
well i finally told my mum and dad, they are on holiday just now and are due back on thursday so after my scan i sent her a pic msg with the scan pic and she phoned me right away, she was happy i think, but actually made me feel like i shouldnt be celebrating just yet she kept saying oh it just a waiting game isnt it, and i kept saying but im sure it will be fine this time and i was told today that everything looked really good, then she said but they told you that all the other times as well and look what happened.
:( :( i just wish i hadnt told her now she is just making me feel negative about it now :(

flossy im also feeling really dizzy at times, my hearing and eyes go all funny and i feel all light headed, i dont know whats causing it i am going to make an appointment with my gp think it might be low iron levels.
Babydust :hug: :hug: :hug: don't worry hun, your mum was just being cautious im sure... I really hope this pregnancy will be ok for you :hug:
glad the scan went well babydust.

I still haven't heard from my midwife so still don't know when mine will be....

I've still not been sick. I'm a bit worried. I also feel a bit less tired now.
Maybe I should be pleased, but like I say I'm a bit concerned....
Babydust - try not to worry about your mum's reaction - she is just worried about you and trying to protect you. Im know why you are disapointed though. Like me, you have waited all this time to tell people and all you want is a big "YAY!" :cheer:

Kmac - I have been telling myself that my morning sickness is all in my head and that something is wrong so I think it is natural to worry if you do have symptoms AND if you dont! These 12 weeks are just the most worrying of my life and taking forever and ever to pass! Hope you get a scan date through soon.

I have my scan tomorrow and have such mixed feelings about it! On the one hand I am so excited (my toes curl when I think about it) and on the other hand I am terrified! If my morning sickness will let me I am going to keep really busy today...

Oh, quick question...would any of you eat a pasta dish which has wine in it? I went to a restuarant last night and it was the only thing I liked on the menu...I didnt risk it though and ended up with a bowl of soggy chips! :lol:

see you all later x
sally12 said:
Babydust - try not to worry about your mum's reaction - she is just worried about you and trying to protect you. Im know why you are disapointed though. Like me, you have waited all this time to tell people and all you want is a big "YAY!" :cheer:

Kmac - I have been telling myself that my morning sickness is all in my head and that something is wrong so I think it is natural to worry if you do have symptoms AND if you dont! These 12 weeks are just the most worrying of my life and taking forever and ever to pass! Hope you get a scan date through soon.

I have my scan tomorrow and have such mixed feelings about it! On the one hand I am so excited (my toes curl when I think about it) and on the other hand I am terrified! If my morning sickness will let me I am going to keep really busy today...

Oh, quick question...would any of you eat a pasta dish which has wine in it? I went to a restuarant last night and it was the only thing I liked on the menu...I didnt risk it though and ended up with a bowl of soggy chips! :lol:

see you all later x

when wine is used in cooking the alchahol is cooked out so shouldnt be a problem anyway.
Hey all!! :D
Flossy, that could be your BP! When I was pregnant with Joseph, my BP went so low that on the way to the GP with my more heavier pregnant sis, I went blind! At first, I was yawning and yawning then the little stars, I got off the bus (oh yeh I was on a bus at the time lol) and I couldnt see! My sis grabbed my arm and helped me over to this building that had like a concrete step where you could sit! It must have looked so funn as my sis was like 8-9 months pregnant and you couldnt even tell I was pregnant! She was basically holding me up and walking me to this place to sit! It was scary! If I would have been alone I dont know what I would have done!? I have bought a home BP thing! I will be keeping an eye on it this time! lol
Hey only me again, just sat and had a good cry, gonna phone my local hospital to see if they do private scans, im worrying myself sick sat at home on my own so i need reasurrence, hown far gone do you have to be to be able to see a heartbeat on a scan? Sorry for moaning all the time :(
i believe it has to be 6 weeks for a heartbeat.. i'd love to see my seedling soon, but i know not to do anything for a while..
:wave: hi all sorry not on much just not good time for me really down and dont want to rub off on everyone else :(

littlelady dont appologise for moaning hun the 1st couple of weeks are really scary :hug: :hug: :hug: its hard to believe everything is ok when you still dont have a bump or many symptoms i know when i had my early scan for the heartbeat i had to be over 6 weeks and then i still had to have an internal scan :( if you feel a private scan would put your mind at rest book 1 hun :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

