
:hug: Good luck Beth hun.

How is everyone else? hope your not all feeling too sick :hug:

Well its subsided at the moment for me, im totaly in love with food at the moment :lol:

I have my drivinf lesson in abit :dance: and today my partner has the lovely job of letting his grandparents know about baby :?

They are lovely and will come round to it eventualy, put it this way, when we told we were expecting Olivia, they were not best pleased and asked when were going to get married (would love to! cant afford it! ) so we will see how it goes for him when I see him later.

Apart from that all is dandy, trousers getting tighter and im eating like a pig.

Thinking of you beth :pray:

Tasha - Im eating like a pig too! :oops: I just cant stop myself! It stops me from feeling so i figure that im allowed! Oven is on as i type :D

Oh and good luck for your next driving lession :cheer:

maybebaby - i cant believe that you think time is going quickly?? These are the slowest weeks of my whole life!
The thing is I don't have time to stop and think - every spare minute is spent chasing my son around, clearing up, or sleeping! So I just look at my ticker and think how the hell did I get to 11 weeks already...

It REALLY dragged last time, I honestly felt like I'd been pregnant forever by the time I actually popped.

Tasha - How are you getting on with your lessons? I really really want to learn to drive! I had loads of lessons before I had ds but it was when I lived in Leeds & I couldn't get a test date for before I moved back down south so I just stopped and never started again. My instructor reckoned I only needed another 5 hours or so to pass. I bet I'd need to start again fresh now, I haven't driven a car in 18 months. I really need a kick up the backside to start again!

Is anyone else suffering from heartburn? I got it really badly last time but it didn't start until 3rd tri. I keep gettin git at night when I lie down in bed :(
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heey.. how is everyone? well im back now :) all is well with me woooop.. and im having burger and chips for lunch, and my OH is takingme out for dinner tonight coz he finishes his exams today :D:D
:hug: Thansk Sally, I hope you enjoyed your lunch :D


The lessons are going fine, I dont feel too ruff and can concentrate ok, I think if you have driven before it wont take you long to get back into the swing of it.

I want to pass before I give birth :?

Look into it hun.

Hi Beth :wave: , glad all went well and I hope you have a lovely evening :hug:
Hey Tasha :D i really really hope you pass your driving test before the little bubba comes along! will make your life so much easier!! have you done your theory?
No not yet but have the discs that cam ethe other day, will be planning to have that all done in the next 3 months.

I hope I pass by then too :pray: I soooo want to drive!!!
glad it went well beth, i just got through the door and sat at the comp for a min when i looked down to the kittens looking up at me they looked like the could see me how adorable is that lol, i had fun at mums playing on the ps2 and wii we played ratatoui. Now i'm sat here watchig the kittens practice walknig about they are still a bit shakey but seem to be crusing about rather quick and i get to have a big hug with them as mum is out lol (she zoomed out the door when i got in grrr she better not be getting up to anything naughty as i wanna get her neutered) btw the kittens are 2 and a half weeks old
I'm back :wave: I had to take DS for his MMR. I feel so mean taking him for jabs but I know it's best for him so have to grin & bear it. He's asleep now and I'm supposed to be washing up :shhh:

Beth, great news about your seedling, so glad it's growing well!

Anna that's sooo cute! My cat is a big fat cuddly neutered male so no chance of kittens from him...

Tasha I'm sure you'll be driving by the time LO gets here, I started about 2 months before I got PG last time and would have had my test at about 6 months, but I was only having an hour a week and missed a few weeks. I might set myself the same target of passing before LO arrives!
You know you are pregnant eat a whole packet of jaffa-cakes in one sitting! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :oops:

Tasha - im not sure I would pass my theory test these days - its meant to be really hard isnt it?

Beth - hope you are having a nice dinner (mmmm dinner!)

Anna - have you posted some piccies of your kittens somewhere? i would love to see them!

Maybebaby - no more posting until that washing up is done! :shakehead: You wouldnt catch any dirty plates near my sink! :fib: :fib: :fib:

hmmm - I dont know how my kitchen cupboards are so empty...I only went shopping two days ago!!! :oops:
:hug: Aww I hope hes ok after his injections, Olivia was really poorl for days, but she had only just got over an ear infection when she had the injection poor mite.

Yeah Maybebaby, go for it!! get driving hun :cheer:

Sally, its not that its harder, there are two parts, the theory and then the hazard and perception, its mainly common sense these tests.

I am going to take it in a few months, got my disc pack off ebay for £1.99 brand new! in whsmith they are about £20 odd !!

:rotfl: You greedy cow! did you do full moon, half moon and total eclipse!
Tasha20 said:
its mainly common sense these tests.!

That is where I would come unstuck! :D

Tasha20 said:
You greedy cow! did you do full moon, half moon and total eclipse!

Nope, pretty much down in one - no time for games!
:hug: Dont be daft you have common sense!!

:lol: Aww I love playing that game, though its more fun doing it when OH is around and he can't have any.

I hope you enjoyed them :hug:

I ate for 3 last time and carried on all the way through breastfeeding, only recently stopped 4 months ago when Oli did :rotfl:

:shhh: I will be doing the same again. :moon:
Hey ladies hope you dont mind me popping over :lol: Wow sally lol i thought i was bad for eating a house mixed kebab , a whole box of garlic bread and now a double chocolate muffin shhhhhhh did i just day all that in one go :lol: Anyway how are we all doing then hope everyones keeping well :cheer:
Im fine thanks hun feeling sick right now for eating so much but showing no signs of stopping either! :rotfl:
:wave: hi all hope everyones ok :hug:

had midwife yesterday so finally finished all my booking in stuff have been told to start exercises for spd now rather than wait for when it appears and she has warned me that it will more than likely be worse due to me having twins she was a bit concerned that i had not heard off the hospital yet for my consultant appointment and scan im to wait another week then phone my consultants secretary so hopefully should know something by end of next week
no other news here other than im sick as a dog living on bread and fruit and ginger nut biscuits and fed up cos i have to work this afternoon :( xxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning ladies :D

Hey rach im glad things are completed with you MW sorry to hear you scan and consultant isnt sorted yet im sure it will be soon though. Sorry to hear your not feeling so well though have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

Well it dawned on me today that im getting married in 3wks :shock: it cant be possible where is the time going to im absolutely nervous scared and excited all in one :cheer:
Hey gals

Rach - sorry that you are so sick - you definitely have double trouble!

Flossy - 3 weeks :shock: You will pop back here and post some piccies wont you?

Im off on holiday tomorrow and I am sitting here wondering what I am going to do without the internet for a whole week!! :think: Sad I know!

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