CD10 - Should I do an OPK?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hiya girls!

Been doing my temp and today it was 97.33 I think, unfortunately they haven't been the same time of morning every time so think this is affecting the result. Anyways, as I said, CD10 and AF has been gone since CD4-5. Should I do an OPK?

With cycles like mine I have no idea how long/short they will be so I'm worried about testing too early and wasting the tests or testing too late and missing OV! :confused:

Anyone? x x
Hey Hun
I'm currently on CD9 & I've been using OPKs since CD5, very early I know
from CD7 the faint lines started to appear & were darker yesterday so I'll do my usual 2 today then from tomorrow I'll be doing 3 cos my cycles are 27 days it says to start testing from CD10
Like you I don't want to miss a thing plus I'm keeping all mine so can compare the lines
Sorry not the greatest advice

If, for example, this cycle is 54 days and I ovulate on day 40, what on earth is happening in the beginning of my cycle? I know you have the follicular stage after AF but I wonder what happens during the start of my cycle if OV starts late.

I have a noticeable achey feeling down where I get AF cramps, I got hopeful for a while but it's WAY WAY too early for anything so I'm being completely irrational! :( x x
I'm still getting used to everything tbh hun so it still confuses me with the different phases but like you I'd be wondering what happens at the beginning of my AF if OV wasn't happening for a long time
You could always do a test with the OPK & see whether you get a test line come up
Sorry I can't be much help :-(
That's ok hun, I appreciate you replying! :D

I'm completely torn! x x
I no you must be worried about wasting your tests but surely you would rather test than miss when you ovulate?
Stock up on those tests I say,it'll be worth it! =)
I suppose if I start now and OV doesn't appear, it will be later in the cycle so I can buy more later...Hmmm! x x

Is CD10 too early though?? x x
Like you said your not too sure on your cycles so just go for it hun!
I'm still learning to but havent started to use ov tests as yet,just leaving it to mother nature as its early days for me.
Hope you decide hun =) xx
Thanks hun. :)

Really hope we do it this time, I can't wait another 65 days to start trying again. :( x x
Hi Hun

If I was you I'd order more tests off ebay and just start testing now. My last cycle was 35 days and I started OPK at CD7 cos I'm not convinced kmy cycle is actually 35 days cos getting coil removed and first AF was a "fake"

I would just POAS from now honey and record data - it will only be a good thing - how would you feel if you missed it??
Agree with trac!
Just wondered also question for trac,how did you no af was a fake?
Curious as I did'nt have any bleeding after the removal of my coil and it took 6weeks until any bleeding came which I thought was af. Wasnt a very heavy af juat kinda normal,I never really suffered with heavy periods tbh anyhow.
I like you thought I may have been pg coz me and OH had'nt been using anything since removal but she came and if going from that cycle i'll be due af weds.
Hi MissJ,
I think given the length of your last two cycles, it's prob v.unlikely you will be OV-ing this early. I would start at the earliest CD14 & latest CD21, I think I got my surge on CD32 so quite late on. It will all be worth it when you see that positive OPK :) good luck hun x
Hiya Jen, I know what you mean but because of my cycles being so varied it's not worth missing out on the surge. :confused: x x

To be honest I think I'm getting fed up of TTC and doubt I'll be around much because it's driving me nuts. I think I'm going wrong because I'm trying too hard!! x
I really don't think you will miss it Hun, if you are ov-ing early then you have a luteal phase longer than 14 days and this could be a cause for concern (don't mean to freak u out!)
I think it might be safer to assume you are OV-ing at the latter part of your cycle. Have u tried any Agnus Castus? It could really help to get your cycles down? Obv you've got to do what's right for you but if your cycle length is starting to get you down, it can't hurt to try?
The first cycle I used OPKs I started about CD9/10 (knowing my cycle could well have been 35 days) because I wanted to make sure I had it covered. I used them right up to about the last week of my cycle.

You'll use more now, but it'll give you a chance to get used to them & you'll get an idea of when you Ov so you'll be able to start later next cycle. :)
Thanks Jen. x x

I won't be trying anything else, we want to keep it as relaxed and "natural" as possible and I don't want to stock my bathroom cabinets with lots of lotions and potions because I think it will stress me out even more. I'm already temping and going to do OPKs, plus I BD pretty much every night - sometimes twice as well so I'm giving it a good chance really, no matter when I ovulate. The whole point of the OPKs was to determine when AF was due but if I'm not going to bother with them til next month (at this rate it will be next month!) then I'm already feeling pretty deflated!

Gah I'm in a really bad mood today, sorry girls, I don't mean to be snappy but babies and TTC and everything that comes with it is really getting to me. I have to say it again that I SO admire and respect those who've persevered with TTC for a long time, I'm brand new to this and already I'm ready to give in and bin my OPKs.

*Rant over*


x x x
Thanks Kizzibea. I told hubby last night that if we use OPKs this cycle and I get caught by AF, I'm not sure I want to get them next time. I have zero patience! LOL. x x
I know what you mean Hun. I can feel AF on the way right now so it won't be long, that's why I'm taking a break for Christmas - plus next one'll be cycle 13 & that's never been a lucky number for me :lol:

Its frustrating I know, but sometimes you have to kind of try different things & get a feel for them. Once you get going with the OPKs you might feel differently, I find it kind of exciting watching for when the lines are getting darker. ;)

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