
so if your chancing your cours, does it matter if you fail???
i hope not :)
Hello ladies.

Well I've completely neglected the forum for nearly a week. OH's been 'ill' so I've had to do everything round the house and literally haven't had any free time until after Austin's gone to bed - when I can't use the computer because it's in his room. Absolutely shattered but OH's promised to make up for it when he's better :think: !

Well I have no idea where the time has gone, I'm 11 weeks today! Yay! I'm feeling really big and my normal trousers have stopped fitting, but the maternity ones are too big. I have 1 pair of gorgeous Crave jeans which fit really nicely other than that I have NO trousers at the mo!

I've just had a quick scan of all the recent posts but sorry if I've missed anything!

Beth - I read about your scan, the fact that they saw a sac & your levels are so good is fantastic! No chance of an ectopic now and fingers crossed you get to see a tiny heartbeat at your next scan.

Mel - hope your levels come back ok & sorry the woman on the phone was such a bitch - there's no need :x

Rach - :rotfl: at you waking up your neighbour, some people are so inconsiderate she deserves everything you throw at her :wink: . Sorry you've been feeling rough, hopefully you'll feel much better soon.

Christina - you can have up to 6 cups of tea (which I converted to 3 mugs) a day without it being a problem so don't feel bad for having 1! What course are you doing/changing too? (Sorry if you've already answered I haven't read all 10 pages that I missed...)

Everyone else - :wave: hope you're all feeling well-but-pregnant :wink:

Becky (+bumpette)
Heey becky.. how are you?

Yeah i have another scan tomorrow morning, yay :) hoping to see a little baby in the sac this time!
Beth88 said:
Heey becky.. how are you?

Yeah i have another scan tomorrow morning, yay :) hoping to see a little baby in the sac this time!

Fingers are crossed for you!!!!

:pray: :pray:
thank you so much mum2be, everyones support is much appreciated.. an te scan is sooo nice and ealy, so i dont have too long to wait.. and i'll be home asap to tell everyone the hopefully good news! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Beth88 said:
Heey becky.. how are you?

Yeah i have another scan tomorrow morning, yay :) hoping to see a little baby in the sac this time!

Hi Beth, I'm good thanks. Still feeling ok and getting excited about my scan on Monday :cheer:

Good luck tomorrow - really hope you can see more. What time's the scan?
10.45 so i'll be leaving at about 10.15... sooo nervous though :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :hug:
i will be dashing on here straight from work at 2pm to find out how you get on beth88
Thanks hennaly :hug: :hug: i'll hopefully not have to wait to see the doctor, becuase that took about 3 hours lastime... well i have my phone with me, and if i have to wait ill just use my internet on there to post (because im that sad) :lol: :lol:
Beth88 said:
Thanks hennaly :hug: :hug: i'll hopefully not have to wait to see the doctor, becuase that took about 3 hours lastime... well i have my phone with me, and if i have to wait ill just use my internet on there to post (because im that sad) :lol: :lol:

i wont be online til after work so wont know who you get on til about 5.30 i will be thinking of you hunny, soon as i get in i will check for a happy update!
maybebaby you are a constant worry to me doing your vanishing acts :talkhand: sorry your o/h not well hun hope hes better soon and hope you are ok nice to have you back and good luck for your scan on monday :hug: cant wait to see the pics :D xxxxxx

beth good luck for 2moro hun xxxxxxx

hope everyone else is ok off back to the tv now catch up 2moro properly xxxxxxxxxx
right im off now ladies

im so tired cant stay awake.

speak tommorrow!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :cheer: :dance: :sleep: :sleep:
I should defintely go to bed.. then i can get my scan sooner.. .hmmm!! i may watch a bit of 3rd rock then sleep :)
rach said:
maybebaby you are a constant worry to me doing your vanishing acts :talkhand: sorry your o/h not well hun hope hes better soon and hope you are ok nice to have you back and good luck for your scan on monday :hug: cant wait to see the pics :D xxxxxx

LOL I'll try not to do it again! Austin takes up so much of my time and he's a right mardy bum at the mo (turning into his daddy :roll: :D ) so I don't have huge amounts of time if he's awake anyway. I promise to make at least 1 post a day from now on :D
Thats a good plan Becky, then no one will worry :D

ooo Becky just noticed your ticker - not long at all until your first scan!!!! yaaay :cheer:
I can't believe how quickly it's going! Hopefully I won't get put too far back at the scan. I can't wait to see bubs, it'll make it real :D

Good luck with yours today Beth, I'll be waiting for your post!
good luck hun for your scan, Beth! :)

oo Becky! your scan is very soon, looking forward to it?
Morning everyone how are we all today? i hope anyone who has scans etc it goes well :hug: :hug:
i'm off to my mums today to give my lovely brother company for the day lol i'll no doubt be on the wii and ps2 with him hehe we always play on them :D
morning hun, how you doing this morning? I really want to get a Wii! Though I have never tried playing it but it looks so fun. Hope you enjoy playing some good games :)
Oh Anna im so jealous!! i really want a Wii but im absolutely rubbish at most things like that... and i cant really justify spending like £300 on something i'll use for about 2 weeks then get frustrated with haha

1 hour 8 minutes til i leave the house. woooo

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