
aw don't worry about it hennaly, your pregnant and need your rest :hug:

I haven't even thought about the labour part except for the fact I want any drugs available, epidural, gas / air, the whole bloody works :rotfl: . Not sure what I think of a water birth maybe?? you?
I love the idea of a water birth but apparently because its my 7th baby i am unlikely to allowed to use the hospital pool as there is more risk of complications :evil:
thats really gay :x I didn't realise there were any sort of restrictions like that. Also didn't know that its more difficult to deal with complications if there's a water birth, hmmm, spose they can't really get to you in that situation as easily.
I am planning on a home birth again with a pool!

I tried for a homebirth las time but got transfered due to high bp during labour and being stuck at 3cm for abotu 10 hours! :wall:

I really want it so bad, and then to have bubba latch on and have a feed in the pool, would be the best thing ever if I could get my home birth, straight into my own bed after, bliss!! :cheer:
there is no way i could go for a home birth as i have a heart problem and had 2 sections however i am desperatly hoping i can go naturaly this time, according to my cardiologist i'm aloud to go naturaly but i won't know for sure untill i see this specialist heart baby person lol basicly becasue it depends on how my heart is coping at 23 weeks and on obstertics wise
my partner keeps reading into a water birth but i'm not that intrested in one not sure why
Hi everyone :wave:
Did you miss me? :) I was away with pupils to Loch Lomond for a few days doing outdoor activities - i personally didn't do too many activities but I'm still knackered!! Very little sleep - I always forget just how excited the little blighters get just being away from home!!
I'm getting my legs waxed tomorrow but apart from that it's going to be a very quiet weekend!!

I hope everyone is ok!
I haven't had much time to notice my symptoms the last few days, but i feel pretty queasy now I'm home... but I guess it could be much worse! Can't believe that's 10 weeks already! Looking forward to just telling people!

Have a nice weekend everyone xxxx
Right lol Sorry if i miss anyone out

Rach, Rome is gorgeous! But it too can be expensive!

Becky, congrats on your maternity pants! :cheer:

Sally, Have a great time! TTYS!

Christina, congrats on picking your hospital! :cheer:

Hennaly, hope your feeling a bit better!! :hug:

Tasha, i have been planning labour from the day I found out lmao!

Kmac, welcome back! Hope you had a nice time away!!

As for me! Well migraine city here! lol Every single day I have woke up with one and cant bloody cope! Driving me nuts!
Also been trying to work on my website but with the migraine, thats been hard! I have to wait until its gone or nearly gone before I can even go on the pc! Thats why Im on here so late lol!
i was planning on a water birth with my first, but she was breech so they didnt allow it and scheduled me for a section. of corse i didnt want it so refused and had her naturally :D i showed them LOL! but during labour i had a nice shower that took ALL my contraction pain away so i have my name down for the birthing pool ! apparently im a grat candidate as my labour only took me two hours last time and a complication-free pg (appart from baby being breech) i really have my fingers crossed and am too exited to have little one latch on right after birth in the pool. OH is really exited as he gets fustrate with all the fuss and wants me to be as calm as poss ;)
Morning ladies :wave:

I'll have the same labour/birth as last time please, 2 1/2 hours at home then into bed with our new baby. :D . The only difference maybe is I spent £100 odd on a birth pool last time and never got to use it so I'm going to have it set up from 37 weeks and I WILL use it this time!

Tash I REALLY hope you get your home birth this time. I remember reading your birth story last time so I hope it's easier for you this time round :hug:

Lea sorry about your migraine trouble, hope you feel better soon :hug:

kmac sounds like you had a great time! What age are the kids? Are you a teacher? Have fun getting your legs waxed :D

hennaly I never realised it was more risky if you've had more kids, I would have thought you'd know exactly what you're doing! Wasn't there a lady on here who had her 6th at home? Natural Mama I think :think: [edit just checked and it was only(!) her 5th.] Have you had complications with any of your other pregnancies/births?

I'm off to teach swimming in an hour. Can't really be bothered but it pays well! I'm giving up all but the parent & toddler classes next term because I teach 4-7 year olds & don't want to risk getting kicked when I've got a bump.

