Hello ladies.
Well I've completely neglected the forum for nearly a week. OH's been 'ill' so I've had to do everything round the house and literally haven't had any free time until after Austin's gone to bed - when I can't use the computer because it's in his room. Absolutely shattered but OH's promised to make up for it when he's better

Well I have no idea where the time has gone, I'm 11 weeks today! Yay! I'm feeling really big and my normal trousers have stopped fitting, but the maternity ones are too big. I have 1 pair of gorgeous Crave jeans which fit really nicely other than that I have NO trousers at the mo!
I've just had a quick scan of all the recent posts but sorry if I've missed anything!
Beth - I read about your scan, the fact that they saw a sac & your levels are so good is fantastic! No chance of an ectopic now and fingers crossed you get to see a tiny heartbeat at your next scan.
Mel - hope your levels come back ok & sorry the woman on the phone was such a bitch - there's no need
Rach -

at you waking up your neighbour, some people are so inconsiderate she deserves everything you throw at her

. Sorry you've been feeling rough, hopefully you'll feel much better soon.
Christina - you can have up to 6 cups of tea (which I converted to 3 mugs) a day without it being a problem so don't feel bad for having 1! What course are you doing/changing too? (Sorry if you've already answered I haven't read all 10 pages that I missed...)
Everyone else -

hope you're all feeling well-but-pregnant
Becky (+bumpette)