morning all, hope everyone's good this fine morning
kmac, welcome back!

enjoy getting your legs waxed and hope its not too painful!
babydust, glad your enjoying the use of your doppler, I've been thinking about getting in one. By the sounds of it, although its expensive, its really worth it, as you ladies certainly seem to get the most out of it. Do you think its worth it?
rach, sorry to hear about your sickness

I really hope it starts to improve soon. I'll be happy to take some from you!
hennaly, your bits to fall out

I'm now imagining body parts all over the floor. very strange image in my head imagining my intestines on the floor and me holding little bubs!
beth, have a great time in Wales with your mum n dad, you deserve the chill out time after the hospital epics... we'll miss ya!!
becky, I really hope you don't have to be induced this time. I know this might sound a bit silly but whats the difference in the labour when your induced? like how does it differ?
baby&i - I hope you get your water birth after you didn't get it last time
lea - damn those migraines!! they really do suck. I really feel for you as I used to get them really badly. I hope they ease off for you