thanks littlelady

we are still in shock over the twins still doesnt feel real will be better after i see them on next scan i expect
sally not sure hun all i can tell you is ive never had m/s this bad its day and night

i constantly feel sick all i want to do is lie on sofa and i cant as i have to work today
also think im getting depressed

not sure if its being so poorly is making me feel like this or lots of hormones or what but im just bursting into tears constantly havent felt this low in a long long time

as soon as i opened my eyes this morning i burst into tears o/h was so worried he thought i was tired and offered to stay up with the baby while i got some more sleep (hed just got in from a night shift) but i said no im not tired he said why you crying and i just said cos im awake and i dont want to be

dont know who was more confused him or me
we have already had our first falling out over names

dont know how we are ever going to agree on 2 names

im now refusing to discuss it till we find out what we are having at least that way if we are having 2 girls we can stop rowing over boys names lol
if we had a girl i said id like to name her heidi after my grandmother who passed away last year o/h doesnt like it he wants kady (sp) dont even know how he wants to spell it ive never heard of it and we are completely at loggerheads on boys names we already have a luke jamie daniel and christopher and it was really hard agreeing on christopher so god help us if we are having 2 boys the poor mites will be twin a and twin b for a long time
