cat food wtf


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
ive got a really horrible taste of CAT FOOD in my mouth!!
ive just fed the cat and i keep thinking ive eaten a big spoon full and its knocking me sick and i cant stop it :rotfl:

surely i shouldnt be tasting it!

(and no, i didnt get up in the night raiding the cupboard) :lol:
are you sure :think: :think: and you walking around rubbing yourself against family members again kim?
Sorry Kimbo- but how do you know it's cat food- it could be dog food or does that taste differentlY? :?
im havin toast now to get rid of the taste but it tastes like bleach :lol:

my tastebuds must be having an off day obviously :lol: :lol:
my DH cleaned the litter tray the other day, and I stupidly walking into the kitchen while he did it, and breathed in the litter amonia smell... For the rest of the day all I could taste in my mouth was cat pee... I was eventually sick because it was just too awful.. :puke:
eww gross at the last posts, why not drink some milk to get rid of the taste?
I cannot stand the smell of my dogs food (Canned pedigree Chum - chicken) at the best of times but since getting pregnant - ewwwwwww, makes me want to hurl. I can still smell it 10 mins after he has wolfed it down. I've not been able to feed my little baby (the dog) for weeks now though :(
You may have eaten it in your sleep,... how would you know your asleep =p

Oh said i woke up other night at like 5 am an shouted and swore at him to open my door so i could go for a pee lmao.

CAT FOOD EATER!!. yeahhh you know you do lmao
duhhhhhhhhh ive just figured out why i can taste it...

its all those cat pictures last night!!

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