Cervix, CM and Ovulation


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2018
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Tried to feel position of cervix today (according to app I should be ovulating around now)

It felt low but I had definite ewcm and watery CM

What does this mean? I thought the cervix was higher during ovulation

I have only really started checking this out this month as I'm only on cycle 4 ttc

CP is at best tricky.....I think that's why so many women don't bother with it. In itself it's not a reliable fertility sign, because it shifts positions throughout your day. It can start off high in the morning and drop down low in the evenings and also visa versa pending on the woman. If you have had children before, then your cervix will most likely always be slightly open (except when pregnant - but this won't be an early pregnancy sign as the cervix might only truly close later on).

So, I'll tell you how I do it;

- Always check your CP at the same time every day (I do it after or even in the shower at night before bed)
- Use your middle finger to measure (the space between you finger tip and first wee knuckle is considered 'low'; the space after and before the second knuckle is 'middle' and the last top bit is 'high')
- Cervical texture. when you press your finger ever so gently against your cervix it will either feel a) like the tip of your nose = hard ; b) like your chin = medium or c) like your cheek = soft
- Also check for CM, is there a lot of CM around or not really? What is the consistency of it?

Make sure that your hands (especially if you have longish nails) are super clean else you get major infections if there is dirt/bacteria
If you have long nails, be especially careful not to scratch yourself as this can cause infections/bleeding - best to keep your nails as short as possible if you want to check CP

So, this is what I do lol good luck :dust:
I am checking it but I am pretty sure I am getting it wrong, isn't easy at all to be honest :roll:
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I had watery CM but then the last 3 days I have had proper ewcm and now that's sort of subsiding and gone back to more watery. I'm assuming I ovulated either yesterday or day before. But not sure
My CM is strange, it changed in EW twice last cycle....I don't know, I am more prone to identify my OD based on my BT :roll:
I second that

CM and CP (for me) are only indications used to confirm when O is approaching, not that it has happened because I tend to have a build up before actually O. So, I see ewcm and have cramps etc but never get to actually O'ng. But after that, my temps start to go up and I see O. I only go by BBT to confirm that O has happened.

It works out well if you think about it;
CM + CP and all other symptoms tell you when to bd while
BBT confirms that you have O'd and gives you a clear indication of where you are in the TWW and when to test (and expect AF)

Our bodies are wonderfully made!
Thanks everyone. Yes it's really difficult. I think I'm about in my tww now

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