lea that must have been scary :shock: xxx

sally good luck at your scan 2moro will be thinking of you what time is it??? xxx

kmac try not to worry hun a lot of people dont get any symptoms at all :hug: maybe you should chase your midwife up though in case you have been forgotten might be worth ringing and saying youve not heard off anyone and would like to know whats going on :hug: xxx

babydust hun im sure your mum is just worried about you :hug: stay positive hun :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

flossy ive been the same although it seems to be when im really tired that its worse :hug: glad your scan went well cant wait to see pics xxx

ive forgotten what else ive read now :oops: :oops: :oops:

anybody ive forgotten hi :wave: hope your all well xxxxxx
Oh gosh it must be in the air!
I have been feeling really down and angry for the last few days!
Today I seem better thankfully but it has been horrid! I hate to feel like that!

Littlelady! :hug: :hug: :hug: Your not moaning all the time!!
I think im gonna spend most of my time in bed tonight as gal has decided to watch footbaltill 10.30 the twat so im left watching nothing, not in a great mood now :roll: fooking men

Anyway, do all hospitals offer private scanning services or is it just certain ones?
Rach - Good stalking skills! My scan is at is going to be a very long morning! Im sorry that you are having a tough time - dont feel bad about coming on here though, we are here to support you :hug:

Littlelady - dont even speak to me about football!!! :roll: :roll: Im not sure about what services Hospitals offer...Ive only been to hospital once and that was when I was born! :D

Lea M - got on, let out the anger, we know you want to! :twisted:

Hennaly - good to know about the wine, I love cooking with it

Beth - I dont get the "wednesday/seedling" joke on the other thread either :oops:

Hope everyone is well tonight...and I hope to be posting scan piccie of bubba tomorrow :pray: :pray: :pray:
Hey all well my scan was amazing as ive already said in my post and have said now gosh i dont half repeat myself :lol: Anyhow im not sure what date to go with there was 2 for the fetal measurements on my scan pic which are 13wks 2 days or 13wks 3 days if its by the scan dates its 12 wks 5 days so ive no idea?? Mindue i did think bean looked rather big for its age :lol:
Hi all

Well I got a letter today with a midwife appointment - it's on the 25th June - it says I should have had my scan before then.... so I guess i haven't been forgotten about. The appointment for the scan will come seperately.

I still feel a bit worried that there's nothing there inside me, and I keep wondering what are the chances of something having gone wrong. :( It's not exactly positive thinking is it? :?
I feel bad as DH and our parents are SO excited, but I'm scared to get excited and I'm worried we told them all too soon.

Sorry to be depressing.... don't know what's up!!!
I know its hard not to worry but im sure alls ok hun. I had the dreadful feeling that i was going to get to my scan to find nothing as ive not had any symptoms really but bean was there with its little heart beating away and ever so active. Chin up sweety were all here if you need to talk :hug:
so pleased about your scan Flossy..

Sally - i now get it, MaybeBaby messaged me.. apparently Midna used to call Wednesday 'seed' before she was born, lol, and when i called mine seedling and said i liked the name Wednesday for a girl, i think people got confused..
Beth88 said:
so pleased about your scan Flossy..

Sally - i now get it, MaybeBaby messaged me.. apparently Midna used to call Wednesday 'seed' before she was born, lol, and when i called mine seedling and said i liked the name Wednesday for a girl, i think people got confused..

I see now...thanks Beth!

Kmac- From I can work out, everyone seem to have such different symptoms it is impossible to read anyhting into any of them...good or bad! I hope you get a scan date soon so you can have your mind put at rest.

Flossy - I love your piccie!! Do any of the dates match what FF gave you?
sally ff gave me the date of the 26th nov which is what my tickers saying. Beans fetal measurements on my scan pics measure at 13wks 2 days which makes it the 24th nov :)
At least you were moved the right way! :dance:

I hope you enjoy tri 2...dont forget us...please still come back for a chat!
But by the scan date its the 28th nov so which one do i use beans actual fetal measurements or the one they gave me??? :?

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