
I know :( And Ive had zero sleep due to the fact every neighbour it seems decided to strim or mow their lawns today!! :wall:

WellI d better get to work, wish me luck!
aww poor you ninja :hug: :hug:
omg i have been soooooo sick this evening lol it's like a tap coming out of my mouth, i had the most lovely dinner made curtersy of my partner and about 5 mins later :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: so i'm having my 2nd attempt at eating dinner which my partner made again haha i'm just hoping this one will stay down and to top it my legs and arms are acking. God i feel awful this evening :puke: :(
im pretty sure this is my date anyway, i have to have a scan to find out coz of the pill and stuff, but im pretty sure its right yaaaaaaaay :wave:
i worked mine out from my last period which was 20th april so im pretty sure its spot on :cheer:
I am pritty close to you both too hehe
I worked mine out from last period which was 16th April.

Be nice to travel through pregnancy together (((hugs)))
oh wow we're all within a day of eachother! exciting!
Hi everyone :wave:

I love Indiana Jones too...bring on the new one!

Had my worst day of M/S yet yesterday...couldnt keep anything down and didnt manage to drink anything all day :( Just lay on the sofa shaking like a big jelly!

I have my scan on Thursday and I am terrified! I thought I would just be really excited but no, the nerves have already crept in!

Good luck for your scan today babydust, will be thinking of you!

Anyone else got a scan coming up soon?
Yeah Sally i have my dating scan on Friday :dance: I can't wait to see my lil Turnip on the screen!

Good luck for your scan on Thursday Sally and good luck Babydust for today - can't wait to see some pics!

Sarah xxx
:wave: hi all
babydust good luck today hun :hug:
sally good luck for thursday :hug:

hope everyones ok am now going back to the sofa to be my usual sicky tearful self xxxxxxxxxxx
good luck for your scans ladies and omg Rach twins, massive huge double congrats :hug:
Thanks ladies :hug:

Rach - do you think your M/S is worse because you are expecting twins? Mine has been really bad and I have a massive tummy too...perhaps I could have an extra bun too? :lol:

I would love absolutely twins but for now all I want to know is that there is a little someone in there!

I hope you feel better soon :hug:
good luck for the scans girls :hug: hope everything goes ok..
Beth - have you told your OH the news yet? (sorry if you have posted about this somewhere else) he at uni too? I hope you have someone to talk to about it all, I know you are not telling your parents just yet. oh, and I hope you dont think I am being too nosey! :oops:
Course your not being nosey!! its fine :D im the same hahaah! Yes my OH knows, he was in such shock lol, but we're ok now and hes ok with it, rejecting my name ideas but thats another story :rotfl:

My parents get back on monday so im just gonna call them then.. And my brother knows as well now.. I told him, and he was shocked, probably because he still thinks im about 12 rather than 20 though hehe

omg my oh did my head in last time with choosing names, he did like some shite names, but then he picked Hope so its beautiful :D
YEs i agree Hope is a lovely name :) very cute indeed.. I really like unsual names, like REALLY unusual names, but i think its because i have such a common name (Bethan Jones) and there was a girl in my class with exactly the same name!
But OH is being a pain.. i have about 35 weeks to convince him.. hmmm.. i'm up to the challenge..
Oh my god we are already struggling with names! It doesn't help that OH is convinced it's a boy so refuses to consider ANY girl's names!

I hope everyone's okay, and those that are :puke: feel better soon :hug:

I'm off to my toddler group then the HV so will chat properly later, :wave:

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