

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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I think I must be ov because I just checked my cervix (as you do lol) and it is open! I checked it a few days ago and it was high and closed.

Far better way of detecting it rather that poas every afternoon. Obviously its not a sign on its own but was getting af crampy feeling and assumed it would be my ov on its way.

So I reckon if we did it tonight then that would be ideal, more chance of it all getting to where it needs to!!

Does anyone else check their position?
I have to be honest and it makes me sound like I have no idea what I'm doing but I didn't know this was even an option and wouldn't know what to feel for...Hmmm, think I have to do some reading up!! Good luck hun!!!
I'm with you there JarJar wouldn't have a clue what I was doing or what I was looking for :lol:
hi, i check mine and find it helps with knowing where you are and if you are ovulating i will be using as well as poas as well to try to catch the eggxx
Unfortunately for my wife, I don't know my way around that area whatsoever...

I check my CP every morning to note when ov is approaching. I think I am fertile when it is low soft (like touching your lip) and open (sometimes mines opens so much that it feels like i could put my little finger inside it) (sorry tmi). But i agree, it is a very helpful method of tracking your fertility xx
I check mine too, When it is high is normally after AF and after OV, It is low and open during OV.

As for the softness I haven't really noticed a difference, just the position and opening.
I have to be honest and it makes me sound like I have no idea what I'm doing but I didn't know this was even an option and wouldn't know what to feel for...Hmmm, think I have to do some reading up!! Good luck hun!!!

I can reach it with my middle finger. Its just like a tube really. When your ov, it gets lower, softer and wider (to let sperm in) and when you get af it goes higher up with just a small opening. When your pregnant, it stays closed and high.

Maybe if you can't reach it your cervix is high up or something. Its worth a try though, just don't do it all the time and make sure your hands are clean lol
I have to be honest and it makes me sound like I have no idea what I'm doing but I didn't know this was even an option and wouldn't know what to feel for...Hmmm, think I have to do some reading up!! Good luck hun!!!

I can reach it with my middle finger. Its just like a tube really. When your ov, it gets lower, softer and wider (to let sperm in) and when you get af it goes higher up with just a small opening. When your pregnant, it stays closed and high.

Maybe if you can't reach it your cervix is high up or something. Its worth a try though, just don't do it all the time and make sure your hands are clean lol

I find that squatting helps if you can't seem to find it or putting one leg up on the loo xx
Blimey you two really know your stuff, may try that next mth , thanks
I was always told it was high at ov??? I've just checked 'position of cervix during ovulation' on net and it says it's high not low. Best way to remember it apparently is SHOW Soft,High,Open,Wet?????? So confused. Everything contradicts itself
I think that is right but you will only know what is right for you if you chart your CP xx
I was always told it was high at ov??? I've just checked 'position of cervix during ovulation' on net and it says it's high not low. Best way to remember it apparently is SHOW Soft,High,Open,Wet?????? So confused. Everything contradicts itself

Yeah I think your right, my cervix must be making its way up for my ov day today! :)

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