I had my first appointment with my new midwife today - she is so different from my last one. A lot friendlier, funnier and actually seems to reside on this planet!
One thing she did say though was that you shouldn't put on more than about 2 stone in pregnancy. I have already put that on She said I can expect to put on about another stone, but that if I breast feed I will lose it quicker and that I shouldn't worry as I am carrying the extra weight well. Still feel like a big flabby though!
What weight gain are you ladies on?
One thing she did say though was that you shouldn't put on more than about 2 stone in pregnancy. I have already put that on She said I can expect to put on about another stone, but that if I breast feed I will lose it quicker and that I shouldn't worry as I am carrying the extra weight well. Still feel like a big flabby though!
What weight gain are you ladies on?