
:wave: hi tasha

lea great news about your scan, your pic is wonderful :D

sally lower back pain is deff a pregnancy symptom

flossy i would worry about no sickness, just last week rach was saying the same, and look at her now :rotfl:

right im off to bed now :sleep: i have no energy today i took the girls to nursery and came home and went to my bed for 2 hours :shock: but im still knackered :sleep: been feeling really light headed and sick today, and i think i have a craving starting :dance: kola cubes :dance: i sent dh to the shop but he couldnt find any :(
LOL sorry Rach! I went doing some shopping then took kids to a party after school!! :D
Thankyou everyone! :D:D:D
I think I'l;l take myeslf off to bed now Im knackered!
Night night!!
morning all :wave: well im fed up this morning bloody horrible neighbour partying till 4am :evil: this is the 3rd time in 2 weeks and its always when i have to get up for work never on weekends ive told her twice and she says sorry but obviously doesnt mean it grrrrrrrrr
so finally got to sleep at 4 only for christopher to get me up at 6:30 so only 2 and a half hours sleep and now got to go work till 2 :cry:
cant stop crying feel sick as a dog :( roll on 2 o clock .......

while im here anybody else getting dizzy??? the only way i can explain it is like when you know youve had too much to drink and you close your eyes and the room feels like its spinning i had it loads yesterday it was awful but its happening while my eyes are open lol im wondering if i should be worried :think: never had this before xxxxxxxxxxx
aw hun, sorry to hear about your neighbours. I would be so angry if I were you. I can't believe they're being so inconsiderate. I'm sorry you've got work til 2 on so little sleep. When you get back, can you get some rest? Hopefully it'll pass quickly and you'll be home soon.

Edit: just realised you'll be home in an hour, being dopey. I hope it wasn't too bad, and you feel a bit better!

I have been getting bouts of dizziness. Although it hasn't been lasting for that long and just passed. I find when that happens I either haven't eaten enough / slept enough / drunk enough water. I think its a sign of dehydration. Have you been drinking enough water? Also, I'm sure its common to happen if you haven't had enough sleep. The best thing to do is to rest and sleep it off. Easier said than done.

I hope you feel better soon :hug:
How horrible for you Rach :hug:

I remember the dizzy stage I only got it when I was tierd.

How are you all feeling today? I felt very sick last night but felt fine this morning.

I am getting in eating as much food as I possibly can before the sickness is here... and then im just eating ritz biscuits again for 2 weeks :rotfl:

Ritz were the only thins I could stomach, I was never sick with Oli just felt it,I wonder what will happen this time :|
Aww Rach :hug: :hug: :hug:
I get dizzy often! All the time infact haha
I do have vertigo however but it does seem worse and different the dizziness I get now? Im not worried though, I cant get drunk so this will have to do lmao!! I see it as a good thing! ;) :rotfl:
Hey all well what crap day i feel pants have no energy and really cant be bothered im not sure whats up? :? Its daft i sit here most days and feel a right fraud i have no PG symptoms like last time and keep thinking theyl tell me at my scan that ive been imagining it all :( Im just feel a bit sorry for myself today thats all. Not that i need to depress anyone with all that. Sorry :hug:
Oh I have been the same flossy
I keep crying and feeling sorry for myself for nothing?
I have no energy today either and feel crap! I just want to sleep!
At least we can feel crap together hahaha
Lea M & Flossy, have lots of these :hug: :hug:

Im a bit down today too but it is all my fault!...DH and I planned this weekend ages ago when we were still TTC and I have told DH to carry on with our plans for the weekend but without me (I am not feeling up to it). Anyway, he has gone off for the weekend now and wont be back until Sunday morning :(

I really am fine with him going because he has been looking forward to this weekend for ages but I have no plans for this weekend because I feel so :puke: and dont want to see anyone else because of how I am feeling. I guess I am thinking that I will be a bit lonely because no one else knows that I am pregnant yet so I cant talk to anyone about it and hubby is away now so I cant talk to him either :(

God I am feeling sorry for myself!!!! I blame the hormones! I suppose I can talk to the dog..she knows about the LO!
Its official...I am crazy!! :wall:

Ive just been asking the dog if I am having a boy or a woof for a girl, two woofs for a boy...I asked her three times and she said Boy each time :cheer: So now I know!
Sally it will be hilarious if the dog is right! :lol:
I will have to try to remember to refer you back to that post in the future!
Chok - she say you are having a boy too! :cheer: Just call her Cheri! :D
Here you are sally :hug: Lol about your dog :lol:

Mindue ive been doing those chinese gender ones and they say im having a boy :shock:
Can you 'feel' the sex? I feel like i'm having a boy, i don't know why...
I feel like I have having a boy, and OH thinks its a boy as well for some reason. He does have any awful lots of men in his family so I wouldn't be surprised.

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