly three two days after i first tested that something wasnt right as the line was no darker. i would of been 6 weeks when i tested...but i thought back to when i tested when i was pregnat with christopher i was also 6 weeks and got a thick solid blue line within seconds.

so i knew that the thin faint lines were not a good sign i have heard about chemical pregnancies on here but im not sure on why they happan

if the egg gets fertalised then what causes it not to implant ??? :think:

will it happen again ?? one thing i have learnt is next time im not goin to test till im ova a week late that way if it happens again i will put it down to late AF rather than suffer the disapointment over agin :? :hug:
Here's some of mine i took






As you can see there were quite a few :oops:
:shock: flossy

your clear blue and first response are so like mine identical infact, i havent posted my clear blue as like urs there so faint u can hardly see the line. i also did the clear blue digi tests and they said "pregnat"
cant beleive how similar ur tests are to mine flossy :shock:

It must be very sad and feel like a miscarriage really emotionally. And of course you were all preg, if used all different brands, no matter what the doc said. Each of the tests is about 99% accurate.

And yes I would say it means your eggs and sperm are working, and you are capable of having a little baby. :)

So although it's sad now, your day will come :)
Yeah my cb digi said "pregnant" aswell to be honest i had never heard of a chemical pregnancy before and i generaly thought at first it was a m/c but thank's to the good people on this forum id found out its a chemical one id actualy had. I still shocs me even now that it happened but ive tried to out it behind best i could and get on with life and enjoy the 2 lo's that i already do have. :)
lillou said:
i have heard that a chemical pregnancy is when the egg is fertilised but doesnt implant properly (correct me if im wrong) or is it that it implants but doesnt meet the sperm :?

Noo an egg doesn't implant when it's just an egg, it wouldn't make a positve on a test, it just leaves you with your period.

What implants is when the egg meets a sperm and implants as the start of a pregnancy :)

A chemical pregnancy is just a very early miscarriage as far as I know.

But now you know you can do it :)
Sweetie its impossible to get a wrong positive pregnancy test.. you will only get a positive test or faint positive when you really are pregnant.. i think you are pregnant try going docs and demand a scan from them...also some women bleed through there pregnancy and some even have af through pregnancy
katyk said:
lillou said:
i have heard that a chemical pregnancy is when the egg is fertilised but doesnt implant properly (correct me if im wrong) or is it that it implants but doesnt meet the sperm :?

Noo an egg doesn't implant when it's just an egg, it wouldn't make a positve on a test, it just leaves you with your period.

What implants is when the egg meets a sperm and implants as the start of a pregnancy :)

A chemical pregnancy is just a very early miscarriage as far as I know.

But now you know you can do it :)

aw i see, thanks for that katyk :hug: that helps me understand it a bit more!

pinklady85 - i have the docs this week about my AF's being weird (light, brown in colour and only last 3 days) so i am going to mention this to him and see what he thinks, iv since done pregnancy tests and they wre clearly negative though!

i like the idea that the chemical pregnancy could mean we can do it though :) i wont give up :twisted:
I had a chemical pregnancy in May. Had a positive pregnancy test and, was so exited, I rushed to the doctor who gave me a blood test.

The results came back negative but, apparently, I had an inbalance in my hormone levels but this was fixed with a couple of injections and no-body mentioned that fertility would be affected.

As far as I am aware it is a very early mis-carriage.

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