
awwww thanks everyone :D im in such shock what do i do now? been trying to get hold of my midwife all day as the hospital where i had the scan this morning isnt the place im booked into but the doctor there has booked me back in for about 4 weeks time for another scan and booking in with consultant and i was in too much of a state when he was talking to tell him im actually booked into a hospital up the road and was only going there as they have an epau and its closer than my hospital :oops: so my midwife now needs to tell my hospital that i need to be seen sooner as having twins and needs to cancel my booking at the one i went to today :oops: im so confused thank god i have a midwife who can deal with all this :wall: except i cant get hold of her lol
the doctor i seen today also gave me a months worth of my injections and aspirin which im supposed to start today but havent been able to do my injection as cant stop shaking so il have to start that 2moro at least ive not got to go to my gp now 2moro and wait half the day for them to organise my prescription and the hospital gave me a letter telling the gp to continue with my treatment so alls well :D xxxxxxx
twins WOW! I'm glad you're scan went well!

Bio-oil here you come :D
thanks everyone well the news is sinking in slowly i woke up this morning very sick and very tearful but i have managed to do my injection and the 1st one has got to be the hardest so thats another hurdle over with :D

hows everyone doing today? what are we all up to?

i have a nice lazy morning but have to go work 2-6 this afternoon xxxxx
i feel awful i was up till midnight being sick FINALY after all that yacking and feeling nausious i have been sick but to be honest i don't want to be sick again lol i'm trying to eat this morning but feel nausious again and i'm soooooooooooooooooooo tired
:wave: morning
i couldnt sleep last night, and when i did dh started snoring and woke me up :x

already im preparing myself for bad new today i have been up early and got all the housework done as i know i wont feel like doing it if its bad news, its something i do before all my scans it might sound daft but it does make a difference when i come back. i am about to go and make the dinner so i can put it in the fridge for later.
i'm glad its starting to sink in!

sorry you have to have injections and stuff. are you having to take heparin or something? i thought i would have to have injections but they haven't said anything so far, so thats good.
Morning all! I'm back from my holiday well rested with a lovely tan :D

Did I miss anything important while I was away? I haven't had a chance to catch up properly - too many new posts!

Rach what fantastic news! How exciting!

I hope everyone is well, I'm feeling really un-pregnant except for my boobs which are huge and sore & my waistline which is growing every day... Oh and I'm shattered but that's down to the 13 month old who doesn't like to sleep :twisted:

I'm going to go & make a start on reading through my unread posts - I may be some time!

(It's good to be back :wink: :hug: )
my sickness that disappeared has come back BIG time! Urghhh
Being sick is so unpleasant, but it does sort of temporarily cure the nauseous feeling. I've started getting more and more tired. I go to work at 9, come back at around 5.30, then sleep until the soaps, then get up have dinner, watch TV and then at 10 I'm in bed again!

I read in a pregnancy book that your body is being more exerted than if you were rock climbing!

My friend lent me a great book, which she highly recommend, which is called what to expect when you're expecting.

I've told my boss at work, who said "I did wonder" - I told my OH, and he said "maybe he noticed your boobs have grown" :rotfl: :rotfl:
satch said:
I've told my boss at work, who said "I did wonder" - I told my OH, and he said "maybe he noticed your boobs have grown" :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: Yes probably if he is anything like the bosses i have known!

Sorry you are feeling rubbish Satch. I have been really sick for over two weeks but been a bit better today (only sick twice :cheer: ) The worse thing for me about being sick is that I feel like I am going to wee myself a bit!!!!!!! :oops: :oops: I suppose there is extra pressure on me poor ol bladder! :oops:

Pregnancy just is not glamorous in any way! :lol:
:shakehead: cant beleive no posts in here today :shakehead:
how is everyone today?
i have decided i HATE first tri its just a waiting game :?
my mum said to me last night that i had lost weight :shock: i am still keeping my tummy in as much as i can or sitting down when she comes to the house, but i do think i have lost weight on my face and arms propabally due to the lack of alcohol :rotfl: and i dont really feel like eating, i just dont fancy anything :think:
has anyone else noticed a weight change?
I've lost a couple of pounds but I think its due to being a bit sick and also not really interested in sweet things. I can't believe there's an un-finished packet of biscuits in the house!

Sally - i know what you mean about feeling like you're going to pee a bit (I did one time :oops: ). TMI!!!

I was reading my book last night and it said that during the first tri the stomach is bloated not due to increased uterine size but due to the distended bowel - this means that I look bigger now than I will in a few weeks time. I'm trying it hard to hide at the moment - but maybe its more paranoia than anything!

I've had to take the afternoon off work today due to throwing up at lunchtime and not being able to get rid of the taste in my mouth...! Urgh!

I hope everyone else is doing well :hug:
christina the injections are clexane which is a type of heparin i have to inject them into my belly every day from 6 weeks till about 36 weeks maybe earlier this time as im having twins im not sure yet till i see consultant or heamatologist

satch sorry your feeling so poorly hun :hug: wont be for much longer now

babydust i put on a few pounds during week 4 and 5 as i couldnt stop eating :oops: but i think its coming off now as i either cant eat or cant keep it down when i do eat lol

my belly is huge :oops: it was big anyway as ive not really had chance to lose weight between pregnancies i put on 4 stone when pg with jamie then got pg again within 3 months then lost a stone after christopher was born and now pg with twins its going to take me forever to lose weight now but i dont mind this will prob be the last time i will ever be pg :( its quite sad really :cry:

sally give it a few more weeks and baby moves up out of the pelvis you should feel a bit easier on the bladder for a little while then :hug:

maybebaby lovely to have you back :hug: hope you had a fab holiday

teenasmateam (this name is too long can we just call you tee) :lol: hope your feeling ok hun :hug:

anna and lea hope your both ok :hug:

anybody seen chokmonkey and kmac???? ive not seen them posting for a bit perhaps ive missed them :(

anyone ive missed hi and hope your ok xxxxxxxx
rach said:
anybody seen chokmonkey and kmac???? ive not seen them posting for a bit perhaps ive missed them :(

:wave: :wave: :wave: Im here - I have been about and been trying to keep up with whats going on but been really busy this week so not had as much time to get on here. :hug:
I'm here too :wave:
I did post the other day but i think it got overshadowed by your exciting twins news, rach!
It doesn't matter anyway, it wasn't very inteesting what I said!
I'm OK I guess, just feeling a bit down in the dumps :( don't know why.
hello :wave:

Kmac - I blame the hormones! have one of these :hug: . I hope the blues pass soon

Ive lost 2/3 pounds just because I have been so sick but my belly is looking big! :shock:

I was so sick at the weekend but I had a family event to go to which I could not get out of (sisters birthday) so I had to pretend to be hungover from the night before! I got a massive lecture from my Mum... "How could you be so irresponsible to get drunk before your sister's b day?"...."you should know better at your age"..."I am not impressed" I cant wait to tell her the real reason I was so sick!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Babydust - I know what you mean about it being a waiting game but it has to be better than being on the 2 ww!?

Satch - I hope you feel better soon... :hug: I have found that dry crackers are helping me (eating them all day long)

teenasmateam - glad that everything is OK now :hug:

Hi to everyone else :wave:

P.S Rach I still cant get over the fact you are having twins! :cheer:

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