
i have a feeling im having a girl.. but its only like a 60:40 feeling..

have fun at your group maybebaby :wave:
Have fun at your group though!

I'm struggling with girls names. Haven't really found any that jump out to me. I like quite unusual names! Hmm. Anyone got any ideas?

How's everyone doing this morning?
im into the name Wednesday sooo much.. i totally want it for my girl!

im fine this morning, midwife woke me up though, yawn... how about you? :wave:
i am having trouble with names but only because we cant flippin agree on any, there are a few i really like but hubby doesnt and i cant stand the names he is coming up with, his family is very posh and like the old fashioned royal names but im having none of it so im going to choose what i like sod em all and not tell anyone till its registered.
Have a good day everyone im off to work. :wave:
Wednesday is a really nice name. Are there any other days of the week you can use for names? Hmmm can't think of any. I love little girls though I have a feeling I'm having a boy. Though, I'm not sure if thats cos I have a preference for a boy. Tbh, as long as its healthy I don't really mind. Can't wait to find out the sex. You going to find out or staying Team Green?

I'm good this morning. Woke up later for once! So very happy and rested to be honest. Is everything ok with your midwife?
Umm i think i might stay team green, how about you?! i probably won't knowing me, i'll get far too excited.. haha..

Um basically the midwife was saying i shouldnt get my scan til after the 5th June because im going back to Wales and i should just book my scan for at home.. Ah its all so confusing!
I have a student welfare chat later too, that should be fun..
Beth - Glad you dont think bad of me! Also glad that you have lots of people to support you. I know my family will still be shocked even though I am 27 and have been married for 3 years!!!

Hmm names is such a tricky one. There are loads of girls names we like (I think we have decided on one though) but hardly any boys name which grab us. I have actually always loved the name Bethany/Bethan and it is on my shortlist (which isnt very short!)

I think Im having a boy so I will have to start thinking. I like traditional and modern names so doesnt narrow it down at all! :wall:

There is no way that we wont be able to find out the sex - we are just too curious! I have lots of respect for people that are able to wait!

Hope everyone is OK today :hug:
thanks littlelady :D we are still in shock over the twins still doesnt feel real will be better after i see them on next scan i expect

sally not sure hun all i can tell you is ive never had m/s this bad its day and night :( i constantly feel sick all i want to do is lie on sofa and i cant as i have to work today :cry:
also think im getting depressed :( not sure if its being so poorly is making me feel like this or lots of hormones or what but im just bursting into tears constantly havent felt this low in a long long time :( as soon as i opened my eyes this morning i burst into tears o/h was so worried he thought i was tired and offered to stay up with the baby while i got some more sleep (hed just got in from a night shift) but i said no im not tired he said why you crying and i just said cos im awake and i dont want to be :? dont know who was more confused him or me :(

we have already had our first falling out over names :wall: dont know how we are ever going to agree on 2 names :shock: im now refusing to discuss it till we find out what we are having at least that way if we are having 2 girls we can stop rowing over boys names lol
if we had a girl i said id like to name her heidi after my grandmother who passed away last year o/h doesnt like it he wants kady (sp) dont even know how he wants to spell it ive never heard of it and we are completely at loggerheads on boys names we already have a luke jamie daniel and christopher and it was really hard agreeing on christopher so god help us if we are having 2 boys the poor mites will be twin a and twin b for a long time :D xxxxxx
Rach - Heidi is on my shortlist too....I told you that it is not very short! :rotfl:

Im sure you must be feeling so down because of all the hormones. Try not to worry about WHY you feel like this, just try to take one day at a time. If you need to, have a chat with your gp, he may be able to help.

In the meantime, have lots of these :hug: :hug:
Aww Rach! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have been feeling down like that too! Im sure though with all your extra hormones surely it would affect you more!?
I also had full day everyday M/S with my dd! Maybe you are having girls after all!? ;) I hope your feeling a little better soon!! :hug:

I have lots of girls names, girls names are easy!
I cant think of many boys names! they are the hard ones for me and Im sure Im having a boy! (he looks like a boy on the scan pic lmao)
Sally - wil lyour family really be shocked?! if they will then i really am screwed with mine! haha.. nah i think my mum will be ok with it, she'll most likely get started on the knitting, great..

Rach - I'm sure its just your hormones hun.. Considernig you are having twins as well.. :hug: :hug:
gosh not even thinking bout names right now, all im thinking about is going to :sleep: but working at 5 so not much chance of that :wall:
I feel quite lucky as a student, as its far more flexible. You can study when you want as such to some extent.

I think I'm settled on a girls name... Aurora :D
im a bar maid, hopefully it will go quick tonight so then its :sleep:
I'm back! I went to my sister's for lunch after our group then ended up staying chatting all afternoon...

I love Erica for a girl, I wanted it last time but OH wasn't keen, this time he's said it's growing on him so he's happy to have it on the list :D . I'm finding boys much harder, I like classic, unusual english names that don't sound too old :roll: not picky or anything... Teddy,Freddie and Stanley are all on the list but I'm really struggling to come up with something I love as much as ds.

Rach - sorry you're feeling rubbish, hopefully your hormones will settle down a bit soon and you'll feel better :hug: Oh and Heidi is a gorgeous name!

Mel - hope work goes well & you don't get too tired standing up for too long!

Beth - do you have brothers or sisters with kids or will yours be the first grandchild? I was 21 when I got preggo with Austin & my mum and MIL were both over the moon at the idea of another grandbaby! They're just as excited this time (which is good as they'll be babysitting...)

I'm not finding out the sex I just love the surprise at the end too much! But I never peek at my Christmas presents either :wink:
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Maybebaby - I have a big brother, who is 23 this year and is totally career driven, went to a really good uni etc and has no interest in children.. And my parents are both 60, they didnt have us til really late in life because they couldnt conceive for some reason or another, so im the youngest grandchild in the whole family as well as the youngest child :shock: so i think this is gonna be a shock, but Mum always goes on about how she wants grandchildren from me "but not yet" so i dont think shes gonna go mad.. We'll see on monday hahaha!

Littlelady - i work some nights in the union here, and its hell.. i hate serving drunk people and getting alcohol all over myself argh
Hey ladies well today started off fine until earlier and i felt so bad i was walking home with the kids and started to come over all lightheaded and really dizzy to the extent i thought i was going to pass out and this happened over the weekend to. What can cause this as it got me a bit worried. Mindue on one upside ove got my scan tommorrow!! Im so excited its unreal!!! :D

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