check up on weaning, please


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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right, fols, I NEED your help! I have been weaning Maheen for 3 weeks now, she was 5months and a week old when we strated her on puree and she really liked it!
until now, she has had:
---veggies: carrots / artichokes / green beans / brocoli / courgettes and pumpkin (which she did not really like but still hate it!)

--- fruits: apple and pear / apple and prunes / banana / strawberry yogurt for babies / custard like creams
her feed routine is as follows: first feed: 07:30 (between 150 to 200 ml)
second feed: 11:30 ( same quantity) + some veggies and some fruit
third feed: 15:30 (same quantity) + fruit
last feed: 19:30/20:00 (240ml)

sorry this is very detailed but I really really need you to let me know if what I do is ok, or not, and what I should be doing from now!
Maheen has enjoyed every food we have given her (except pumpkin, but I did not like it myself!!!!) and I went to GP today to ask for suggestions but as always, he was not very helpful and just said: it's fine! carry on!"

ok, right, but I need to know what to do next! I mean, I have read some of you stop giving milk when giving solid food, others give 3 meals per days, etc, etc... should she eat more now?

Maheen is now 6 months and a week, what can I give her to make it more complete for her? bread (what sort?) / bicuits (which ones?) / yogurts (which ones? as I only gave her some made for babies from France!!), etc... is cow milk acceptable in food or not?

so so so many questions, I am sorry, but I feel lost! :oops:
am looking forward to your answers, really, have been doing the whole thing blindly so far and I need some light now!

Thanks in advance!

Sorry I cant help but I will be watching the thead for answers!

Hiya, what you've done so far sounds fine!

You can now add cows milk to food, although I personally use formula still as Brody doesn't drink enough milk.

For brekkie he now has ready brek with some fruit puree or mashed banana

He enjoys Hot cross buns, and raisin bread, and mini cheese sandwiches.
I also buy organix rice cakes and cow and gate biscuits for treats.

At the moment I just use tesco value fromage's basically the same as petit filous but is 44p for 6!

I also set aside some carrot batons and brocolli when I do a dinner for the next days finger food.
Without wanting to sound like your GP it sounds like you're doing great - surely the most important thing is that your little one seems happy with what is happening.

My little boy is almost 7 months and the only thing I really worried about was whether he was getting a good balance of foods, especially foods rich in iron. So I basically started introducing red meat, fish etc (he particularly likes chicken) and his routine at the mo is something like:

7am milk feed
8am cereal/fruit
11.30 lunch - usually something savoury with the emphasis on protein follewd by yoghurt, fruit or unsweetened custard with fruit
2.30 milk feed
5.15 tea- usually small milk feed then veg followed by yoghurt
7.00 milk feed

Some days he loves his food others not so much. He's still really keen on his milk so lunch can take a bit of persuasion and sometimes I have to give him one spoonful of something sweet followed by one spoonful of something savoury..........but so far he seems ok on it.
We're just starting on the finger food routine with mixed results........
well here's ruben's feeding habits:

7am-8am-ish (depending on waking time):
full boobie feed (both sides), followed by either
-a bowl of ready brek with mashed banana/other fruit
- boots organics fruity muesli (he really loves this one!)
- boots organics fruity porridge (both the boots ones say from 7 months but they're fine if she's ok with lumps)

- both boobies

either one of these
- some mashed veggies
- 1/2 a banana and a rice cake or two
- toast or bread with spred (a scraping of pate, unsalted butter, primula cheese etc)
+ some water from a cup if he's thirsty

- both boobies

- both boobies
- dinner (he has pretty much anything we have now, either just mashed up or some mashed and some as finger foods depending on what type of food it is.)
- greek yoghurt or fruit (or a combo of both) for pud

- 6oz bottle (his daddy usually does this feed, hence no boobiemilk this time!)

for snacks/treats he usually haves rice cakes, an organix crunchy carrot stick, some toast or the occasional rich tea biccie (amazingly one rich tea biccie contains less sugar than a rusk or a baby biccie... why??? why do they pump babyfood full of sugar??? grrr...)

don't know if that helped, but you sound like you're doing well though, wouldn't worry if i were you!

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