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mornig everyone :wave: , hope we all had a goodnight as i did an becky i think i would of panicked over the carseat as wel did yu find one that will fit hope you did xxxx
morning ladies :wave:
god im sick of weird dreams now, last night i gave birth in the back of a 4x4 whilst racing through the streets to a monkey teddy bear :doh:

Lea m that baby of yours is gorgeous :D

Kmac i hope you start to feel better soon, i had it last week and felt so rough, i was taking hot lemon with a teaspoon of honey and the occasional paracetamol :hug:

Becky we did that a couple of weeks ago, i have 3 car seats (dont ask!!) and none of them fit as easily as i want them too, they do fit but i would practically have to tip baby out to get any of them in the way they should be :wall: oh and thats in a 4x4 for gods sake so what hope do i have in a smaller car, actually its cause the seat belts could do with being a little bit longer.

Hi jaydesmummy :wave:

I have a midwife appointment today so lets hope i get it right as havnt seen anyone for a couple of weeks now.
:wave: morning all! You've all chatted LOADS so I wont go back and indivually post like I normally do. But will say good morning, and hope you are all well, and a big squidge to your gorgeous bumpages! :hug: :hug:
Morning ladies!

Hope ur all well, gd luck at midwife hen and lmao at the dream!!!
Babydust ur dd is the same as mine hang on in there bubs just a few more weeks lol!!
i know what u mean on the wind front kmack, im like a trumpet lol!! :oops: hope u feel better soon!
:wave: Hello to everyone else! i am also too lazy to type hehe.
Iv got breastfeeding class tonight, nhs one, has any1 been to one, what shud i expect???? iv also got growth scan tues hope bubs isnt too fat again lol!! hoppe evry1 had a gd relaxing weekend xx
morning everyone hope were all well

glad you got a car seat sorted becky bet your glad you checked it now and not later.

Hen that dream is classic :rotfl: i had a wierd one last night my hubby was in it in the house we live in now but the boy i had a crush on a school was my live in bit on the side, he wasnt very sexual but he did like me cooking him fish fingers :o :rotfl:

Most of my aches and pains have gone now so that ammounted to nothing. Im not going to post anymore about SIGNS lol well i will try anyway. :rotfl:
Afternoon all! :D
I cant wait to start mat leave...then I might have a chance at keeping up with you all! :lol:

Hope everyone and bumps are ok :hug:

kmac I had the cough/sore throat/cold thing last week... made me feel rubbish! You're doing the right thing taking time off work.. hope you feel better soon :hug:

to all those who had weird dreams :rotfl: :rotfl: I havent had any bizarre ones lately...well only last night where i went for a run and started doing that strange jumping from buildings to buildings thing... urban something its called! :lol:

hope those who have MW appointments today go well and NCT classes tonight they enjoy them :D

lea, emmie, ninja, hen, christmas, carly, millie, christina, chok, jadesmummy, becky :wave: :hug: :hug: :hug:

was feeling bit crabbit and low yesterday :( dunno what was up but ended up fighting with OH... made up now though :) think i'm getting a bit anxious the closer I

i have antenatal class tonight, quite looking forward to it... :D cant remember what its about, think its postnatal..unsure if thats me or the baby though! :lol:

ooooo and we had snow this morning!!!!! yey!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

anyone got their tree up yet? I want to do my this weekend!! :cheer:
morning all :wave:
hope your all good :D

we haven't had a labour thread, lets hope someone goes into labour today! good luck to all those ladies that are due or overdue! :D

:wave: becky - good to hear you got your car seat sorted! we have had a few problems with ours, looks like we might not be using the car from january anyway so no worries! i know the worry it not fitting can cause

:wave: hen - :rotfl: lady you do have bizarre dreams! I can't remember mine atm, but I haven't had any like that!! :lol:

:wave: oo your horny bugger! live in bit on the side :rotfl: :rotfl:
:wave: NW - morning hun, hope your having a good day!

:wave: lisa - hey hun! hope your feeling better today! I think I might do the Xmas tree and decorations today! have to find them first which might be a bit of a challenge... good luck at your antenatal class! :D

you ladies all make me laugh!

