
I really dont get the point of dating scans these days??
I still dont have a "true" DD (well as true as they can get lmao) neither has Flossy!? I have read others in the same position too!? Weird!

WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!!!!! :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :clap: :dance: :cheer: :clap: :dance: :cheer:

Sorry to any Chelsea fans on here but YAY that was so nerve racking and fantastic and we won!!!! :clap: :dance: :cheer:
AND more importantly I felt babs move! :shock: :o
Im not joking and I dont care what the books say etc! My knicker elastic was digging right into my belly, so I think that helped, I put my hand on and couldnt feel it with my hand but could feel it moving inside! Right while United where in Extra time! I have a red! Oh my little pip! :D
Seriously what a result all round! They won and my baba was coping Giggs in the kicking department!! :rotfl:
:cheer: lea enjoy 2 nd tri
i feel like shit today have been sick since 4 am :puke:
im not usually sick with ms usually just feel it but boy things have changed. it staryed yesterday afternoon after i took the girls to nursery i felt so hot and all of a sudden i was gagging, i thought once i was sick i would be better like a hangover sick but i just felt the same :( although i hate it its a good sign for me. think i will try travel sickness bands.

flossy i would go with the one they gave you and there is only a few days between them, it will probabally change again at next scan
I'm sorry babydust you're feeling so sick! I hope it eases off soon!

leam - WOOOO YES WE ARE THE CHAMPS! I am so chuffed even more as my OH supports Chelsea!
:wave: hi all hope everyones ok xxxx

babydust hope your feeling better today hun xxx

kmac great you got an appointment through hopefully you will get your scan date through any day now :hug: xxx

lea and flossie hope tri 2 are being nice to you :wave: xxx

sally your scan pis is lovely i cant wait for my scan xxx

mel did you decide what to do about an early scan after? xxx

anyone ive forgot hope your all ok xxx

not having too bad a day today not feeling too sick :cheer: its eased a little last 2 days :D makes me feel very unpregnant again lol got a day off today so got up with christopher gave him brekkie and when he had a nap i had 1 too :oops: we slept for nearly 3 hours :oops: it was lovely not got much else planned am going to go down jamies grave and put some new things on there that i bought yesterday and check if he needs new flowers maybe a quick pop to the shops for some bits for the weekend and then back home to relax :D xxxxxxxxxxx
.Christina. said:
leam - WOOOO YES WE ARE THE CHAMPS! I am so chuffed even more as my OH supports Chelsea!

Hahaha that made me really giggle with your OH being a Chelsea fan lol!

I felt LO wiggling again last night!! :D :cheer: Hopefully it will be most nights lol! I didnt think I would feel him again for a while! I thought the other night was a one off but nope!! :D
I miss tri 1 :( Not pregnancy wise but forum wise! Hurry up everyone and get into tri 2!! :cheer:
lea m said:
Hurry up everyone and get into tri 2!! :cheer:

Im trying my best Lea lol - Time seems to be standing still though! :think:

Rach - glad you are feeling a bit take it easy! When I went for my scan yesterday a couple had just been told that they are having twins - Ive never seen such big grins in my life!

Hope everyone is well x
Decided to wait Rach, 11 days till my mw appointment so gonna blag my way into getting one as soon as poss, plus i havnt got that kind of money and most of thewm are too far away :(
sally above was meant to say scan pic lol it seems i cant spell anymore :oops:
we were like that at the hospital when we found out we just kept looking at each other laughing hysterically and saying oh my god 2 :shock: :rotfl: xxx

lea sorry hun its going to be ages before i get to 2nd tri :( how lovely you are feeling baby move regular :hug: i cant wait to feel mine move i felt christopher and jamie at about 14 weeks so fingers crossed with 2 i may feel it a bit earlier xxx

mel sorry hun :hug: it can seem like a long time when you are anxious but we will be here with you and the time will soon pass when the midwife asks when your last af was tell her you cant remember as they have been irregular she may send you for a scan to check how far along you are xxx
Yeah could do although already told my doc before and they sent the details to the midwife :doh: Ill just mention ive had a chem pg maybe they will send me for one sooner rather then later, all i can do is hope fore the best. Couldnt believe my mum this morning though, went to hers and she said ' your still pregnant arnt you, not come on or anything' :x How insensitive can you be and she wonderedwhy i had a go at her :roll:
mel :hug: im sure your mum didnt mean to upset you hun :(
hope you get somewhere with the midwife and manage to get an earlier scan xxxxxxx
Gosh mums can be so insensitive! Loads of ladies have come on here and been hurt by what their mums have said!
I hope Im not like that when my kids are older!? (I nearly wrote when I grow up lmao! :rotfl: )
Rach I would LOVE to know what its going to feel like for you when they do start moving!!? ?That will be amazing!! :D
Shes a nob really. Jusdt because she is the most fertile woman in Rotherham (4 kids) Thinksshe has the right to say that to me pffft ithink not lady, best make up by monday though as i need her to look after hope for and hour :wink:
lea i cant even begin to imagine what it will feel like lol i would imagine its very strange till you get used to it lol ooh i cant wait :D xxx

mel dont let her get to you hun :hug: xxx

well i got work today grrrr really dont feel like it could do with going back to bed :sleep: have found a way to cope with sickness at last lol ive found if i force food down while i feel sick it passes for a while its really hard not to be sick while the 1st mouthful is going down but once you get past that its fine and sickness doesnt usually return for an hour or 2 :cheer: at least its working at the moment xxxxxx
Rach I hope your feeling less sick soon!
Thats what I had to do! Force the food down!! :hug:
had the worst night ever, had the most crippling period pins ever :( I dont know whether that was todo with the fact iwas trying for a number 2 dfpr bout 15 mins but really thought it was aall over last night:(
the doctors at the hosptial said that it can be linked to constipation or wind.. period pains ARE NOT just related to periods, so it seems!! I got these a few nights ago Mel, really don't worry..
Yeah me too - im such a needle phobic so am dreading having another stupid blood test... im gonna go in a 11, they didn't state a time so i'll just turn up then. I think t took about 5 hours to get my HCG levels lastime, so i'll call them up at about 5pm today and demand my results, and if they don't give them then i';ll go there and hang around ward 1 :D

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