castor oil..


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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I am now 7 days overdue and took castor oil last night at 4am thinking it would get things moving..

only thing it has done is give me really bad griping pains and put me on the toilet twice today ( my bowel movements are like water) ..tmi sorry!

Im really fed up now i want my baby so badly, is there anything i can try to make him come because NOTHING so far I have tried is making him come.

so fed up
Aw! I'm not even due yet but am thoroughly fed up with this pregnancy lark now! I can't walk anymore due to sciatica (sp?) nerve being trapped - every step feels like I'm being stabbed in the lower back :-(

fellatio (and swallowing!)

try those?

I don't like curry or pineapple and everything else on that list isn't possible anymore cos of the pain. But from what you say, I don't think I'll try castor oil :sick:
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raspberry tea leaf erm go for a drive over a bumpy road lol and everything else that stunned sed also try pineapple juice i dont think i can think of anything else clean the house from top to bottom lol
Ooh someone told me to try really hysterical and prolonged laughter - get a michael mcintye DVD or whatever makes u laugh.
My neighbour swears by walking, she did literaly a whole day and by the evening was 9 cm dialated xx
Tried them all :( starting to think if i have even got a baby in there
oh god cant believe you tried it haha i tried it on my 1st as my mum said it will work pmsl after that i thought stuff it if i had to drink that to go into labour the baby could stay there forever lol

on my last i got to the point of 3 false starts with him i said right your not allowed to come now and i went into labout the next morning haha
You brave thing charlene, I wouldn't dare try castor oil! Hope your LO comes soon, I can't really think of anything else you can do sorry! I am planning to ravish my OH lots over the weekend, so we'll see if that does anything lol.

My mum told me to get him to do a sweep to me, she was like 'just get him to have a good old rummage'...haha bless her :)
Ooh I think Momma Kat said something about acupressure a while back, maybe look that up on google and see what it says? And get burning some clary sage oil, if nothing else it'll make you sleep well!!
Bah becky beat me too it lol, accupressure and clary sage oil x
I'm taking notes from now......I wish I could advise u. All my 10 godchildren were on time due to sex, RLT, jogging, castor oil, nipple/clitoral stimulation.

I wish u all the best xxxx
Yeah I learned about clary sage oil today thanks to lily, I am going to use this from 36 weeks. X
bouncing on ball n sex worked for me, especially him making u orgasm first n then from behind cos its more likely to hit ur cervix then ;-)

good luck huni!!

Doggy style?? ... Might have to give that a go tonight:)

I've got posterior tilted cervix or something so my cervix are really really far back could have been why I had so many problems TTC
DOggy style should do it, though if you want to really make sure he is up against your cervix, lean down to your elbows instead of up on your hands, will also make sure the semen goes on your cervix which is supposed to help cause it has prostiglladin (sp?) in it aswell so soften th cervix.

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