
morning all :wave:

beth good luck today your a lot more patient than me i would have been there 1st thing xxx

lea wish someone had told me about forcing the food down lol i didnt need to suffer for so long xxx

mel if you are at all worried hun about the pains your getting please get yourself checked over :hug: we can all advise you but we really dont know what you are feeling go with your instincts if your worried phone midwife :hug: :hug: :hug:

i do get some really nasty ripping pains which take my breath away sometimes when i stand up too quick or turn over in bed too quick they can be quite scary :(
well sunday again :bored: :bored: :bored: doing some housework this morning then off out for lunch hope everyone has a great day xxxxxxxxx
rach said:
lea wish someone had told me about forcing the food down lol i didnt need to suffer for so long xxx

Aww Im sorry!! :hug: I feel bad now! We did discuss it on here a while back but maybe a little more back that I thought? :think: lol

rach said:
i do get some really nasty ripping pains which take my breath away sometimes when i stand up too quick or turn over in bed too quick they can be quite scary :(

I get them! They are horrible arent they? Sometimes after sitting, I cant stand up straight for a while and have to walk around bend hahaha :rotfl:
morning girls,

well i am layin in bed still. want to have a lazy day cant be bothered to do much today hehe.

Not feeling very pregnant at mo. cant wait for some sure signs to put my mind at rest

:pray: :pray:
Im sooooo hungry and the only thing I want is a chicken devil sandwich from Hampsons!! :x There not even open!! I dont know what Im going to do lol! Nothing else will be god enough!?! heehee cravings sre just bugging me!! lol
Went to the hospital because of the pain, turn out its a urine infection :lol: Gota scan booked for tues though so thats ok :)
said if they dont phone me by 12 i should phone them so not sure yet :think:
Ah ok. Well im 11.30 and i get my bloods back that day too, so its either gonna be an AMAZING day where i get doubled HCG levels and to see the little sac thing on the scan, or its gonna be a horrid day..
yup im dreadin it lol, hope its a good day for both of us :pray:
lea so sorry hun lol didnt mean to make you feel bad :hug: :oops:
im the same with the pains they are really horrible :( xxx

mum2be i was the same a few weeks ago now im wishing the symptoms away lol make the most of your time without them im sure you will get some soon enough hun xxx

mel im so glad you went and got checked out at least your infection can be sorted out and you should be feeling better in a day or 2 :hug: and you got a scan on tuesday how fab is that :cheer: xxx

hope everyones having a good day :D ive made a lush trifle today not had trifle in ages and been craving it for days now bought a mini shop one but they are just not the same also have a really bad craving for golden delicious apples was stood in my pyjamas in kitchen at 3am eating one :oops: just cant get enough of them yum yum yum xxxxxx
rach - I can't stop eating granny smith's!!

This has been my worst 2 days for feeling sick so far.
Usually it's just late in the afternoon but it's been all day :(
I know I shouldn't say this but I wish I just would be sick then I might feel better. I am still eating though - it makes me feel better for about 10 minutes then I feel :puke: again!!

Am I the only person who hasn't had or is about to have a scan???
How come everyone is getting them so early? :?
me and beth are getting them early because we are having pains in our tummys and the hospitals are making sure they are ok :)
Rach - I know you didnt mean to make me feel bad :hug:

Mel - Im glad it is an infection that can be treated easily and you have got a scan!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Rach and Kmac - funny about the apples! I craved Apple Juice bad a few weeks back!! :D I wonder if we all end up with the same sex babies?? I might google hahahaha :rotfl:
:hug: Hello everyone :wave:

Lea - it is annoying when you can't get what you want, I remember the cravings last time for diet coke, which really isn't a good one too have! I was always in a right strop :lol:

Rach - Yes I found eating little and often really helps, its hard to get the first bite in but once its done you feel a lot better, hope you are well hun :hug:

Mum2be - Welcome to first tri, enjoy your lazy day!!

Beth- Aww don;t worry hun, I know its hard but I am sure everything will be fine, it is hard none the less I know, I had an early scan and bleeding at 12 weeks with Olivia, lots of scary things happen, but 9x10 everything is just fine :)

Mel- Aww sorry you have a UTI, glad they found out soon though, its always best to find out if your worried about anything :hug:

Kmac- Granny smiths :rotfl: I cant stand granny smiths, hope you are well :hug:

Sally, Babydust and everyone else, hope you all ok :hug:

Well the sickness hit me this morning! :puke:
I got up with Oli and felt fine, until I started peeling her banana :puke:
I felt sick as a dog, I can't believe I didn't chuck :(

Felt fine at lunch and now this evening have jelly belly :?

I have been drinking fizzy fruity water and it really helps.

ooo i love granny smiths mmm yummy, gone off my food a bit atm, not eatingas much as usual so means ive lost a bit of weight, not meaning to obviously but i just ddont feel hungry alot of the time so force myslef to eat. Just had a lovely magnum though even though Hope ate all my chocolate off it :roll:
Kmac & Lea - what the hell girls?! Apple juice and granny smith cravings?! now why can't i crave things like that, rather than cadbury crunchie ice lollies?! You healthy people!!!

Tasha - Yeah im sure i'm gonna be ok, i have a good feeling about it, as im not getting the pains at all now, my boobs are hurting and im shattered but i feel good

Well i got into bed at about 3.30pm (with a crunchie ice lolly :lol: ) and have only just woken up, at 7.50pm :shock: :shock: this is after 12 and a hafl hours sleep lastnight :shock: gosh!

Hope you're all ok :hug: :hug:
So im sat here munchin on a granny smiths as i read this and felt the need to post hehehe.. im loving apples, noodles, milk, i drink water like its going out of fashion too. iv actually gone off food a little the past two or three days, not too sure why but i have been eating like a pig previously :lol: i think im mostly drawn to anything potatoee as it is sooo yummy and stops my sickness :D i can eat mcains and mayo any time of the day or night but trying to curb myself for a jaket spud with cheese instead hehe!
:wave: its been a hell of a weekend we have had 3 birthday partys :shock: i have no energy, still feeling sick now and again, went out for dinner for my mums birthday and had ham eggs and chips mmmmmmmmmmmm i was craving kola cubes last week but this week i cant get enough of the smell of jasmin :D as for eating there isnt really anything i fancy appart from home made chips with loads of salt and asparagus with loads of butter, not as healthy as apples :shock: but i would never have had aparagus before :?

baby&i you are making me want mashed potato with butter :D

beth good news things seem to be settling down :cheer: and you have a scan on tue :cheer:

tasha hope the sickness isnt too bad :hug:

mel good luck with your scan and hope your uti clears up soon

:wave: mum2be good to see you over here :cheer:
Heeey babydust, how are you feeeeeeling? dont worry aboutt he unhealthy cravings, im on the chocolate ice lollies, so i wouldnt worry :D

Ah im so tired but i can't be bothered going to bed... There is nothing good on tv either. gosh.
Beth88 said:
Kmac & Lea - what the hell girls?! Apple juice and granny smith cravings?! now why can't i crave things like that, rather than cadbury crunchie ice lollies?! You healthy people!!!

Hey I have also been craving salad sandwiches!! :shock:
It is very odd lol hmm actually I think I might have to go get one now! With yummy salad cream!! yay!! :cheer: :cheer:

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