
Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2005
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Hi kay, im not really sure of the details but i think castor oil should be avoided as it is harmful to the baby! i think i read somewhere that it causes baby too have a bowel movement???, which isnt good!! but anyway dont quote me on that as im not entirly sure!!!!
I tried it, It did NOTHING except make me go to the loo 100 times.
I won't be trying it again.

I WILL be trying reflexology and aromatherapy to help get me going this time around.
Hi Ladies,

Apparently what castor oil is supposed to do is give you the runs, then becasue you are pushing alot it triggers labour, not god in some cases.

Also they don't sell it near me any more because of this reason.

i would wait for nature to take its course, baby will only come when its ready and not before!!
its a shame i know!!! :D
Can i just ask, and this may sound stupid.....

As the baby takes the liquid off us, if you used castor oil would it be absorbed by the baby as well? if so surely it would give it an upset stomach or the runs itself?????
What if the baby had a runny poo while inside you? would it be harmful? well i guess it would be yes!!

Sorry silly questions
Seriously Kay dont try it!

This came up for discussion in my anti natal classes, while they are well up for your trying all sorts of methods to bring on the baby, castor oil is not one of them!
Its something that was used years ago, but medical advances now show it not to be a good idea.

For starters it will make a mess, my midwife has had girls rush in before after there mothers got them to take it, and its not a pretty sight! were talking nasty explosive diareah that may not go away for some time. It also has a major dehydrating effect that makes labour a lot harder on you physically as everything just goes right through you and the dehydration makes you to weak and tired to push!

Please dont resort to caster oil!
I tried castor oil with my first, 12 years ago before it was advised against. Cleared my bowels, but he was still 2 weeks late.

Tracy xx
:lol: Lol I can soooo relate
I have had two cups of raspberry leaf tea today, gonna have another before bed, and I just had a curry.
Walking is not on my list of things to do to try and bring on labour - it seems like much too much of an effort now and besides that would mean I have to get dressed!!!
Let us know how you go Kayl, we are so close together I wonder who'll be first? :D
i know how you feel, walking is becoming impossible!!!! im waddling like a duck now!! lol so much pressure down below thats its just so hard to get comfortable in any position!! not long now ladies, us three (kay, overthemoon) are all very close together so i wonder who will have buba first!! Only a few more days now!!
I have no signs whatsoever yet. I'm still eating for about 7 and generally feeling totally lethargic all the time. Keep wondering if i've got everything i need - I'm sure I have but just niggles me. I fake tanned my face today in a poor attempt to try and stop me from looking like something out of a horror film!
I am ready now! Hope my bubba can hear me! Good luck all xxx :D
good luck too, over the moon! hopefully not long now. ive been having cramps and dull back ache for past two days but everything has seem to have stopped now! just as i was getting excited!! im like you, keep wondering if i have evrything i need! Im sure i have, just last minute panics!

exciting now!!! good luck all! x x
Do you know what your having overthemoon?? im having a boy!
this baby is taking too long.. good luck al those who are close to having there babys
i know how you feel playmate! this baby dont wana come out!!!!

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