
Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Omg I'm feelin so lazy! I've got a friend coming round in under an hour to pick up baby stuff and I'm really nowhere near ready! I'm so not emotionally ready for the stuff to go either! Moses basket and the bouncy chair! Te Moses I'm not too bothered about, but both the girls have used the bouncy chair and I'm proper emotional about it going! Also at a bit of a loss as to what to do without it lol cos it's my safeguard if she's whinging! I cam see myself having a blub by the end of the day!!
Yea it would just be prolonging the inevitable really! She's been too big fr it for ages really and if I leave her in it she's like climbing out it! Plus mu friends due in a few weeks so she needs it now really! She was meant to be having mu car seat too but little lady would appear to have stopped growing!!
You will just have to replace it with something else that she can use then? :hug: I can understand how you feel, I hated Rosie going up a clothes size and when she stopped using different things.
She seems to be taking a shine to the beam bag so il have a go with her sitting in that! We don't really use the bouncer that often any more and I probs won't even miss it, but it's horrible that she's growing up so much! Just can't wait for her big activity centre to go, it's taking up so much space!
OMG I so know what you mean, I blubbed when jack out grew his jumperoo and I only put it in the loft I didn't even give it away :rofl:

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