Cheap Home Pregnancy Tests


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Hello Ladies

When I was getting my 5 day blood test taken at the doctors, the nurse told me that you can buy Pg tests at the pound shop!!!

The nurse who did my test has been trying for a baby since December last year and she gets her tests from there. Her sister is currently pg and she tested them out on her to see if they worked (as they are so cheap) and they did work! She stocks up everytime she is in town!!

I am popping into town later on and I might just pop in and get some for myself!! I will let you all know what they are like.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and good luck to all those who are testing soon Xxx
my sister used them when she found out she was pg she claims they are as good as any top name brands
good luck xxxxxxx
They're probably made at the same place as with many products, we end up paying for brand names. It's all marketing.

Defo worth giving a try as they can be really expensive.
hehe, i found this out a few months back also.. i have 8 :) why spend £18 on 1, when you can spend £18 on 18! lol
Just back from town - got some tests, lets just hope that they are lucky for me!

I have started to get af symptoms - tender boobs and feeling irritable, af can't show before friday as I have got my 21 day blood test then!!!

I used them for my BFP and they were clearer than the decent ones, on ebay they are about 60p each!
Here's hoping that I get a BFP with them :wink:

I have been really irritable today and my boobs are still really sore, its strange as I have never had these symptoms so close to ovulation before. I normally feel like this a few days before af is due not half way through cycle. Why can't my body be the same every month, I never know where I stand!!!

I'm a bit like you Lindsey, my cycle varies, it does make it harder for us. :?

I've got my fertility monitor to help me chart my temp each cycle from my next period. Between that, my ovulation sticks and knowing what CM to look out for, we're ready!

Regarding the pg tests for 60p on ebay - have you got the link to those? Sounds much better than what I've been paying!!
hey bagpuss when are you going to test? just a thought i noticed your ticker shows 12 days post ovulation i tested positive at around 12 dpo
good luck hun xxxxxxx
My tickers all wrong! I didn't get my positive result on my ovulation stick until day 21! According to my books, the length of your cycle depends on when you ovulated so it should be a long cycle this month. The longest I've had is 32 days.

Just because you get a positive result on your ovulation sticks doesn't mean that you've ovulated :( We made the most of the hopefully fertile time though and the week running up to it :D

I did have pains in my lower abdomen all day Saturday, I've never experienced those pains before. I've had it a little bit today too. They're definitely not period cramps, I usually only suffer from back ache and irritability when it's around the time of the month not had either yet but it would be too early if my AF is on it's way.

If my AF hasn't arrived by Sunday I will :? do a test.
good luck when you do test hun i hope af stays away for you and you get a nice bfp xxxxx
Hi Bagpuss

I have also made use of my hopefully fertile time and bd like crazy around it.
I understand that it is possible that although getting a positive result with the sticks doesn't mean that I have necessarily ovulated. I am concerned that I have problems which is why I am being tested at the doctors. I can't believe that this time next week I should know if there are major problems - it's such a scary thought!!!
Thanks Rach, fingers crossed, not getting my hopes up though. It's easier said than done conceiving.

Good luck with your tests Lindsey, how long have you been trying? Did your Doctor recommend the tests to you.

Have you been charting your cycle at all?
Hi Bagpuss

I have been ttc for 14 months. We got married last July and I came off the pill immediately and stupidly thought that it would happen straight away. I found it hard not being in control, I am a very impatient person!!

For the first 6 months we were really trying, using ovulation sticks every month and bd around the possible best time, DH holding my legs in the air etc etc. In the December we decided to stop trying so hard, (thinking that it may happen if we didn't think about it so much) so we didn't use the sticks but I knew roughly when would be the best time to bd and made sure that we did!!

Since coming off the pill I have been really irregular, at first my cycle varied from 52 days to 40 days which was horrendous!!! I then had a number of cycles at 33 days and only recently my cycles have been in between 28-30 days. When I first started to use the sticks, I tested positive at around day 18, but am now testing positive at day 13 so it has been very hard to chart.

I went to speak to the doctor in August, I knew that they wouldn't do anything until we had been trying for a year. My gp was great, really understanding and very supportive. He suggested that I should have a 21 day blood test, I calculated my cycle and made the appointment. However this particular month my af decided to show early and I only had a cycle of 24 days so I had to cancel the appointment. I rang up the practice and spoke to the nurse, who was lovely, she has been trying 9 months and so knew exaclty how I was feeling about things. The nurse suggested that I should go away on holiday (which I did on 27th Aug) and make another appointment for when I got back, which I did.

