

Don't all hate me but I still feel pretty good :D no sickness, not too tired today, and not too hormonal! My biggest prob at the mo is Austin's being really clingy so I'm having to carry him all the time & he's so heavy! My back is really starting to hurt. I know they say not to lift anything heavy but when it's your 13 month old son you kind of have to!

:hug: s for those not feeling great

As far as women's intuition goes I thought Austin was going to be a boy the whole way through & I was right :D . I've not had any strong vibes one way or another yet with this one.

Sally I hope you manage to have a good weekend anyway, it's rubbish when you can't talk to anyone! That's one of the main reasons I told my mum & sister 2 weeks ago. I've still not made it public knowledge, although the way my waistline's going I may not have that luxury much longer!

Rach that's rubbish about your neighbours. It's so selfish especially if you've already said something to them. Some people just don't think!

Must dash, my boy is crying. :hug:
I think Im having a boy! I dont really ever feel anything when it comes to my babies lol! I tend to get everyone elses around me right! I have good sixth sense with them, just not me lol! Im glad as I like the suprise! (well until the 20 week scan ;) ) haha
So it could be either way! But Im going off outside "messages" lol
The boys clothes in tesco arent to great! = BOY
I have feel inlove with 2 moses baskets both of which wouldsuit a girl better = BOY
Things like that lol! Thats how it works for me! When I had the boys, clothes werent that cute and the girls clothes were!
When I had Lucy, the boys clothes were soooo cute! lol
Hope you get what I mean and dont just think me totally nuts lmao! :rotfl:
Ive been thinking girl, and calling bubba "she" in my head...until the scan, now I keep saying "he" :roll:

Hopefully I will be able to find out in ten weeks time, but knowing my luck bubba will have its leg in the way!! :roll:
:wave: hi all have decided nasty neighbour has had enough warnings and from now on am going to phone police every time she makes too much noise after 11 :evil: she taking the pi** now and im not going to let her stress me out my babies are too important :D thanks for your support everyone :hug:

not really had time to catch up much today so hope everyones well and not feeling too sick etc

thanks for the replies on the dizzyness i was starting to worry but not now and yes i think a lot of it has to do with tiredness

ended up working an extra hour today but then got home and went to bed for a few hours so feeling much better now
just had a lovely chinese which i managed to eat :D and now going to curl up with o/h and watch a film hes been on nights all week so will be nice to spend some time with him xxxxxxxxxxx
Hmmmmmmmmm Chinesssssseeeeee! *drool drool*
I fancy a chinese actually!
I love the buffets so I can get a bit of everything haha
:shock: you girls have been very chatty today :shakehead: i havent been on all day and there is 2 pages :shakehead:
i went on a day trip with the girls nursery today to a flower festival :roll: but the girls had a ball and there was food vans with chips everywere :dance: and a sweet stall that had kola cubes :dance:

rach i have been feeling the same, really light headed but its only if i get up too fast and it only lasts a few seconds. :hug: sorry you are having trouble with your neighbours, its the worst thing in the world, my sister had alot of trouble with hers, they would have music on really loud all night = it would go off a couple of hours then back on all day, she works from home and couldnt sleep with the noise and couldnt concentrate with her work, in the end she called the police every time and they have now been evicted.
I had a problem neighbour just after I had Dillon! :evil:
One day I was so distressed with it Joe went in her house (her door was open) and threw her stereo :shock: He was my hero at the time lol but then the police came knocking! :( LOL (yeh I know he wasnt right to do that but she drove me nuts)
She carried on! :evil: in the end I l ost my temper and threatened to kill her :shock: Yep I had also started with PND at this point! She moved out! :shock: Not the best way to do things I know but I couldnt cope with it anymore! I had a newborn baby and another under 1! The police did nothing!
LOL now we sound like a right pair of thugs dont we hahaha :rotfl:
We're not like that really lol we are really nice in general!!! Honest!! :angel:
Where is everybody today?? lol
I have had a serious migrain from waking this morning!
I havent had one that bad for years! :( And I couldnt take anything for it either!
I slept most of the day and that has helped! Im really suprised that it has gone now!? :shock: Normally when they are that bad they last for 2 days!
I have decided I will need to go back on beta blockers soon after babas birth! :( Kinda upset as I doubt I will be able to breastfeed! I will have to speak to the doc this week!
Theres just no way I could have looked after my baby had he been born today! And it just hit me! :cry: I will have to see! Im not going to worry about it yet!
lea i used to be on beata blockers for my migrains i would usually get them every other week but with the beata blockers they totally went away, my silly dr didnt tell me to stop taking them when i was pregnant last year and after i had a m/c i was so sure it was because of them, anyway i decided i wanted to come off them so just stopped taking them one day and havent really had a bad one since.

