Changing bag rant


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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I am a grumpy old thing, I know, but I cannot stand those Yummy Mummy bags!!!!

They are pretty enough and I'd certainly buy one if they didn't have that cringeworthy logo plastered dead in the middle. From sweet to tacky in one go, and now I can't buy one :mad:

Rant over. You can tell I got up on the wrong side of the bed, can't you? LOL!
I kinda agree! What one did you go for? mines red with big white polka dots on it :)
I have an experimental one I got off Amazon - also with polka dots, to go with the pram :D
Lol are you going for the Ultima? I've got mine at home and I keep looking at it! It's HUGEEE but so pretty :)
I am getting myself a pacapod, not tacky at all
Lol are you going for the Ultima? I've got mine at home and I keep looking at it! It's HUGEEE but so pretty :)
Yes, there was never any doubt, saw it, loved it, had to have it! I'm getting it delivered at the end of this month (had to do some serious clearing up and even selling some extra furniture!!)
I feel the same about yummy mummy. Oh bought me a pacapod in black so he can carry it lol x x
They might as well launch the MILF range next, lol!
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And I can get a GILF one for my mum :rotfl:

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