

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2005
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Help me out girls.
I went to get some new maternity trousers today and nearly started crying in the changing room when i saw the amount of cellulite i have gained during pregnancy. I didnt realise it was as much as it is.....it got me so depressed.
Has anyone else noticed a big change and does anyone know if it reduces after birth?
Ive got quite bad water retention in my legs so i dont know if that is adding to it, i know pregnancy should be a beautiful thing and we will get a beautifull little life at the end of it but this has really got to me....... i feel discusting!
I gained loads of extra cellulite on my thighs just a couple of weeks after getting pregnant and I was quite shocked when I couldn't pull my jeans up as I hadn't even started putting on weight yet!

I was told that the body puts down fat stores for breastfeeding in the early stages. Why, I don't know. Our bodies must have been designed by a man! And when we breastfeed the cellulite on the thighs is supposed to be used first. hopefully!
Sorry to hear you feel down hun. I am not sure what state my thighs and bum is in as I can no longer turn round and see them, and OH tells me there is none but he says it in the same tone of voice as I don't look fat etc. I have heard though that after birth esp if you are breastfeeding the cellulite is the first thing to go, not sure if this is true but I am totally believing it. The water retention is probably not helping, but this is temporary and will go. I have seen pics of your bump and you look great. I know it is tough, I have been constantly shocked how much I have hated my changing shape and how much it has knocked my self esteem but try and keep telling yourself it is all for baby. And don't look in changing room mirrors as they are designed to make you look horrible. Nasty things :evil:
I prey that my little baby boy sucks that cellulite out like a liposucktion machine then!
If its true the the breast truely IS best!
Its not my cellulite I am worried about, its valerie my varicose vein.

I had her before but not with this severity. When I bend my knee she really sticks out and it looks like I have got about six purple marbles under the skin. I used to love wearing short skirts but they are out of the question now. Its knee-length skirts for me now permanently! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
LOL, good job pencil skirts are all cool then Sarah!
Well i have got even more cellulite and 1 varicose vein, my boobs are sagging already too, i have aged so much in last 6 months, lots of wrinkles have appeared, look and feel my age now......gutted! :cry:

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