Cerazette/mini pill please help!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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hi every1,

i have been on the mini pill (cerazette) for about 6 months and its been fine, except about 5 weeks ago i kept forgetting to take the pill and you have to take it every day and then i missed it for about 4-5 days in a row, this was 18 days ago, i stopped taking the pill because its says it wont work if you miss that many so i thought i would wait for my period and then start taking it again.

it has now neraly been 3 weeks since i stopped taking it and me and OH had had 2 occasions when we just had unprotected sex ( i know im stupid :wall: :wall: but thats what drink does!!) and then there are the times when i wasnt taking it properly.

i did a pregnancy test last tuesday (3rd june) and it was negative but i was just wonering if anyone knew how long it would take for my period to come or if any of you have had to wait awhile after coming off this pill or the implant (as its the same hormone).

whenever i have missed in the past for more than 1 day i started bleeding straight away so now im confused :?

sorry for the essay!!

I'm not on cerazette but I have been in the past but I'm still on the mini pill. As soon as I stop taking it I start bleeding within a couple of days. Maybe you need to do another test in a few days?
thanks thats what i thought too i did buy a 2 pk of tests but dont know how long wait, think i will give it another 2 weeks and then do a test. im really impatient as well lol i dnt think i am pregnant tho with both my kids i have had to try for a few months before getting pregnant and its took a lot more than 1 or 2 times, i just think my body may be playing mind games.

I understood that with the mini pill you dont have a break, deffo what the doc told me to do with mine. 28 pills in a pack with no break between packs.
kellysomer said:
I understood that with the mini pill you dont have a break, deffo what the doc told me to do with mine. 28 pills in a pack with no break between packs.

No you don't have a break with the mini pill. My pack has 35 pills in it but you have to take it right through. I've stopped and started mine quite a few times over the years and I always start bleeding straight away. Guess everyones different though.
yeh thats whats always happened when ive missed one ive had a bit of bleeding but i havent this time. i was on the implant before i had reanna (which is the same hormone) and when i had that taken out i bled within 3/4 days so getting a bit worried now but only got one test left and cant afford buy any more until pay day so going give it till wkend then test, me thinks.

I was on cerazette!
I came off it in Feb and didnt bleed! Everybody else I spoke to who took it and even the doc said I should have got my period within days!
I was planning on TTC in July but wanted to come off the pill and get my cycles back on track as I had had no periods for 6 years!
Anyways, on March 20th after a month of no bleeding I did a test and it was a BFP! I got pregnant within 2 weeks of coming off it and we only BD a couple of times (as like I said, I was planning to TTC in July!)
I just thought I would tell you my story, not sure if its what you want to hear though! :hug:

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