Chat thread!

Hello ladies, hope you are all ok, not alot to report here, me and bump are just chilling now as my little lady Hope has had me up and down all day lo9ng, melly is tired.
Getting really excited to see bump now though :cheer:
:wave: Mel, hope you chilled well!

:wave: LisaS, Im so jealous, I wanted to Lee Evans live!!

:wave: Chok, yum! Flapjacks!!

:wave: emmie, dont eat curry if ya dont fancy it...that goes for sex too! :lol:

:wave: millie, yay to 38 weeks!! :cheer:

I cant sleep, have stupid acid reflux AGAIN :wall: So have to sit bolt upright, and all I wanna do is lie down and sleep :roll:
i havent even tried to sleep yet but i bet i sleep like a baby tonight i have a just changed the cheets and have had a lovely long shower. i love having clean sheets and a clean body i always have a great sleep then. If it wasnt for the work of all the washing and changing the sheets i would do it every day :) Hope your acid reflux goes down so you can sleep soon ninja your going to need your sleep for your up coming labour i can feel it will only be a couple of days now :hug: :hug:

Emmie i might follow your lead and change the sheets today again hopefully will bring on sods law that my waters will break on them.

Nothing else to do today my MIL is off work so ill spend the day hiding out so she doesnt know im home.
She has developed a scary obsession with phoning me everyday, which is a total change as she wouldnt even say hi how are you on the phone previously.
Morning ladies!! :wave:

Still nothing going on here although baby did try and stick its foot out of the top of my bump last night and it was bloody painful! I think I muttered something along the lines of the wrong blooody direction baby!!

Chickadee, sounds like a good plan! My MIL was round yesterday and I ended up letting her tell me she'd buy the baby's christmas outfit for me so that I don't have to worry about it when baby arrives... but I WANT TO BUY IT!!! :doh: I don't know how I do it, I get suckered in everytime!
Morning ladies :wave:
its 8.20am and you lots have gassed so much already :?
well i didnt wake up for a wee last night :cheer: still tired though but did have a goood sleep.
I really think this baby will be here by next week, maybe Friday the latest but i dont think i will go over by much :think: Next Saturday would be great for me as its our wedding anniversary :D
Hope you all have a good day, soon be christmas :wink:
Woke up with tummy pains and the urge to be sick, i didnt thankfully but i was so close, feel ok now, maybe just a one off thing, Hope so. Hows everyone? xxx
:wave: Chick, oh no at having to hide from mil!! Hope she doesnt bother you too much

:wave: Becky, dont worry hun, Ive a feeling you'll have your bubs before me

:wave: Henn, that goes for you too!

:wave: Mel, how odd, hope you feel better :hug:

Im so tired, stupid reflux kept me awake all night :roll: Not going anywhere today! :shakehead:
I really wanna get my xmas decs out..but its too early :lol:
Im sat here watching OH exercising on Wii fit and feeling like a heffer :lol:
its not to early i put mine up monday lmao you have an excuse to put yours up your bubs is due any day so you need to be organised go for it. :D

I have a mother in law just like that to does my head in i am sure when due date is here i will be getting a million calls a day :(

Well was going to go shopping today but i got as far as tesco to get money out and had really bad pains in tum and back so decided its not the best time to go on my own so back home in the warm now.

Hope your all well im still waiting for some labour threads to start appearing :D anyone heard from charlotte??
hi everyone!
Just a quickie from me as only just home from work now (parents evening)
Anyhoo - last day of work tomorrow - I thought i would be really excited but it just feels weird!
Still coughing and spluttering - wish it would go away.
Also had weird pains right down in my "pubic" area today... especially when walking.

Will catch up properly tomorrow
:hug: :hug: :hug: to all
hi everyone :wave: just a quick hello to see how you all are hope everyone is okay,im fine been for growth scan and baby is measuring 36-37 weeks already going to have my hair done tomorow :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Morning all,

I haven't been on properly for a couple of days so loads to catch up on, but as it is stupid o'clock I'm half asleep and can't be bothered to read all the past messages. I'm sooooooooo tired, been awake since 4.30 and just couldn't sleep, so I'm creeping around trying not to wake anyone else up.

Had a good day yesterday, took DD with me for midwife appointment and she was so well behaved and fascinated by it all, she loved listening to the baby's heartbeat and was copying the sound of it, very sweet. Then off to playgroup, then a friends for lunch, I love being a lady of leisure.

Plans for today, just rest, make some mince pies, then off to CHristmas fair at DD nursery.

Can't beleive Ninjawomle's waters have popped, she was convinced she was going to go over her due date. Her OH is most def psycic. Good luck honey.

Hope you all have a good day.
Aww thanks hunni :hug:
Im just playing the waiting game now, OH is a bit hyper bless him!
Gonna have a shower in a bit.
I cant believe it either! Was convinced I was gonna be late! :shock:

Hope you get some decent sleep soon Bex :hug:
:hug: Bex - this not being able to sleep is the worst bit of pregnancy I think :(

Ninja I cannot believe your OH - you will have all us pregnant ladies turning up on your doorstep to see if he can workout our dates :D perhaps you could charge :D :D :D Good luck and daft as it seems enjoy the next few hours, I put money on the fact after you will feel its been the best days work you have ever done :hug: :cheer:

Jane x
Morning ladies :wave:
Woohh Njw :cheer: dont forget the minute by minute update (well ish anyway :lol: )
God my hips/buttocks are agony at night now it driving me mad i can only lay on one side for about half hour and have to turn again :wall:
Have a god day everyone not long now girls :D
Wooohoooo ninja i told you it wouldnt be long im well excited for you, bet you wish you put your crimbo tree up now dont ya :D

Well i have just had some really pants news, when my grandad was in hospital he contracted MRSA :( he has to have the special stuff sprayed up his nose, wash with special stuff, wash his clothes seperately, and he has to use a special bin and everything that goes in it gets burned :o After visiting him you have to wash you hands really well. apparently he has treatment for a week. Does anyone know anything about this? i am now freaking out that it wont be safe for him to see the baby. :wall: :wall:
Oh god that's terrible news honey. Speak to your midwife for advice, I'm guessing she may stay away for a while!??!

I'm gonna take some dettol wipes in with me when I go in, more for my DD really as she'll be having her tea and stuf when she's visiting.

Really hope your grandad gets better soon. :hug: :hug:
Oh gosh hun! :hug: I would recommend you dont visit for a while just to be on the safe side :( As long as he has no open wounds, he sound be ok! Its when it gets into the skin its more dangerous isnt it? I hope he gets better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
i dont really know much about MRSA to be honest, i dont wanna google it either as you know what that can do to us preggo women. Mum seems to think it will be ok by the time i go down at christmas as they have only given him treatment for a week. I am hoping he would of been given the all clear by the time i go down as i know he would be devestated not to see his great grandson :(

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