Changing baby's pattern?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hi there, this is my first time posting in here since i had Colby last Thursday :) I am probably being a bit premature as Colby is only a week and a half old but wonder how I would go about changing his sleep pattern? He is breastfeeding really well throughout day/night and goes to sleep pretty much straight away through the day, but night seems to be a different story.

He has his evening feed but then starts crying, we burp him and try to settle him down again but it seems to take ages (he's been awake since 7:30pm tonight) he will snooze on oh but when we put him down he just starts crying again. (he is snoozing on oh atm)

I can't work out if it's because we are in a different room to through the day or do all babies just have a wakeful period? When he does finally settle it seems to be in the bed with us, which again I don't want to end up being a permanent thing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just to say this is completely normal, just feel like we're the only ones going through this, though I'm sure it could be a lot worse, would just like a little more sleep :)

Dont have advice but we have the same problem - he just wont settle in his moses basket. I dont want to co-sleep, much rather put him down in his own bed
Its hard for me to give good advice as I was BF'ing my 1st & she didn't go in her own crib for about 2 weeks. But i'd say all you can do is keep trying, keep putting him in his crib after the feed & hopefully he'll get used to it eventually. Even just let him have a wee grumble for 10mins in his crib??

Sounds like his day and night is a bit muddled up. Isla wouldn't sleep for longer than a few minutes at night when she was tiny. We introduced a routine, bath cuddles etc and kept with it. She eventually went to bed at 7 and slept for a few hours from 3 months old.

Emma x

Babies are nutorius for kicking up a fuss in the evening. I have no idea why, but it seems to hit dinner time in the evening (or a bit later in very young babies) and they go nuts.

Just make sure the lights are dimmed and you try to make it feel like bed time even though at that age they probably wont sleep any longer than they would in the day. Like you say, he is still very young and everything when they're at that age is a blur. Just sleep when he sleeps in the day if you can and keep going and soon he will start to calm and realise night time. x
We were lucky in that after a few weeks t fell into his own routine, baths didn't come part if that for a few weeks, give it time, LO is still only little and adjusting to the outside world, and probably needs the reassurance...

It might be that LO has started to get a bit colicy, try a bit of babymassage to help this, infacol can be given early too.

For the first few weeks t would go into his Moses basket in the living room in the evening, more so he was closer to us and we could start to learn to read his cues I guess, but was always changed and ready for bed at around 7

HTH :flower:

Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it. Managed to get him to sleep on OH at 00:30 and got him moved into our bed til 4am, then up for a feed and back to sleep from 5am until 7:30am.

We have moved the moses basket downstairs today and got him to sleep in it. He seems to sleep well downstairs and wonder if its the noise of the tv etc he likes. Defo trying to get him in a routine with bath at 7pm, then a feed and sleep. I wondered too if he was a bit colicy after his feeds, he always does good burps when OH winds him.

I know it will take a while to establish a routine but in the middle of the night you feel like you are the only person awake in the world lol
Similar thing here, then i found that our bedroom is cooler than the living room and taking him through woke him up, so I now swaddle him in a blanket before i put him in his crib and he sleeps from around midnight to 5.
Maybe it could be the change in temperature?
Congrats by the way - what a lovely name you chose!

We had a moses basket downstairs(of which my baby was not a fan!) and then coslept upstairs at night.
Your baby will slowly switch himself round by himself day to night etc, just hard for you while he does so.

We found playing a background cd in the bedroom helped loads, we still play it every night now and Devon is 8.5 mths now!! It actually hides the noise of my much older kids going up to bed after him as he is an incredibly light sleeping baby! I won mine , but it has sea shore and heatbeat on it, we leave it on all night and i'm so used to it it never bothers me either. The only trouble is I can't play music anymore as the cd player lives by the cot!! Might be worth a try for you. At 8 weeks we got a light/music cot thing , he took no nottice till 3 mths, but it did help tell him it was night rather than day I think.

good luck
He slept from 11pm to 7am with couple of nappy changes and a big feed in the middle!

How much should babies sleep in a 24hr period?

It could be temp, as I have window open through the day in bedroom, have started to close it earlier in day to get room temp right again. Also like idea of cd as he sleep in living room with tv on, so will try this too :)

where having the same problem with Nevaeh, could sleep through anything in the day buy constanly awake at night. i had my other two children in the afternoon and her in the early hours so ive been putting it down to her body clock being backwards.ive never experienced this with my others.

Im breastfeeding her and started expressing in the day with my pump because she just wont take it even if im offering it to her, plus my boobs kill.

but shes done really well today and been awake constantly, so fingers crossed for tonight x x x

I am having the same problem although Oscar is only a few days old at the moment so I know it will take some time. I have discovered that he sleeps better when there is background noise though. Last night he wouldnt settle so I put my ipod on quietly with a speaker and it seemed to calm him down. Also the same when my and OH were talking about him crying. I thought the noise would have woken him but it didnt. I guess it goes back to him hearing a heart beat whilst being inside, guess they find it comforting.


Good luck!
Meggymum xx
Colby sleeps really well with background noise too, which is great, means we can take him places and he'll still sleep.

Things were going well for a couple of weeks there, but had a terrible night last night, couldn't get him to settle til 1:30am and my poor oh had to be up at 6am, I've hardly slept and feel so drained :-( Going to try and sleep today hopefully......

I think they have a growth spurt around 4 weeks so might want feeding more
He fed loads last night, nearly caved and gave him formula. He didn't sleep til 3am, I'm so tired :-( I just want one nights sleep

I am not the only one then. I think he fed on/off for 4 hours, i am not joking.And then brought some of it up. I dont know whether he is hungry or just using me as a dummy
Colby uses me as a dummy too the wee rascal! When its the middle of the night you feel like you are the only one awake and it seems so much worse than through the day.

He had a big feed this morning, stayed awake for about an hour and is now fast asleep again, only problem is I find it hard to sleep through the day when he is asleep.

Does anyone actually sleep when their baby sleeps?
i have managed to get into a bit of a routine with my LO now. before bed its a fresh nappy and feed, then we put the itunes library on quietly on the comp, and leave a small light on for him. swaddling helps too. with this he normally lasts a good 2-3 hours before grizzling, then he wants feeding again. so not too bad considering it was every few minutes he was getting disturbed before we tried this.

just hope it lasts as i am actually getting some sleep!
I daydream of getting one night's sleep. It's so hard to sleep during the day when I am constantly thinking 'I'll just put the washing on' or something exciting like that.
i have found that giving my LO a wash with Boots head to toe wash before bed helps settle him down. might be the smell or something.

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