CD135 and new to Metformin 1700mg a day


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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:wave: hi everyone. I haven't been here for nearly two weeks ( only due to the fact I had no access to internet :oops: )

My cycles is dragging, I can't believe I am on 135 already. I have started taking 1700mg Metformin a day. Just wondering if anyone else is taking it and if you got your AF more regular afterwards..

Thanks all :hug:
Welcome back, thought you had been a bit quiet!!

No experience of metaformin at all, but didn't want to read and run. Hope it sorts things out for you
hi petra my af hasnt come yet either its been 5 months now.
sorry i havn't tried metformin but just wanted to wish you luck! i hope your cycles sort themselves out. :hug:
Hi Rosie, it's frustrating isn't it? I am so angry with my body playing those tricks on me :wall:
Are you taking anything to regulate your cycles?
Hope you get your AF or BFP soon hun :hug:
hi, no im not taking anything as doctors just laugh at me because im so young. but its not just even about ttc anymore i feel so uncomfortable and crampy constantly and it makes me feel kind of not a real woman if you know what i mean

anyway i have only heard good things about metformin so hopefully it will do the trick for you too.

keep us updated on how it goes. :wave:
Hi Rosie, I know how you feel. I feel like a child again, not a grown-up woman with husband and successful career. :wall:
They doctor at gynae told me that he will see me again in about three months and will add clomid to my treatment if needed. I called them up after a month as I haven't heard anything from them and my appointment letter didn't arrive. I was told by the receptionist that no appointment has been booked for me, but she will do that ASAP. I got the letter yesterday, my appointment is 1st September :wall: :wall: :wall: This is 7 months after my first appointment. I can't believe it ! I can't wait for so long.. need to call them up again and see what they could do for me. I feel so cheated and discouraged again :cry: Sorry for the rant..
oh hun im so sorry :hug: 7 months is ridiculous you should keep on at them until they sort something out for you, i mean if you had to wait 7 months for each new appointment it would take years to sort things out!!

try not to get too disheartened hun you never know the metformin might get your cycles to regulate and you might never need clomid.

i really hope you get your bfp soon and if you ever need to rant im here to listen (well read but you know what i mean lol)

take care :hug:
Awww sweetie, thanks so much for your kind words. I will phone them up tomorrow and won't give up until they move my appointment.

Hope something will get sorted for you too hun. :hug: :hug: :hug:

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