Carpal tunnel Syndrome = it's got me


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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When i went to Physio the other week, she was really good and asked me lots and lots of questions about everything and anything.

She did say the cause of me waking up through the night with painful pins and needles in both hands and arms was due to Carpal Tunnel, i has heard it mentioned in a few posts on here before but not really read up on it and things because it wasn't happening to me.

Anyway i told her it was ok and not that much of a problem and i didn't want no fuss, she said if it got worse then in the next Physio session (thursday) she would provide me with some ugly looking brown wrist strap support things for my wrists. Well i thought i would be ok, but i spent all last night in tears because i couldn't sleep as my hands were tingling all night and my back and pelvis were stopping me from moving.

Picture me laid in bed stiff as a board shaking my hands around like a loony and crying ( OH did feel sorry for me, but i still caught him having a quick giggle at times)

So it looks like i haven't escaped this either............... I will have the ugly pelvis/back support belt and the wrists straps......... how attractive.

Any tips on Carpal tunnel Syndrome??? Ive been looking it up but it seems to say if i was overweight before pregnancy then thats why you get it, i was a skinny minnie before i got pregnant, so that cant be right. Guess im just clueless on this one.
my dad had this very badly, he had to have both hands operated on, it was caused by doing the same job for a number of years and may be a different type to that pregnant women get, i think his was worse case scenario

a friend has had it through her pregnancy and the last wk i have been waking with terrible buzzing pins and needles in my hands, but only at night????

im going to tell my mw 2moro when i see her

i have seen the wrist supports, they arent too bad and u might only need them on at night?

if it gets any worse i would call your mw for a chat to put your mind at rest :hug:
I've had this on and off for years but has got worse in pregnancy (this is my first).

You should see me at 2am trying to open the bedroom door when I'm in need of the loo :lol: .

I just live with it now as I'm used to it, my mum got it when she had me 28 years ago and it never went and my aunty also so I'm stuck with it for life :(

Hopefully yours will go after you've had baby.
I have it too :cry:
it soo annoying used to have it in my left hand 2 months ago now its both and even worse in my right :x
Oh no! I've never had Carpal Tunnel but I did have tendonitus in both wrists once which is similar. :hug:

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