Hope everyone's well :hug:
Last time I was induced at 41+11 but she wasn't born till +13 and that was by emergency section. So this time I'm hoping I won't have any of that.

I'm probably still going to go into hospital but I'm going to avoid being induced unless there is a danger to me or baby - I hated it last time. I've been told that there's nothing to suggest I can't deliver naturally this time but I'll have an appointment with a consultant at 36 weeks to "discuss options".
well im having 1 of those mornings where i cant remember what half of you have said lol :oops: sorry
kmac glad your home safe and sound hun :hug: nice to have you back xxxxxxxxx

hope everyone is ok and feeling well i will try and catch up better later after work xxxxxxx

my sickness seems to be getting into a routine now which is good in 1 way at least i know when to expect it now trouble is its starting at like 5am and lasting till about 11/12 midday but then thats it for the day the all day and night sickness seems to have stopped the last few days :cheer: on the other hand im finding the sickness ive got now is much worse and harder to control than the last lot :( i cant even stand up without throwing up :puke: its wearing me out and making me tearful :cry: off back to bed for an hour now then got to get ready for work at 12 :( hope you all have a lovely day xxxxxxx
all my others have been straight forward deliveries but apparently the more you have the more chance there is of my insides falling out after (prolapse to all you technical ones!!) of course that made me feel great :wall:
Any way im hoping to use the pool for labour then if i cant stay in transfer to a suite for delivery.
Hey girls, havent read much of this thread - just wanted to let people know that im in Wales for the week now, so i won't be on much :( buuut i havent run away, im just having a chill out time at home with my mummy and daddy :D

hope everyones ok! :hug:
:wave: beth hope you have a lovely relaxing week back home :D xxxxxx
morning all, hope everyone's good this fine morning :D

kmac, welcome back! :) enjoy getting your legs waxed and hope its not too painful!
babydust, glad your enjoying the use of your doppler, I've been thinking about getting in one. By the sounds of it, although its expensive, its really worth it, as you ladies certainly seem to get the most out of it. Do you think its worth it?
rach, sorry to hear about your sickness :( I really hope it starts to improve soon. I'll be happy to take some from you!
hennaly, your bits to fall out :shock: I'm now imagining body parts all over the floor. very strange image in my head imagining my intestines on the floor and me holding little bubs!

beth, have a great time in Wales with your mum n dad, you deserve the chill out time after the hospital epics... we'll miss ya!! :wave:
becky, I really hope you don't have to be induced this time. I know this might sound a bit silly but whats the difference in the labour when your induced? like how does it differ?
baby&i - I hope you get your water birth after you didn't get it last time

lea - damn those migraines!! they really do suck. I really feel for you as I used to get them really badly. I hope they ease off for you :pray:
my experience is with the ones i was induced with labour was much more intence and quicker but other than that no obvious difference.
I was put on the Syntocinon drip with my first as my labour was progressing very slowly!
The instant I got put on it, my contractions were more intense (almost constant) and more painful! Didnt help that much either! they put me on the drip at 9.40am and I still didnt have him until 3.45 pm!
I had that drip in my arm, plus a fluid drip as the pethidine made me so sick I couldnt even drink water!
I want a nice simple labour, lasting less than 3 hours, in hospital, lay on my back, lol YEH RIGHT!
Im going for an epidural this time! Ive never had a fast labour so Im not expecting one this time! My first was 32 hours long for first contraction,
Dillon was about 7 hours long and Lucy was 10 hours from first contraction!
(ooh they dont sound right? maybe Im adding them up wrong? But yeh they were long!)
I was in labour for about 17hrs with Oli and put on the sintocin drip as I was stuck at 3 cm for so long, it was awfull :( then had the horrible ventouse.

So being able to have my homebirth this time would be a dream!!

Thanks maybebaby :hug:

I hope you all get the births you want, or at least complicated free and quick!! :hug:

Rach I hope you get better soon :hug:
afternoon girls

well doctor confirmed im pregant yesturday only took 1 day for results to come back which puts my mine at rest

I starting to feel more real now, boobs are so big,

hope everyone is doing well

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