Hi Bagpuss
I have been ttc for 14 months. We got married last July and I came off the pill immediately and stupidly thought that it would happen straight away. I found it hard not being in control, I am a very impatient person!!
For the first 6 months we were really trying, using ovulation sticks every month and bd around the possible best time, DH holding my legs in the air etc etc. In the December we decided to stop trying so hard, (thinking that it may happen if we didn't think about it so much) so we didn't use the sticks but I knew roughly when would be the best time to bd and made sure that we did!!
Since coming off the pill I have been really irregular, at first my cycle varied from 52 days to 40 days which was horrendous!!! I then had a number of cycles at 33 days and only recently my cycles have been in between 28-30 days. When I first started to use the sticks, I tested positive at around day 18, but am now testing positive at day 13 so it has been very hard to chart.
I went to speak to the doctor in August, I knew that they wouldn't do anything until we had been trying for a year. My gp was great, really understanding and very supportive. He suggested that I should have a 21 day blood test, I calculated my cycle and made the appointment. However this particular month my af decided to show early and I only had a cycle of 24 days so I had to cancel the appointment. I rang up the practice and spoke to the nurse, who was lovely, she has been trying 9 months and so knew exaclty how I was feeling about things. The nurse suggested that I should go away on holiday (which I did on 27th Aug) and make another appointment for when I got back, which I did.
I went for a 5 day blood test and have got the 21 day test on Friday. I should get my results the following Wednesday. I tested positive with the sticks last Friday and all weekend have had terrible pains and feeling irritable. I am praying that af doesn't show early again.
Apparently whatever my results come back to be, they won't take anything further until DH has had a sperm test - which I haven't mentioned as he isn't overly enamoured by this! the nurse said that he can administer this himself at home and then has an hour to get his sample into the hospital, but he must keep it warm, they suggest that he drives with it between his legs, haha!!
When I spoke to the nurse, I asked her what would happen, worst case scenario. She said that I would be referred to the hospital and be seen by people whose job it is to get me pg - so it's not a bad way to look at it, I suppose!!
I used the sticks again this month and tested positive at day 13 which was Friday, so bd Friday, Saturday and Sunday - DH worked nights last night and tonight, but will bd again tomorrow, although he doesn't know it yet!
Sorry if I have bored you - just thought it would be good to give you the whole picture!!
I will keep my fingers crossed that you get your BFP on Sunday, Good Luck Xxx