OH has gone for an interview today so ladies, keep your fingers crossed for him :pray: :pray: it'll be brilliant if he gets it and put so many worries aside!!
I have to change my course for Open University. I am being a bit ambitious starting in January, but I will never get my degree finished unless I start now.. I really want to be qualified and working by the time LO starts school!
i dont feel very horny lol cant remember the last time i had a bonk lol, keep saying i will do it to get bubs moving but i cant be arsed :o :rotfl: :rotfl:

i suppose i better put out as god knows the next time hubby will get it otherwise bless him :hug:

hope your hubby gets the job christina fingers crossed.

i got my decs up now and hubby has put tinsel everywhere i go lol looks like a santas grotto :D

I agree we deffo need someone to have a baby today come on girls, charlotte hasnt been on today so fingers crossed her baby boys on the way. :D
i cant remember the last time either emmie..... lol :lol:

seen charlotte nothing happening i dont think....hope things get moving soon for her :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi all..
Back from MW. Got the one who is about to retire and seems a bit clueless. She was comparing my pee stick with the chart for AGES. Said it was fine but it took forever.
Also she had a feel about but never said anything so I had to ask her if it is head down.. yes.... is it's back to the left... yes but she wasn't volunteering any info!! I just didn't feel very convinced.

ANyway now I am home again, got some soup on my way back so have had that and think I am going to go back to bed now, will catch up with your posts later.

One thing I do remember though from what I just read - my DH hasn't seen any action for quite some time either! Glad it's not just me! :hug:

Meant to say - MW did mention baby hasn't moved down or engaged at all yet. Is that bad? Or is there still plenty time?
:wave: Christmas, had my breastfeeding class yesterday, was really good, enjoy!

:wave: emmie, fish fingers? :rotfl:

:wave: LisaS, I sympathise with the feeling irritable, enjoy your classes!

:wave: Christina, :pray: for your OH hun! Hope it goes the way you want!

:wave: Kmac, theres still time for baby to drop hun, dont worry. Enjoy your rest :hug:

I just walked miles round town and am now gonna be lazy for rest of day! Am letting OH have an xbox afternoon, coz I feel like being nice :lol:
kmac my bubs still hasnt dropped and i only have 1 and a bit weeks to go :o i have been told to go to hosp asap as an arm might come first. so plenty of time for you.
Hi again all hope u all had a nice day.
wat did the class involve ninja, silly question but will i hav 2 get my bapperoonies out lol?! xx
Lol no! They just went through benefits, how to express, postions to hols bubs in, etc etc. You deffo shouldnt get baps out!
:doh: Just spent ages reading thro everything since I last posted on this thread and have totally forgotten who said what (as usual!)

Got a sore throat and am keeping my fingers crossed that it doesnt turn into a cold as I dont fancy labour with a stinking headache! :talkhand: Just made a huge pan of soup to warm me up and help with the throat.....its mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy!

Kmac - Junior wasnt engaged at my appt last week - have got to wait til next week to find out if anything has changed - but apparently its not a problem as yet - some babies dont engage until labour!

Emmie :rotfl: fish fingers eh?

I feel a bit sorry for all our OHs not getting any :lol: Not sure I can get my head round the logistics of it anymore tho!

:o at people with their decs up - mine are still in the storage unit we bunged a load of crap in when we moved house - maybe I will go and get them at the weekend.....might make me feel more festive!

:wave: to everyone else, hope you and your bumps are all well
Hennaly that dream made me laugh :lol: :lol:
Hi everyone! :wave: Hope your all well! Im knackered! lol
lea m said:
Hennaly that dream made me laugh :lol: :lol:
Hi everyone! :wave: Hope your all well! Im knackered! lol
i was gutted and now convinced im having an ugly hairy baby :?
hennaly said:
lea m said:
Hennaly that dream made me laugh :lol: :lol:
Hi everyone! :wave: Hope your all well! Im knackered! lol
i was gutted and now convinced im having an ugly hairy baby :?
Hahaha :lol: No chance! Look at that cutie pie in that pic ^^^^ and i cant see no hair!! ;)

Oooh I wanted to say too that this morning my HV came round and she was lovely! Which shocked me lol but anyways she weighed babs and she is now 8lbs 4oz!! :shock: She was 7lbs 12 last week so in one week shes put on 8oz!! In two weeks since birth shes put on 10.5oz!! Little chunky lol!
lea m said:
hennaly said:
[quote="lea m":2f5cvoxz]Hennaly that dream made me laugh :lol: :lol:
Hi everyone! :wave: Hope your all well! Im knackered! lol
i was gutted and now convinced im having an ugly hairy baby :?
Hahaha :lol: No chance! Look at that cutie pie in that pic ^^^^ and i cant see no hair!! ;)

Oooh I wanted to say too that this morning my HV came round and she was lovely! Which shocked me lol but anyways she weighed babs and she is now 8lbs 4oz!! :shock: She was 7lbs 12 last week so in one week shes put on 8oz!! In two weeks since birth shes put on 10.5oz!! Little chunky lol![/quote:2f5cvoxz]
thats a really good weight she is doing really well :D
i keep looking at that pic of levi and wondering if he really does look like that :think:

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