Charles Sidney Oliver is here


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2005
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Charles Sidney Oliver finally arrived at 3.40am on Friday, 24th February 2006 by cesarean section, weighing a hefty 8lb 8oz.

l had a pretty tough labour, which l will explain,....sorry if its a long one! lt all started after having a bath at about 11pm on wednesday 22nd, l was having contractions, l just knew as they felt different to other pains l had before and not only that, they were quite regular. So l plugged myself to my hired tens machine, which took the edge off the pain. l stayed up all night, as l was in too much pain to sleep. As you can imgine, l had been awake all day so this was all l needed! ln the end between 2 to 5 the next morning, the 23rd, l had phoned the labour ward twice, the second time is when they said for me to come in,...the pain was getting a bit much to handle the second time round.

Still plugged to the tens machine, me and my boyfriend Adrian were off to the hospital round about 8am. l had an examination.due to that, l had a show. Unfortunately l was only 2cm dialated though, so they sent me home. The pain slowly got worse and worse but me being me, l just grinned and beared it. That was until my waters suddenly broke (about 2 hours after being sent home). My man phoned the hospital as my show was a brown colour. So again we were off to the hospital. All was ok though, but the pain got even worse, thats when l started using gas and air. Again like with the tens machine, it took the edge off the contractions to begin with. l eventually took the tens machine off as it seemed to become more of an annoyance and didn't seem to be doing its job,.....l was still in labour after 9pm on the 23rd, was getting really tired and just wishing it all to end. (l had been awake for at least 24 hours by this point!) l was offered an epidural, at this point l just wanted the pain to ease off,.... l had to wait a while as the anaesthatist was dealing with a patient at the time. But by the time he had got round to me, l was 9cm dilated so l didn't have one in the end as they got me to start pushing. l was still pushing until at least 2am on friday 24th, nothing so they discussed and decided on an assisted delivery in the theatre using a suction cap, with that l was given pethadine,...oh!!, what a relief the pethadine was,... took the pain away completely!! That procedure didn't work unfortunately as baby was facing sideways, making the assisted delivery impossible,... so l ended up having a cesarean section and Charles finally arrived into the world at 3.40am!

Adrian, my boyfriend was with me all the time, even at the cesarean and he was so supportive. He was amazing throughout and l love him so much,...lts really bought us closer together having a baby, l couldn't be happier. All Adrian and l would like to do now is get married!

Fluffy. xx :lol:
Wow what a birth!! Sorry you had such an ordeal of it hun!

Glad Charles msade his arrival safely though - hope you're recovering okie :D xxx

sounds like ur OH was great sorry it wasnt such an easy time
A long and deserving congratulations to you after all that and am glad that you are now home recovering!! Welcome to the world little one!!

xoxo Ree
phew, what a story!!!!!!! :shock:

I amglad you are all well, now, Congratulation to the mother and welcome to your little man!

take care,
mel xx
Congratulations!!! Sorry it was such a long ordeal.

Congratulations on the safe arrival of your baby!
Best wishes to mum, dad & baby.
Emilia xx
Hi congradulations,

Im glad your doing okay i had a c-section as well once i got to 9 and a half centinmetres so i kinda know what you went through , hope you recover okay and take it easy my stitches have opened three times already and i thought i was doing little. take care
:D congrats fluffy! glad to hear the happy end! and well done
wow what a tough birth that was.


take care


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