Carpal tunnel


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2017
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In the last few weeks of my pregnancy I would have pain in my fingers which I assumed was carpal tunnel syndrome. I mentioned it to my doctor at the time and she didn't seem concerned, or she didn't really seem to consider it related to pregnancy but after a lot of reading online I see that it is a symptom.

I was wondering if anyone else who had carpal tunnel syndrome felt the pain get worse after birth and what did you do? My little girl is now almost 4 weeks old and the pain in my fingers is much worse in the morning and I have a dull pain in the joints when i bend them for most of the day. I'll mention it at my 6 week check but I'm asking mostly in the hope someone says it will get better itself!
I've got that and midwife says it's completely normal, something to due with the swelling and fluid retention getting worse towards the end of pregnancy. Apparently it does go on its own but can take a good few weeks if you're unlucky. Hopefully yours will disappear shortly! x
Thanks for the reply Elven. I'm glad your midwife recognises it as a pregnancy symptom so I know this is somewhat normal! Hopefully it clears up soon then.
It is normal - I had it so can sympathise. If it’s debilitating you could get splints from a physio x
Thanks princess. I'll mention it at my 6 week check if I still have it and see what the doctor suggests, if anything.

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