
.Christina. said:
yay! oo I didn't realise you could book yourself in? I need to do that at a hospital in London. hmmmm
i dunno i live in plymouth and that's what i was told to do and aparently the dating scan is done by midwifes and not snographers!!
god i just had a sleep and i've woken up and am absolutly shattard i was hoping to get some more house work done today grrr back to sleep on the sofa i think lol
I'm so sorry you didn't get the scan hun. I hope everything goes well with your HCG levels :pray:
i can wait a few days for a scan if needs be, just praying these results are ok :pray: Anyone heard from beth??
Seems like Beth is MIA atm. Doesn't babydust have a scan today also?
yeah i think so although dont know what time, i thought beth would have been back by now :pray:
I thought Beth would have been aound by now...I been thinking of her all morning!!
Good luck with your HCG results I hope all is well and you get your sca soon as xxx
I have mine tomorrow at like 8.50 :sleep: Gonna be fun getting read and at hospital for that one lmao x
im here now :) im quite pleased... im a bit sad the sack was empty, but i guess its all too early.. the HCG levels tripled so thats good :D thanks girls :hug:
Beth..... the fact your levels are so high and have tripled is a good sign, just wait for next results... :pray:

Mel...Hoping they come back ok :pray:

Oh girls do you feel pregant and symptoms?

I have a very good sense of smell and heavy boobs but apart from that nothing? :think:
sore boobs... dry lips.. nothing else really. the sore boobs are enough for me though haha!
Beth88 said:
sore boobs... dry lips.. nothing else really. the sore boobs are enough for me though haha!

hehe :rotfl: :rotfl:

my sense of smell is crazy i have a bussh of flowers and pond outside my work and everytime i walk past i can smell pollen & dirty smelly water turns my stomach :( :puke:
:wave: morning all

well im going to have a good moan then come back later to see whats going on with everyone :D

im really fed up today ive phoned in sick to work really cant be bothered im aching all over and the sickness is really bad too plus ive cancelled my dental appointment for this afternoon im determined to have a day in today and be lazy

well some of you might remember ive had some trouble with my neighbour partying every night of the bloody week :evil: well yesterday she had a big party and i didnt get to sleep properly till gone 2am the noise also woke christopher up twice anyway ive decided to play her at her own game even though she has a 4 month old baby and a 3 year old child too she reckons they both sleep till 11 and she never gets up before 11 so this morning when i got up with christopher ive been very noisy and by half past 8 i was in garden slamming bin lids and calling my cats to come in for food i was very very loud :rotfl: and then in my bedroom which is next to hers slamming wardrobe doors and banging and shouting downstairs to o/h she lasted 15 minutes and she was up :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ive not stopped chuckling since :lol: i have decided every time she keeps me awake in night im going to wake her in the morning early :D xxxxxxxxxxx
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: haha you have me in hysterics i don't blame you for the noise lol i think i'd so the same hehe, i can't wait to see what they are going to say lol
:rotfl: that is absolutely hilarious!! sounds like a fantastic idea and a sure way to pay her back! hahaha.. :rotfl:
enjoy your lazy day rach!

how's everybody doing this morning? I feel ok, a bit tired but thats not unusual. I was going to start revision but the OC is on :oops: I do love my crappy TV!
Well i went to the docs this morning to get a sicknote for uni, that took about 10 mins.. so i drove back home, had a glass of milk (with nesquik in it coz i hate milk but want baby to get goodnes from it etc) and a banana and now im back on my bed.. im still in my clothes though, i havent gone back to PJs YET... :D:D
hehe! not in PJs and in bed, thats disgraceful girl! were you meant to have an exam today or is that what the sick note is for? sounds like a very healthy breakfast, I had shreddies, a cup of tea ( :shock: not good) and orange juice!
Yeah i was meant to have an exam today... and the exam i did on friday was when i started cramping really really badly and had to go to hospital.. so the uni suggested i get a sicknote and just do them both in september when im not stressed etc..
Shreddies are good! so is orange juice!!!!
that sounds absolutely reasonable!

I feel pretty shitty at the moment and am pretty sure I'm going to have to do retakes in August. I have just been so lazy that I know passing is going to be difficult :( I am changing course, so I just don't have any motivation.

mmm I do love breakfast, favourite meal of the day! :)

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