
Thanks everyone. :D

My lovely Hubby went out and got a takeaway instead of going out for a meal because I was too tired.....I'm tired all the time just now. :roll:

I told work today as well and they were good about so glad I've got that out of the way.
babydust yes its just the ordinary mat leave i get 39 weeks paid and then if i want i can take another 13 weeks unpaid which i cant afford to do so i will just add my annual leave on to the start and end :D it means i will be off for a total of 48 weeks :D

charmed hope you had a lovely birthday hun :D

hope everyone else is ok :wave:
still nothing going on with me just getting on with normal day to day life waiting for symptoms to kick in xxxxxxx
Hi everyone :wave:

Nice to catch up on all of your news.

I feel so pregnant!!! I have been sick sick sick (cant keep much down :( ) and been so tired too! We still have not told anyone our news which is getting really difficult.

All I want to do is hide under the duvet until I am 12 weeks! Anyone else?

Sounds stupid, but to make things worse, DH has been sooooo amazing!! He has been doing everything around the house, buying me gifts, telling me that I look beautiful (when I am actually clearly looking awful!) and when he is not doing all of this, his head is buried in baby books!!! Bless him, but it is making me feel like I am being pathetic as all I can do is :puke: & :sleep:!

Having said all of the above, I wouldnt swap being pregnant for the world!! :D

:hug: s to everyone x
i know how you feel sally, i am the same i just want to sleep until 12 weeks, i am finding it hard to keep it to myself my tummy muscles are getting painful trying to hold it in :(
your dh sounds sweet :D
Yeah he is really sweet, wouldnt swap him for the world either! :D

I dont know how you are even trying to hold that bump of yours in Babydust! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Awwwwww, what a lovely OH! I just want 12 weeks to go a lot faster lol
I need to go to Bravissimo to get a bra as my boobs are at least 2 sizes up and feel like bricks in a pair of socks lol but i'm too tired to go out, I feel like a hermit! :wall:

DH helped me make burgers and mash for dinner (DELISHHHHH) And he did all the washing up (Which he HATES) and put the wash on and hung up the clothes :D There so cute when you really need them...
I'm the same - I just want to get to the 12 week mark so I can tell everyone. I feel bad at work as all the organising for the new timetable is happening and i know i'll be disappearing at Christmas... also I worry my belly is getting noticeable.. today I heard one of my pupils ask another if I was pregnant. They said no,bless them!!
Hi ladies!! :wave:
Happy belated birthday to you Charmed!
Hope the sick eases a little for you Sally!
My OH is great too! he does everything! Though I dont mind! :wink: I did everything all the other times, this time he is making up for it good fashion!

Sickness is hitting me big time! I'm finding it hard to enjoy eating, and when I am sick its always quite a while after I've eaten and there's nothing but acidic bile coming up which is horrible! (TMI!)

My midwife came round today and we filled in loads of forms. She was really nice. She didn't say anything that I hadn't already read in the books my GP gave me, but she seems to have everything under control and the next step is to get an early ante-natal blood test done. She told me about the nuchal scan, which costs 180 pounds.

She gave me urine test while she was here and all was well except that I was dehydrated - I am really thirsty all of the time.

I'm wondering whether to tell my boss as because of the sickness I'm feeling rotten at work. I just don't want him to spread it around yet.

I hope you're all doing well! Everyone's DH sound like they're pulling their weight. I'm typing, watching Coronation Street and having salmon pasta cooked for me

im so jealous of you all with symptoms :( wish i had some it might feel more real then i keep looking at my ticker and thinking am i????
i cant even discuss the fact that im pregnant with anyone as i feel like im lying :? :? :? this is my 4th pregnancy yet the 1st time ive not had any symptoms why?????? xxxxxxxxxxxx
:hug: rach dont worry about not having symptoms every pregnancy is different and it doesnt mean that because you had sickness before that you will have it again, mine has really only kicked in the last few days.

i found that when i pregnant with my 2nd dd i didnt feel many symptoms but i think this was because i was occupied looking after my other dd to notice any. i might also be wrong here but with this being my 8th pregnancy i think symptoms are stronger when its a male baby i have noticed a difference myself. i wonder if anyone else has noticed this :think:
Enjoy it Rach! Last night I was crying because I couldnt take me head, it was giving me such trouble, i kept telling DH to cut it off (my head), I was hysterical lol. I dont have morning sickness which i'm soooo happy about bcoz I love food :oops:

U might get a big tsunami of symptoms in a few weeks lol
hmmm never thought of that perhaps im having a girl all my others have been boys and i have been dreadfully ill till about 10 weeks :think:

well its a lush day here so going to give christopher his dinner then take him for a walk round the boating lake and a play on the swings before my midwife appointment this afternoon :D really hoping its one i know so i dont have to go through all my history :( right id better shift hope your all having a lush day :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
well weve had a lovely day :D christopher is now fast asleep exhausted after feeding ducks and playing on the swings and eating ice lollies :lol:
my 1st midwife appointment went well got my pregnancy notes and filled out some of it she has referred me to my specialist consultant and sent the forms off to book my dating scan :cheer: and shes coming to the house at the end of this month to do the rest so all sorted and it was the midwife i seen all the way through on my 2nd child so i know her really well :D xxxxxxxx
:wave: hi babydust dont know about other areas hun but here you book in with midwife at about 5/6 weeks and see them at the gp surgery then they give you the green notes and send your hospital booking forms off then they arrange to come to your house when your about 8/9 weeks to fill out the green notes as it can take a long time and they only do a clinic once a week it takes a long time as they have to explain about all the tests etc and give you leaflets on different things so much easier to do it at home :D xxxxxx
rach said:
:wave: hi babydust dont know about other areas hun but here you book in with midwife at about 5/6 weeks and see them at the gp surgery then they give you the green notes and send your hospital booking forms off then they arrange to come to your house when your about 8/9 weeks to fill out the green notes as it can take a long time and they only do a clinic once a week it takes a long time as they have to explain about all the tests etc and give you leaflets on different things so much easier to do it at home :D xxxxxx
hmmm here you have to book a app with midwife at 8 to 10 weeks!!!! for your booking in app lol its all new to me as everything has changed in the past 5 years

well i'm absolutly exsausted all i wanna do is sleep, last night i went to bed at 7pm and sleept the whole night on and off, but i woken up this morning my boobs have grown aloads and my belly has got bigger at the bottom :D
1st of all let me say
where is everyone??????????

there was quite a few of us came over from chart stalkers in april and everyone is slowly vanishing :(

well girls feeling very unwell today hmmmm not sure if just the hot weather or if its 1st signs of morning sickness will have to let you know all i know is i feel rough as chuff :( spent most of the day on sofa went shopping late this afternoon and felt really bad when i got back was too hot shaky heaving couldnt feed christopher was shaking so bad am looking forward to him going to bed tonight as i really need to go lie down myself

got my scan to check for heartbeat on monday im really scared as ive not had many symptoms please wish me luck :(

hope everyone else is ok xxxxxxxx
Im still here :wave:

I have been a bit quiet because I have been spending most of my days with my head over the loo! :puke:

Really hope the scan goes well on Monday Rach...hoping that you are one of the lucky ones who has few symptoms! Looking forward to hearing all about it x
Hey rach and sally! :wave: :wave:
I'm still here too - I have been posting - but i miss chart stalkers :( It is too quiet on here - no offence girls! :D

Good luck with the scan rach - I've not had many symptoms either, just a little queasy and rather tired. I'm a bit scared something is up but as i've nothing to compare it to I'm probably just being daft!!


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