cant think positively


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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hi, i lost my bubs in april and im now pregnant again, it was planned this time but didnt expect to conceive so soon after m/c!

anyway i have my scan on monday and im petrified! i should be excited but i just keep thinking theres not gona b anything there, or bubs will have no heartbeat, ive no indication tht anything will b wrong but i just keep thinking the worst. i've been in tears almost every night this week, im just feeling so down cos im worried, i dont even want to go 2 work! i just wana stay at home and bury my head in the covers til monday lol

anyway just a bit of a vent i suppose. sorry, i know ur all coping with loses, i know how hard it is but i just thought that someone in here might understand how and why im feeling like this, i should be happy!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for you young mum,

I know exactly where your coming from and i bet there are a few ladies on hear that totally understand how your feeling too :hug:

I havnt really mentioned it on here, but i lost my first baby at 7 weeks and it was like my world had ended, but i fell pregnant again straight away with my son.

I should of been ecstatic like you, but i cried my eyes out i was so scared.

I was constantly going to the loo to check my knickers for blood, didnt dare buy anything or even look for that matter.

I was absolutely dreading the scan and convinced myself there wasnt anything there so that if there wasnt i wouldnt be too shocked.

What you are feeling is absolutely normal hun :hug: :hug: all because you lost your precious baby before :hug: :hug:

try not to stress yourself out too much though i know its really hard after what youve been through, but please do try and stay positive and look forward to seeing your gorgeous little bubba on monday

take care hun and let us know how you get on :hug: xx
I feel the same and I have got weeks to go before I get a scan! I lost my baby at 6 weeks and was heartbroken - I am terrified that it will happen again - I am constantly checking for blood - and dont want to tell anyone - just incase!

Good luck for Monday - your not on your own!
thank you, i think your rite kayzee, i've been making myself expect the worst so that i wont be so hurt cos im already expecting it. ever the optimist me lol
I know exaclty how u feel and im sure everyone feels the same after having a loss so nothing i can say will make you feel better,hope all goes well at your scan im sure it will and dont worry its normal to feel like that unforntunately. :hug:
thanks i really appreciate ur support guys, it doesnt help that i dont feel pregnant either, no symptoms, no bump, just feels like ive dreamt it all!

anyway i'll stop moaning now, hopefully everything will go fine, i'll let u know on monday, will b putting pics in 1st tri too if bubs is gd n healthy :)
Have you updated your ticker?

Only if it's accurate, 11 and a half weeks is great! You must know that you are more likely to miscarry before 8 or 9 weeks, and far more women have some bleeding if they have a m/c than not.

I know why you feel terrified and will feel the same when I get up the duff again- but after over 11 weeks it's far more likely to be good news than bad.

Best wishes :)
Oh hon that must be hard but know that things will be fine and you have to be strong for beanie could you not busy yourself this weekend? Go to the pictures, out for a meal or to a bar (No smoking now yah!!) just enjoy yourself, I hope all is ok for Monday good luck!

hi hun

like the others have said i too know how your feeling i was the exact same, its absolutly normal to feel like this hun, because you lost your other baby your expecting it to happen again but it wont ok you will see your bubba jumping around on the screen ok :D

Good luck for mon hope you get a good picture, if you need to chat at all please PM anytime :hug: :hug:
I know exactly how ure feeling! I had a miscarriage on the 24th may 2007 and i found out last week im pregnant again and im so scared!! i just know its gonna all go wrong again. i cant help being so excited but at the same time i know that a few weeks down the line im gonna start bleeding again and all my dreams will be shattered AGAIN! i cant wait for the scan. ive made sure i have an early one! im so scared everytime i go to the toilet in case theres blood. i just want to go down a&e and make something up so they will give me a scan!!!!

hope everything goes ok x
little pip- if you have had a first tri m/c before, ask your doctor and you should be able to get an early scan :)
I told my doctor i AM having one weather she likes it or not im just hoping it comes through soon im sooo nervous!!

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