charting ovulation


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Good evening ladies!

Wondering what your thought are on my cycle...

My last period on the pill was 22nd June. My first true AF was approx 28-30 days later. Here's where I'm not sure. I used a tampon on the 28th and 29th day because I felt like the witch was on its way, but all there was was a tiny dot - prob smaller that an emoticon lol. On the 30th day (22nd July), AF had arrived like the norm (although only lasted a few days - nice!:dance:lol).

So, am wondering, do I count from day 28, when I had the weeist smidgen of AF or day 30, when I was def on? If day 30, then my most fertile day is today I think, but if day 28 was Sunday, in which case - bugger! My partner was away with work for 2 weeks and came back Monday lol.

It's annoying, you spend so long trying not to get pregnant - now I am desperate to! I'd love to be one of those people that it happens to quickly, but know life doesn't work that way!

I also feel like my OH may end up thinking the only reason I was to bd is because ttc - I've never been an every day person! It's true in a way, but I don't want him to feel like that! God, this ttc business can get you in a bit of a tiz ey?


Also, whilst I'm ranting, why is it, when ttc, you notice everything - boobs, stomach aches etc. I can't burp without hoping its a symptom. Lol. Think I might drive myself crazy.
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Hiya Laura :)

I would count your cycle as 29 days long, day 30 = new cycle day 1.

Sometimes you can have a AF that starts slow and you don't get much - but a dot is nothing and day 28 and 29 shouldn't be counted as AF imo.

Today is your OV day so i'd suggest you get down and dirty now before you miss it :) Do you have any OV symptoms?

TTC is a change of pace for us when i'm fertile but we both want a baby so we both have to do our part.

You don't have to do it every day though, every other day is better :)

I suggest you are just open with him about it and then make an extra effort to have sex with him when he knows you are not fertile just to make him feel like he isn't being used... even if he is :D

I was hoping to be one of those lucky first timers too - i think everyone does ;) Good luck to you!
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Thanks Louise. I think I'm going to have to explain that tonights the night lol and you're right about making the extra effort during the 2ww as well. I'm trying my best to be cool with it all and not sound like a clucking hen (not sure if that's the right analogy!), because we've only just started trying.

Is this your first month ttc? How long were you on the pill for? I was on it for 10 years. Can't help but think that it must have had an impact on my body.

I'm on my second cycle of ttc now, got my period today :(

I was never on the pill - I don't like taking any medications unless i feel i'm on my death bed :)

I'm sorry to say that there are several girls on here that seem to be suffering badly in terms of trying to get their cycle regular and knowing when OV is since coming off the pill...

That said, you seem to be regular as clockwork so far - 29 days is a good cycle, so lets hope for the same next month unless you get pregnant :D

Oh and btw - my symptoms were crazy my first cycle... seriously bad lol
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Sorry to hear about your period starting. I take it you used condoms before ttc then?

I'm hoping that cycle was the start of things to come - although of course I hope by miracle that I fall preggers after one try - if only! lol.

I think when you want something, you're so much more conscious of things. I've been looking at this site for a while and before ttc I could have put a list of symptoms together on my wishful thinking days. It makes me wonder if I'll ever just know I'm pregnant, or if I'll have no idea! My boss even asked me if I was pregnant today out of the blue because I was losing my marbles (sadly just over worked!). Bet I went a shade of beetroot though (its a guy and his wife is pregnant).

No i wasn't using condoms either lol I wasn't using any actual contraception, i just douched (where this word comes from i have no idea).

It is widely regarded as an ineffecive contraception, but i didn't just shoot water up there as is implied by the definition - i cleaned.

Can't really argue with it's effectiveness in my experience - unless i have a fertility isssue i'm yet to be made aware of :)

Trust me - throw the list of symptoms away! lol

I had everything... every single symptom except vomiting and ewcm (egg white cervical mucus) - even ones i didn't know were symptoms until i googled them - and here i am, day one :wall2:

Don't buy HPTs (home pregnancy tests) until you missed your period either - you WILL use them ;)
Never heard of douche-ing for contraception. Know of the saying douche bag though lol. Makes sense now!

Oh I know about the HPTs. I got some of ebay about 2 months ago and have already had a few goes lol! I've just bought 20 OPKs so will give them a shot at some point. I'm really not looking forward to the disappointing of AF coming. My friend has been trying for 3 years and I can't imagine how stressful it must be.

How old are you if you don't mind me asking. Seems to be a mix of ages on here which is good. I'm 26.
I'm 25 :)

Yeh three years is a hell of a long time to be ttc...

My first cycle i didn't really bother with any of the aids - figured it would be too stressful and then i get my AF and i've bought everything i could think of lol

Not OPKs, but i got one of those saliva microscopes that is supposed to tell you the same - but one lot of £20 instead of £20 per cycle :)

Then i got some pre-seed, a diaphragm (hold the sperm near cervix instead of softcup), a fertility test, thermometer and something else i think - and i'm drinking pro-biotic yogurts lol
ah cool so we're about the same age then.

fertility test sounds interesting. now im wondering if thats what i got. i got the things you pee on and tell you when you're ovulating?! ah im not down with the lingo at all!! saliva microscope sounds interesting. may have to google pre seed. sounds scary!

The fertility test is different.

Your OPK (ovualtion prediction kit) tells you that your body has released an egg if there was one there, the fertility test tells you if there was an egg to release. There will be though, i came back fine.

It also told me if my husbands sperm count was ok and it was :)

Pre-seed is just expensive lube that the sperm can swim through to get to the cervix, but egcm (egg white cervical mucus) is normally fine alone. I'm using it for the sake of it really lol

I WILL get pregnant this cycle ;)
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Thanks for the info mrs! Here's hoping for the both of us! Keep me posted! :)

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