well something really embassasing happened yesterday i was out shopping with dh and the girls and i told dh i felt really dizzy so we decided to go for something to eat but before i sat down i told dh i had to go to the toilet, bloody constipation for days :oops: anyway i was in the toilet for some time and no joy :x but i didnt realise how long it actually was, until i heard a woman calling my name and asking if i was ok that my husband was outside really worried about me :oops: i told her tell him im fine :oops: :oops: so i then had to sit a little longer to make sure the toilet was empty before i came out :oops: :oops: :oops: i told dh i just felt sick so couldnt come out until it passed :rotfl:
lea m said:
Where is everybody today?? lol
I have had a serious migrain from waking this morning!
I havent had one that bad for years! :( And I couldnt take anything for it either!
I slept most of the day and that has helped! Im really suprised that it has gone now!? :shock: Normally when they are that bad they last for 2 days!
I have decided I will need to go back on beta blockers soon after babas birth! :( Kinda upset as I doubt I will be able to breastfeed! I will have to speak to the doc this week!
Theres just no way I could have looked after my baby had he been born today! And it just hit me! :cry: I will have to see! Im not going to worry about it yet!


Hun you need to speak to your doc about this and contact La leche league or Association of breastfeeding mothers as there is help with this.

Here is a very interesting article/question on this matter, lots of women breastfeed while they have migraine trouble, there are lots of alternatives, its just finding the right one.

Ohh i'm gonna read that, i've had migraines since the day I was born!!! I was on Pizotifen but doc said I can't take it anymore so now the migraines are my best friend...

And, none of u girls told me how horrible it is to VOMIT! I was washing up and ran to the toilet to sick up my small breakfast, I was crying while I was sick lol coz its so traumatic! I thought I was gonna escape mornign sickness...I havent vomitted in years and I hate it :evil:
hi girls sorry not been on :wave: yesterday was only supposed to work 9-1 but we were so short staffed and busy i ended up working till 6 then coming home and heading straight to bed really dont think im up to doing extra hours at the moment :( am having awful nightmares think its a guilt thing where i was in such a state over finding out about the twins and now i keep dreaming 1 of them has died by time i have next scan :cry: im going to be in a right state now till i have my next scan i wish the appointment would hurry up and arrive i need to know

anyway enough moaning lolhope your all ok off out for lunch now catch up later xxxxxxxx
babydust said:
lea i used to be on beata blockers for my migrains i would usually get them every other week but with the beata blockers they totally went away, my silly dr didnt tell me to stop taking them when i was pregnant last year and after i had a m/c i was so sure it was because of them, anyway i decided i wanted to come off them so just stopped taking them one day and havent really had a bad one since.

Yeah same here! Once I stopped them last time the migraines stayed away for about a year! But now they are back! :( Stupid head!! :x

Tasha thanks for the link! I will look into them and speak to the doc and see what she says about it! :D :hug:

Aww rach! :hug: :hug: I hope the nightmares stop for you! Dreams can be soooo cruel! Try not to carry the guilt! Its a horrible thing! I think everyone would have reacted the same when finding they are having twins! Its a total shock! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lea No problem, theres always a solution to a problem and you have plenty of time yet to find one :hug:
I know a lady who works with ABM and I know someone else who may be able to help you, so please pm me if you have any questions.

That goes for anyone :hug:

rach So sorry to hear that your having nightmares, I think your right it could be your own guilt showing through a dream, you only reacted in a way 1000s off other women would, I would of freaked!!

after the initial shock My first thought would of been, how the bloody hell do you breastfeed and cosleep two babies at the same time :rotfl: one tit on one side and the other hanging the other side?

Sorry I hope you didn't take that the wrong way, just want you to see that its very normal how you reacted, people react differently in these situations, please let go of it, your a wonderful mommy I am sure everything is fine with your little beans, I hope time goes quickly so you can see it for yourself :hug:

TeenAsmaTeam I hope the vomiting doesn't continue for long.

babydust :rotfl: I woukd of said the same thing, pregnancy is so dignified!
:wave: Hi everyone! Im waiting for OH to get home, he's been working abroad for last 3 weeks, and Ive missed him loads! :roll:

He missed scan so hasnt seen scan pic yet...or my pot belly which had appeared suddenly in last few days! :shock:
The times dragging though, he wont be here till midnight... :wall:
Ninjawomble, I would be well excited in your shoes too :D Maybe you should make a cake or something to kill the time :lol:
Make a cake? Me? I wouldnt know where to start! :rotfl:
Plus OH would fall over in shock if he came home to me baking!!

I would sleep, but Im working nights this month so am in major night mode :roll:

Hmm,anything good on tv?
hehe :D
im watching some programme about people who are fat, like 25 stone fat, or maybe 35 stone i cant remember.. but she's just had surgery and she looks good and nice :)

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