Castor oil - Opinions

Miracle babe

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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My consultant mentioned Castor Oil amongst other things as helping to start labour. I had always been led to believe that this was a bit dangerous but mw assured me no but its not pleasant. Can anyone explain to me why and how this is meant to work and whats so bad about it. Yes I want this baby to come but I dont want to do anything which may hurt little one or cause undue distress to myself or baby.
I was told it was big NO NO! as the castor oil acts as a laxative possibly causing the baby to pass poo in the womb which he could then swallow inhale during labour!

Don't risk it hon - its not a guaranteed method otherwise all the hospitals would be giving it to over due ladies!
Miracle babe said:
My consultant mentioned Castor Oil amongst other things as helping to start labour. I had always been led to believe that this was a bit dangerous but mw assured me no but its not pleasant. Can anyone explain to me why and how this is meant to work and whats so bad about it. Yes I want this baby to come but I dont want to do anything which may hurt little one or cause undue distress to myself or baby.

Ive heard about this too. But also that its not good!!

dont do it!!

OK thanks girls I thought as much. Can't understand why the consultant would have even mentioned it but I'm not prepared to take any risks with this one so will be avoiding it big time.
i am amazed he suggested it.
my midwife says castor oil is very dnagerous to use. and she knows of babaies that have died coz they have been born too fast after the mother took castor oil.

My mum took it with my sister as she was due xmas day and she said it was the worse birth of her life.
we had this conversation in our Anti Natal last week and apparently because it speeds up your bowel movements it makes you go into labor quicker. But you would end up pooing lots whilst actually in labor plus as you say it is not safe for the baby. I think I will just stick to sex and pineapples (er although not at the same time - ouch!!)
Yeah its meant to be very uncomfortable too, you will be on the lavvy for ages!! not nice
My friend tried it and it did not work. Just gave her the runs for days. She said it is like drinking Olive oil and it is impossible to get hold of. We searched the whole of plymouth and got it off the internet in the end. Everywhere has stopped selling it as it can be used as part of making a bomb appartantly. Thats what the chemist told us.

Hannah X

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