I went for a 5 day blood test and have got the 21 day test on Friday. I should get my results the following Wednesday. I tested positive with the sticks last Friday and all weekend have had terrible pains and feeling irritable. I am praying that af doesn't show early again.

Apparently whatever my results come back to be, they won't take anything further until DH has had a sperm test - which I haven't mentioned as he isn't overly enamoured by this! the nurse said that he can administer this himself at home and then has an hour to get his sample into the hospital, but he must keep it warm, they suggest that he drives with it between his legs, haha!!

When I spoke to the nurse, I asked her what would happen, worst case scenario. She said that I would be referred to the hospital and be seen by people whose job it is to get me pg - so it's not a bad way to look at it, I suppose!!

I used the sticks again this month and tested positive at day 13 which was Friday, so bd Friday, Saturday and Sunday - DH worked nights last night and tonight, but will bd again tomorrow, although he doesn't know it yet!

Sorry if I have bored you - just thought it would be good to give you the whole picture!!

I will keep my fingers crossed that you get your BFP on Sunday, Good Luck Xxx
I'm really impatient too! What's particularly difficult to cope with is if it doesn't happen one month you've got to wait another month to find out if this time is our time. Doesn't suit impatient people does it!

Wow your cycles were really long after coming off the pill. I've been fortunate in that mine seem to have fallen straight back into the so called normal range. I've been calculating mine incorrectly though, according to the books I've been reading (sorry I'm quoting them like the bible!) you should calculate them from the first bleed and not brownish discharge stuff (yuk!). Mine are probably a little shorter than I've calculated.

What was also interesting is that contrary to what a lot of information says, they reckon the first couple of months after you come off the pill it's often a good chance that you'll get pregnant. It's a good time to be trying, bugger - wish I'd read that a year ago.

I hope that you'll be clearer about whether or not there is a problem after your 21 day test. At least if there is a problem you can move forward and if there isn't then perhaps that will put your mind to ease a little.

I'm not surprised your DH might be a bit reluctant about the sperm test, at least he can provide the sample at home. The things we have to go through to get a baby.

We've been trying on and off all year but had a break for 3 months or so over the summer because of our holiday to Egypt. Not a good place to go if you are expecting, everybody was ill apart from me! Lovely holiday though.

We're seriously trying now though.

Keep us posted with your test results, fingers crossed for you. I'm glad that you've got an understanding GP and nurse, at least they are on your side and will help you all they can.
Hey I get that brown stuff too!!!! I didn't know whether I should be counting those days in my cycle, am pleased that I haven't now!!!

I read somewhere that you should feel ovulation pains on different sides every month - I only feel them on my left so I may be only releasing an egg from that side which may be giving me half the chance of getting pg :(

Yeah hopefully after my tests we can move forward, either with more tests or more bding!!!!

I'm sure it says in Zita Wests book that this is a common misconception about ovulation alternating between left and right. I can't find the section now but I do recall reading that. I'll find it and tell you exactly what it says.

It also says that having frequent sex doesn't weaken the sperm it does the opposite! She says most people don't get pg because they assume they have the average 28 day cycle, only bd at around the middle of the cycle and then wonder why they're not pg. I fell into that category to start off with I think. I wonder how many women actually have a 28 day cycle.

The book also has good info on nutrition. I've decided to virtually cut out the alcohol now and I'm trying to cut down on cakes/biccies/crisps etc. I normally only have them as a treat at weekends anyway.
Thanks Bagpuss

I would be interested to hear what the book says when you find the section!!

I have been hgaving af cramps today, going by my other cycles it's too early for af but with my body you can never tell!!!

I don't tend to eat many cakes, biscuits etc. I have started to eat lots of fruit and veg and I don't drink now unless it's the weekend!! Does the book give you certain things that are better to eat? I was told that if a bloke carries his mobile phone in his trouser pocket that can affect his fishies, my DH doesn't listen to me, hios phone still goes in his pocket!!

Myself and OH have been also trying to eat more healthily since TTC - I've read (although don't ask me where) that if blokes have a cup of coffee about 1/2 hour before bd it gets the sperm moving - gonna give that a go this month, along with the cough medicine for me, the temp charting and the opk, someone up there please take pity on me and give me BFP!!!

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