Change in pregnancy test result after designated time?


Oct 8, 2008
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Hi all :wave: ,

Just looking for some advice to try and clear the confusion my end! :wall:

Am a week late and so decided to do a PG test yesterday morning, using normal Clearblue test, did the test and checked it about 2 mins later, it was negative :( and so put it in the bin. Went back to check last night and a very faint line had appeared indicating a positive :think: .. Obviously it states in the leaflet 'To discard any changes after the first 10 minutes', but because I didn't check in the 10 mins after doing test I wasn't sure if the line had appeared in that time or over the hours later. So went out this morning first thing and got another pack of Clearblue tests, did one as soon as I got in and waited 10 mins this time and it was negative, left the test and went out visiting the in laws.. Got back a couple of hours later and another line had appeared indicating a positive!! But because of the statement to discard changes I am unsure what this could mean?? Does it mean I am pg or is it just the test messing up after the time allowance??

I have done loads of tests over the years or so and the ones that were negative were always still when I went back to check them later in the day, so I am totally baffled as to what this now means because of both them doing it??

Please help me clear the fog that's in my head cos of this!! :doh:

Many thanks.x.x.x.
I'm new to all this, but I think it may be worth going to your GP for a blood test, that way it can be confirmed for sure. x x
I would say to do another test with a Digi then you will know for sure. Yes they are expensive but at least you just need to read the word and not hunt for lines :D

I would say that with it coming up after 10 min that it is a most properly a negative :( I am sure that cb have a habit of getting a 2nd line after the 10 mins even when :think: not sure now that I have typed that :think: but someone will correct me if I am wrong

Good Luck :pray: :hug:
The same thing happened to me when I did a Clearblue test when I was pregnant. The line didn't show up until I dug it back out of the bin quite a bit after the 10 minutes had come and gone. I didn't trust it, tho, until I took the other test 3 days later and that one was a clear positive. Maybe give it a few days and check again. Best of luck!! :hug:
Thank you all for your replies :hug:

I really don't know what to think with it all, apart from why would a line appear :wall: ?? Cos the HCG is the only thing that would attach to the pg strip to make the cross (know this cos my sis in law is a chemist and explained in great detail how a pg test works many years ago, lol!), so I am really trying not to get my hopes up as for the first time since starting to try again since my dd was born nearly 3 years ago I really haven't given it any thought this month (due to starting a new diet and exercise plan!).

I am going to test maybe tomorrow or Weds morning and see what happens with that test, it might just be too early to tell yet, cos my periods have been all over the place for the last year or so, so I don't even know when I would have ov (with pains and CM I think it was a week ago friday!)..

Thanks again guys.x.x.x.

:wink: :wink:
there is a lot of useful info about this on - a 'positive' test after the 10 minutes is actually a negative, but of course a negative test doesn't mean you aren't pregnant necessarily!
good luck :)
i would defo test again hun maybe with a digi ? best of luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
Id certainly test again CB normal test sticks are so unreliable for that happening when we were ttc i had that happen to me all the time and i obv wasnt pregnant but, i agree definately invest in a digi that way youl know for sure! Good luck hun :hug:

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