Cervix Pain... (i know this has been posted before)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Ok we've all mentioned it at some point (well alot of us hehe)

stabbing shooting pains in cervix..

last night.. (after some rudey cuddles) for over an hour after i had shooting stabbing pains in cervix, so much my legs were jumping around lol..

this normally only happenes when i walk or stand for a while... never when i'm lying down..

does anyone know what this is..

i've looked online, and got mixed views.. (some say it could be infection.. but i've had swabs and wee samples and everythin ok)

some say its your cervix dilating.. (had these pains since 30weeks plus so doubt that??) maybe i'm wrong tho..

and some say its bubs hitting a nerve? (this one sounds more likely)

has anyone else had this more towards Due date? xx

EDIT.. reading more online, some are even saying those are Braxton Hicks?? could that be possible? xx
Im not near due date,but bubs was beating ten shades outta my cervix last night :roll:
I think its bubs head, but OUCH it dont half hurt!
ninjawomble said:
Im not near due date,but bubs was beating ten shades outta my cervix last night :roll:
I think its bubs head, but OUCH it dont half hurt!

:hug: hope ur ok... :hug:

i know how much it hurts hun... its sooo horrible. and its the "not knowing" what confuses me..

i'll ask midwife on Friday (bit shy of decribing pain lol) xx
Aww Im fine hun, bubs had had a "quiet day" (which never fails to worry me lol), so it was comforting that it decided to take it out on my cervix when I got into bed :lol:

Im sure its fine, your MW will reassure you friday :hug:
ninjawomble said:
Aww Im fine hun, bubs had had a "quiet day" (which never fails to worry me lol), so it was comforting that it decided to take it out on my cervix when I got into bed :lol:

Im sure its fine, your MW will reassure you friday :hug:

they always do that dont they, try scare you all day.. then you know your in for a bruising in the evening hehe...

Weirdness cos my little one was creating merry hell down there last night!!! i was gettin such savage stabbin pains in me cervix i couldn't walk to the kitchen at one point :shock: kinda relieved to see others have had same thing at about same stage!!! I put it down to scoffing a massive slab of chocolate cheesecake and giving little man a mega sugar rush :rotfl: it was lovely sittin on the loo for ages :shock: TMI - was sat there for about 20 minutes just lettin everything go ahhhhhhhhhhhhh lol n then felt sommat click and then a sort of dropping sensation n after that the shooting pains stopped :shock: i'm puttin it down to bub's head droppin down even further :pray:
Fly said:
Weirdness cos my little one was creating merry hell down there last night!!! i was gettin such savage stabbin pains in me cervix i couldn't walk to the kitchen at one point :shock: kinda relieved to see others have had same thing at about same stage!!! I put it down to scoffing a massive slab of chocolate cheesecake and giving little man a mega sugar rush :rotfl: it was lovely sittin on the loo for ages :shock: TMI - was sat there for about 20 minutes just lettin everything go ahhhhhhhhhhhhh lol n then felt sommat click and then a sort of dropping sensation n after that the shooting pains stopped :shock: i'm puttin it down to bub's head droppin down even further :pray:

oooh i hope so fly... your on single figures now hun.. ahhhh its gotta happen soon for you :hug: xxx
awwww i hopeso :D mum n dad back from their holiday on saturday and i dreamt ages ago of the 26th October :shock: and weirdly my midwive said yesterday about she'd maybe see me on sunday :lol: so we shall see.... :dance: :pray: :cheer:
Fly said:
awwww i hopeso :D mum n dad back from their holiday on saturday and i dreamt ages ago of the 26th October :shock: and weirdly my midwive said yesterday about she'd maybe see me on sunday :lol: so we shall see.... :dance: :pray: :cheer:

oooh hope so hun :hug:

i've drempt of Oct 27th hehe strange...

only prob i have is my bloody car is still in garage after crash, i have hire car until monday, and from then, no car?? i also need to somehow get to other side of manchester to pick car up, i kinda want junior to hold on till everythings sorted with it all.. but at same time if he comes early, pple might be more helpful with lifts lol xx
I get them whether walking standing sitting lying down lol! Such a bloody pain! My doc said it was the weight of baby pressing on everything and not being fully supported by my pelvis (with the SPD but also just normally because it all goes soft ready for labour) but there was something in what Hennaly posted the other day about back to back babies that I think causes them or similar pains as LO's are trying to turn into the better position so if your tum is still different, it may be worse while she moves back!?
I had this right at the end of my last pregnancy, and it started again this morning :roll: . Really really painful, actually took my breath away!

I think it's just baby pressing on a nerve but I wish it'd stop :shakehead: :)

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