
Hello :wave:

I certainly haven't lost weight! I've got no idea what I actually weigh but I know I've put on a few pounds already. I'll have to remember to do a belly pic as I'm definitely getting a bump! I'm not too worried about weight gain - I put on 3 stone with my son & had lost it all by the time he was 6 month. Then went down another dress size on top of that (good old breastfeeding :wink: )! Bring on the pies!

Sorry you're feeling a bit down kmac, hope you feel better soon :hug:

To all the girls feeling :puke: - big :hug: . It's horrible but I hope it passes soon for you.

I really want to tell everyone about the pregnancy but OH needs to tell his brother & SIL first & he's putting it off because it's going to be hard (they tried for a second baby for years & never had one in the end :( ).

As a final thought - my boobs are wonderful! They feel all firm again having been all saggy since breastfeeding! They've already gone up 1 cup size & they're keeping going... Well worth the sore nipples :D

Hope you're all well, speak soon,

Just thought I'd let you all know I've put some pics on the bump thread!
Hey everyone!!
Thanks Rach! Yeah Im ok! Just needing a salad cream buttie again! :?
I have put on 2 lbs so far!
I can feel my womb clearly and have had 3 very slighty blips(dont know what else to call them lol)
They are all in the same place each time and when my waistband is digging into my belly :shock: Im sure I cant feel babs yet but its just weird! It feels like baby, its hard to explain but I know hes only about 2 inches lol! ?? I dont know! I think I will ask the midwife tomorrow after my scan and see what she says!! :think:
ooh just a quickie tonight as im shattered and not sat down today yet :(

kmac and chok :wave: nice to see you back ive missed you
kmac sorry youve been feeling down hun :hug: xxxxxx

maybebaby i found it awful hard telling my sister her and her hubby have been trying for a baby for 5 years now she has pcos and he has low sperm count :( in that time this is my 3rd pregnancy and now ive had to tell her im having twins she is happy for me but its really knocked her for 6 :( mum said shes been crying a lot since i told her i feel terrible xxxxx

sally hope your sickness eases soon hun :hug: xxxxxx

lea did i just read you have your scan 2moro :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
all the best hun i hope it goes well cant wait to see the pics :D xxxxxxx

right off for a nice early night need to catch up as if its not my bladder getting me up in the night its the sickness and if its not that its hunting for rennies for the heartburn :(

night night all keep well see you all 2moro
kmac said:
I'm here too :wave:
I did post the other day but i think it got overshadowed by your exciting twins news, rach!
It doesn't matter anyway, it wasn't very inteesting what I said!
I'm OK I guess, just feeling a bit down in the dumps :( don't know why.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
lea good luck tomorrow at scan and it might well be bay you are feeling, they say the more kids you have the sooner you feel them move, when i was pregnant last year i could feel baby move at about 12 weeks it was like a repeated poke in the same place down at my waist band.

rach sound like all your symptoms are coming at once :rotfl:

mabebaby :dance: nice bump

sally poor you having to fake a hangover :hug: i was at my mums tonight for a bbq and as soon as i sat outside my mum came over with a vodka for me, everytime her back was turned i had to spill some out :? then she said come on drink up its not like you :oops: i was soo close to telling her but i managed not to she goes on holiday tomorrow so i will get a rest for a week and can let my belly go :rotfl:

kmac hope you feel better soon 1st tri is so hard going on us both emotionally and physically :hug: but as sally said its better than the 2ww :D

TASHA ??????when you joining us????????
Thanks Rach & babydust!
Im so excited!! :D
Thats exactly how it feels BD like a poke in one place!! Maybe it is Pip then??? :D:D:D:D:D
ooh how exciting :cheer: cant wait to feel my babies moving :D wonder if i will feel it earlier as theres 2 :shock: on christopher i felt 1st movements around 14 weeks :D

anyone know what time leas scan is? xxxxxxxx
hiya all hope your all ok, i'm having a rought day today feeling nausious and exsausted, my tits are agony and have grown yet again :roll: and i generaly feel run down, i'm realy feeling down in the dumps too :( :( :cry:
awww anna :hug: im feeling the same hun today its these pesky hormones im really tearful and feel fluey :( xxxxxxx
babydust said:
TASHA ??????when you joining us????????

:cheer: Im here, im here :cheer:

Well I am already having nausea in the morning and late evening, comes in small waves. It isn't too bad, but just doesn't help while feeling totaly knackerd!


I am starving an hour before my breakfast,lunch and dinner and my cm is just minging. :puke:

Oh did I mention pains in the boobies, :rotfl: getting ready already! can still get milk out from when Oli weaned 4 months ago :rotfl:
hi tasha hun and welcome :wave: lovely to have you here :D xxxxx

anyone heard off lea???? where is she :( xxxxxxx
Hey ladies

Tasha im with you on the CM thing mines bad too :puke:

Another thing can i ask this time round ive had no morning sickness or anything like that the last 2 times it was really bad should i be worried at all? :?
Im also due Christmas eve with my first, but im lucky had no actual sickness yet just seem so spend all day everyday feeling like im going to hurl! not good, but so exciting :dance: :dance:
Rach, candy, you guys are too sweet did you know that?? :D
I have an achey arm :(
The midwife took 5 viles of blood off me before and now it aches lol! I bet I get a stupid bruise haha
Oh well, got to be done ! :D
Hope your all well ladies?! Im freezing! I need to go get a cardi to wear lol!
lea fancy keeping us all waiting like this we are pregnant worried women :(
so glad all was well hun lovely scan pic :hug: :D xxxxxx

right now i know everyones ok im going to watch tv :D see you all 2moro xxxxxxxx
Thanks lea :hug:

I think im going to go for some silly reason i feel bloody awful :cry:
Hi everone

just a quickie because I am totally pooped!

Welcome Tasha :cheer: looking forward to chatting lots! Hope you are bringing Sookie with you too :pray:

Lea - glad the scan went well! I have a whole week until mine... :( time goes so slowly when you are up the duff!

By the way, does anyone know if lower back ache is a symptom of early pregnancy?

Right off to bed now...nighty night ladies :sleep: :hug:
:hug: lea glad your well, hope you warm up soon! sorry about your arm, I had all that last time with the sore bruised arm, as they thought I was O neg blood type, found out after the birth I was O positive :roll:

Rach thank you hun :hug:

Flossy I would embrase the no sickness, dont worry :hug: I am sure your are just fine x

Sally I hope I have brought Sookie too!
The lower backache is very common, I had it all the way through with Olivia, just on and off at the moment.

keelie_b my daughter was due christmas eve and had her a week early, you seem to be enjoying the sickness :rotfl: you strange girl :rotfl:

I am dreading the proper sickness coming :(

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