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Carton formula & making up formula


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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We are using the cartons at the mo as Im breastfeeding aswell. I am going to wean her off the booby purely onto formula now (she doesnt seem to get full up on breast). Can someone advise me please - when you make the bottles up and then you have to shake the bottle to mix the powder with the water, will it create alot of bubbles which in turn will give colic/trapped wind????

Also, how do you make the bottles up? Do you have to make a new bottle each time?
You do need to make a fresh bottle each time

I used to make 6 up at a time and store in fridge until needed apparently this isn't reccomended anymore, not sure why, but have done it with both mine without problems)

Say you want to make a 3 oz bottle up, you fill bottle with 3oz of fresh boiled water then add 3 scoops of pwder then shake, the bubbles disapear after a little while
hope that helped
Seren is having a bottle of formula when she is at nursery and I haven't noticed her suffering from trapped wind any more then usual but I am mindful that she is a lot older. Thinking back, when she was on formula when she was newborn (I mistook growth spurts for me not having enough milk) she did suffer more with trapped wind after a bottle. I would have a bottle of gripe water handy as I found this great for getting wind up.

One other thing, am sure you already know this but if you are going from boob to bottle do it gradually, replacing one feed at a time otherwise you might get engorged and run the risk of mastitis. It hurts so bad, just don't want you to go through it. If I can help anymore just let me know :hug:
I make up my bottles 6 at a time, i know it isn't recomended but i've never had any problems. I make them up , shake them then place them in cold water to cool them fast them they go straight in the fridge. By the time she wants a bottle all the bubbles have gone any way. I only keep them for 24 hours though.
I also make up 6 bottles at a time (i didn't realise it wasn't recommended) anyway no problems as yet.

If you notice a prob with wind you can buy some good products on the market such as infacol etc. That is if you need them.
Hi Evadel

I'm just about to wean Olivia off my boob and so far she's having a bottle at 9am ish and 7pm ish. I sterilise the bottles and teats then pour cool boiled water into the bottles but I don't fill it up to the required oz (if I'm making a 4oz bottle I fill it to 3oz ) then put the teats and lids on and put them in the fridge. When I need to make a bottle I take one out of the fridge and freshly boil the kettly again then top the bottle upto 4oz and then put 4 scoops of formula in. This way I don't store pre-made up bottles of milk and you don't need to warm the bottle in hot water cos you've put fresh boiling water in which warms it enough


Lucy that is a great idea :lol:

why haven't you shared this before lol
LOL Jo!!

My Sister in Law used to make up my nieces bottles like this so I just adopted this method from her! I'm sure Sami has posted this before as well though!

For the night feeds she used to use one of those Avent tubs that lets you keep 3 lots of pre-measured formula in up to bed with the bottles with just cool boiled water in then just give the bottle at room temperature when the baby woke (so baby cried, she tipped formula into bottle and shook then fed baby without needing fridge, kettle etc and not worried about keeping pre made formula out of fridge etc!)

I make up 6 bottles at a time too, it's totally impractical making them up one at a time when your baby is demand feeding.

Isaac has settled into more of a routine now but we still batch prepare his bottles.

I think problems are more likely to arise when people don't follow the instructions properly when making up the bottles and not paying attention to hygiene etc.

When we go on days out, we take the correct number of scoops of powder with us in an avent powder container and a bottle with cooled boiled water and make the bottle up when needed or we use the cartons.
dont worry about making bottles up as you go along, no one has told me this and if it was serioous my HV would have contacted me im sure. i done it with my 2.

best thing to do hun is boil kettle leave it for 3mins then put the scoops in and same amount oz of water stir them with a knife. stand all the bottles in cold water so they cool down fast then put them in fridge and just heat them before a feed i use a microwave for 10secs harl dont like warm milk just take the coldness of it. he likes it room temp.

or if im going out and cant be bothered to arry the bottles i buy cartons when im out x x
Ah thanks girls, I have been worrying so much if Im going to do it right and whether air bubbles are going to give her problems.
i used to make six bottles up at a time, but they stared to give charlotte bellyache and the milk was curdeling on her belly so i changed and i make them when i need them now. if i go out i carry cartons or power and i make them up while im out.... but remember every baby is different, you dont know unless you try. my hv said a baby is like a pin cushion, just try all sorts till you find what works for you.
LOL Dionne I thot I was the only one that stirred Rebecca's bottle with a knife. Phew. :) I find when I shake it, the teat clogs up with powder, that's why I use a knife first to stir it.

Weird I know :D
littlemoo said:
i used to make six bottles up at a time, but they stared to give charlotte bellyache and the milk was curdeling on her belly so i changed and i make them when i need them now. if i go out i carry cartons or power and i make them up while im out.... but remember every baby is different, you dont know unless you try. my hv said a baby is like a pin cushion, just try all sorts till you find what works for you.

the mw told me about that and thought 'aye right, like ive got time for that' but in actual fact the milk tastes better if you do it as you need it. I heat the water up first then add the milk last.

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