Castor Oil??


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2008
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Hi Ladies

Has/is anyone going to try using castor oil to bring along baby?? I was all ready to try it today and sent OH out to but some - only you can't buy it anywhere! Tried the supermarkets, health food stores and chemists but nothing at all. Has anyone else managed to buy some?

Had a spicy curry for tea and might even give S. E. X. a go later also been reading up on nipple stimulation and if nothing is going on tomorrow then I'm gonna go for a long walk! I can feel my body gettting ready and the cramps and contractions going on all the time but they get worse and then better - COME ON BABY!!!!
I've tried Castor oil, it is not nice at all :puke:
Alot of people are against it & midwifes too but there is actualy no fact that castor makes baby have a poo.
my sister used it with her first & few hours later waters broke, she recently had her second baby and had alot of it an it did nothing, so it depends on wheither the baby is ready. It did absolutley nothing for me, didn't even make me go toilet & i was constipated!! :think:
I bought mine from Lloyd's pharmacy, that's the only place i know that has them!
Have you tried some raspberry leaf tea?
Yeah I have been dedicated to RLT since about 35 weeks! I'm wanting to try everything really because my first was 10 days late and as I am attempting VBAC this time around I just want to get going on my own. I have an appointment with my consultant on Monday if I have not 'gone' by then to have a sweep and talk about what should happen next - he's really not that willing to induce me and is trying to push me towards an elective section as the stress on the uterus from being induced could cause my previous scar to rupture - nice! So I am panicking now I am 2 days overdue and desperately want to give VBAC a fair go - if I had of wanted an elective section I could have had it 2 weeks ago so it would be a real shame to just have the op.

ANy other suiggestions welcome!!!
My sister was exactly the same! she had a emer c-section with her first, an the doc wanted to get her to have a section with her second but she really wanted a natural birth she went a week over after declining a section and had a sweep, she did go into labour but her bladder and something else had settled into the wrong place after her last section so the baby couldnt get through!
Have you got a gym/birthing ball?
try a hot bath, scrub the floors an have a go on ball for abit. if not just try some hanky panky! good luck
i couldnt drink caster oil!!!

hope things happen soon get onto them nipples :rotfl:
My midwife told me castor oil can be toxic to baby and mother, so probably the curry and S.E.X are best (although the midwife told me you had to have sex 2-3 times a day for it to be effective!!!!!?????!!!!!!). Fresh pineapple's supposed to have an enzyme in that starts labour but I think you have to eat a ridiculous amount!! Good luck!
Yeah I think it is something like 7 fresh pineapples to get enough of the enzyme that is supposed to help - I think I'll knock that one on the head!

Have got a birthing ball and have been doing some bouncing on there - it is my mission today, I am gonna have a long (well maybe not too long) walk and do some bouncing!!

I don't think I can manage S.E.X. 2 or 3 times a day - especially with Holly around!!

I bought some castor oil from lloyds chemist with my last labour and it worked a treat,i had some in the afternoon n by 10pm that evening i was in labour!
The best way to take it is to pour some pure orange juice into a glass and then pour some castor oil in n then top up again with orange juice on top,DO NOT STIR IT,as this makes it taste disgusting,then just down it in one,this way u only get to taste a very small amount as it is kinda hidden inbetween the orange juice. Good Luck!!!
mummyagain said:
I bought some castor oil from lloyds chemist with my last labour and it worked a treat,i had some in the afternoon n by 10pm that evening i was in labour!

I think I will give that a shot!!!
The reason it can work is because it stimulates your gut (and in turn the uterus). It's meant as a laxative and can (and most likely will) give you dreadful diarrhoea. One of my friends who went 2 weeks overdue tried it and all it did was make her horrendously sick and have terrible diarrhoea which, on top of being nearly 42 weeks pregnant, made her even more miserable than before.

I was totally desperate towards the end of my pregnancy but hearing her story means that for future pregnancies I'll be avoiding that method at all costs!

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