Don't all hate me but I still feel pretty good no sickness, not too tired today, and not too hormonal! My biggest prob at the mo is Austin's being really clingy so I'm having to carry him all the time & he's so heavy! My back is really starting to hurt. I know they say not to lift anything heavy but when it's your 13 month old son you kind of have to!
s for those not feeling great
As far as women's intuition goes I thought Austin was going to be a boy the whole way through & I was right . I've not had any strong vibes one way or another yet with this one.
Sally I hope you manage to have a good weekend anyway, it's rubbish when you can't talk to anyone! That's one of the main reasons I told my mum & sister 2 weeks ago. I've still not made it public knowledge, although the way my waistline's going I may not have that luxury much longer!
Rach that's rubbish about your neighbours. It's so selfish especially if you've already said something to them. Some people just don't think!
Must dash, my boy is crying.